Earlier this month, Cyprus closed the camp.
The government offered them 500 euros for each adult, 200 euros for each child and a temporary tourist visa.
Kokkinotrimithia camp was a temporary one that was supported by EU funds, and the migrants were supposed to have been processed by December 26th. They were given an extension until 17th January for humanitarian reasons but then the camp was finally shut down on February 3rd, said Mr. Hadjimichail. The refugees had been taken at least 15 times to the ministry in order to decide their status, he said. Two-thirds of the refugees had been processed, with a significant number moved to Kofinou refugee asylum centre and the rest leaving the island, according to the official. The remainder will have to apply for asylum, for resident's permits or stay in Cyprus illegally, he said.The refugees were essentially left on the streets. Many are now staying in a church in Strovolos.
Neither the interior ministry nor the civil defence organisations know where the migrants have gone or how to contact them.
Here are real refugees, not the fake ones in UNRWA camps. They need clothing and food and shelter.
All the NGOs who pretend to care about Palestinian Arabs were silent when they became homeless again two weeks ago.
If only they could find a way to blame Jews for their plight, then the money would pour in to help these people.