The leader of the group acknowledged, and completely ignored, pleas to be quieter.
There is a much larger mosque above the site.
According to Jewish officials at the site, there have been Muslim visitors many times before to the synagogue where the actual tomb is, but they have always been quiet and respectful. However, this phenomenon of Turkish Muslims is new, and started after the riots over the metal detectors at the Temple Mount last summer.
The specific sect is made up of followers of Jubaili Ahmet Hodja, an anti-semitic Turkish cleric who is closely affiliated with the ruling political party of Erdogan.
The video is entitled in Turkish "The Jews go crazy." Observers of the situation say that Erdogan is attempting to provoke tension at every Jewish holy spot that Muslims claim in order to force the issue into the open in the Muslim world and create world pressure on Jews to give equal access to Muslims in synagogues in places like Samuel's Tomb, Rachel's Tomb, the Cave of Elijah and elsewhere.
Essentially, this is a plan to rid all Jewish holy spots of Jews by pretending to only ask for freedom of worship for Muslims. Of course, the idea that Jews can do the same at places like the Temple Mount results in the Muslims going crazy - and the Europeans accept the Muslim position no matter how inconsistent it is.
Which is also what Erdogan is counting on.
(h/t Yoel)