Monday, April 13, 2020

  • Monday, April 13, 2020
  • Elder of Ziyon
For weeks, the Israel haters have been almost salivating at the hope that the coronavirus would sweep through Gaza and kill thousands, just so they can blame Israel.

And that hope has not faded, as this article by inveterate Israel hater Jonathan Cook in today's National shows.

Not one of their warnings has panned out. Israel has allowed all medical equipment to go to Gaza, and the only cases in Gaza came from people who entered via Egypt, not from Israel.

Gaza, and the West Bank, are now far safer from the virus than Israel is. But this doesn't stop the haters from beating their drum, itching for a breakout so they can say "I told you so!"

Meanwhile, the media that was falling over itself to call on Israel to lift restrictions on medical aid that have never existed is ignoring some other stories.

Like Israel allowing a sophisticated COVID-19 testing device into Gaza yesterday.

Like Israel reportedly loaning a half billion shekels to the Palestinian Authority to help it battle the virus as tax revenues that they rely on dry up because of the crisis.

Like Israel providing direct training to doctors and other health care workers from Gaza on how to deal with the virus.

The only people who will celebrate a coronavirus outbreak in Gaza are the ones who are itching to use it as ammunition against Israel. To these immoral cretins, the more Palestinian deaths that they can blame on Israel, the better.

Conversely, when Israel actually helps people in Gaza, these people are disappointed.

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