One of the topics I spoke about last night in my interview with Steven Pomerantz was what defunding the police means to Jews (starting at 28:30).
Yes, reforms are needed in many police departments. But reducing or defunding the police functions will disproportionately affect Jews.
What are the threats against Jews and Jewish institutions in America today? They come from the far-Right, as we’ve seen in synagogue shootings like Pittsburgh. They come from black antisemites, as we saw in Brooklyn and Jersey City. They come from rioters who take advantage of “social justice” movements to wreak havoc, as we saw in Los Angeles. They come from Islamic terrorists, as there have been many attacks specifically against synagogues and Jews that were thankfully foiled by local police and the FBI over the years.
Defunding the police and redirecting the money into community programs will not cure antisemitism. And if “social justice” ideas drive where the money is spent, it could have the effect of increasing antisemitism – like brainwashing people to believe that Israel trains cops to attack blacks, a factor in the Jersey City terror attack.
I have seen thoughtful ideas on how to reform police departments. But none of those address these issues. Antisemitism is a sickness that morphs into new forms but it hasn’t been killed in 3000 years and no one can think it can be killed now. Jews need actual protection from real threats, they shouldn’t become guinea pigs for those who want to try out social justice experiments. As Roger Waters proves, the far Left that is driving these initiatives is hardly immune from antisemitism, and it is rife with Israel hatred that is the same hate in a different package – and which incites the same kind of extremism.
Taking funds away from police – specifically, from anti-terror programs – will result in more Jews being attacked, not fewer.
Do Jewish lives matter?