The family name is Ziada, and Israel did indeed bomb their home on July 20, 2014, killing several innocent members. (Haaretz wrongly says January.)
But what Haaretz doesn't mention is that there were two terrorists in the home of the Ziada family. One was Omar Shaaban Ziada , field commander of Hamas' Al Qassam Martyrs Brigades:
The other was an unrelated Qassam Brigades member, reconnaissance expert Mohammed Mahmoud al-Maqadma:
While Hass is spending time talking about how Israel is saying that the Dutch do not have jurisdiction over the case - which they don't - she doesn't mention that these two terrorists prove that the Ziada house was a legitimate military target, and the family members were being held as human shields for Hamas. Omar Ziada was so evil that he put his family in danger by seemingly turning his house into a command and control center to meet with al-Maqadma.
(Also, Jamil Ziada was a Hamas police officer, it is unclear if he was part of the Qassam Brigades. Yousef Ziada was a Fatah member as well.)
Of course Amira Hass won't mention these two legitimate military targets, and potentially more. She wants the world to believe that Israel wantonly bombs civilian houses. Yet even B'Tselem acknowledged that al-Maqadma was a Hamas terrorist (they didn't know about the others, and neither did I until today.) The information is not hard to come by.
If only Haaretz cared about the truth.