In a statement released by his office, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu blames the Palestinian Authority for the stabbing attack.
“The attack in Tel Aviv is the direct result of the poisonous incitement spread by the Palestinian Authority toward the Jews and their state. The same terror tries to harm us in Paris, Brussels, and everywhere.”
This poster was published on the Fatah Facebook page this week with Fatah's official logo:
We began with stones and we will end up with a state
Palestinian National Liberation Movement
This is the "non-violence" that Abbas is instructing his people to perform.And if you claim that Abbas has nothing to do with the Facebook page of the organization he heads, remember that only a couple of weeks ago when the mainstream media actually noticed one of their posters inciting Arabs to genocide against Jews, Fatah took the poster down..
Abbas doesn't just encourage Facebook posters. The Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades groups - considered terror organizations - still say they are loyal to Abbas' Fatah party, and still openly parade with their weapons in West Bank cities along with the Fatah flag.
Have you ever heard of any groups that are against violence parading in cities controlled by the PA? Has there ever been a Fatah "peace march?"
The incitement to terror and war is constant and thoroughly embedded in Mahmoud Abbas' political party and in the streets of the areas under his control. This is one of the least reported stories in the mainstream media, because no one wants to admit (or believe) that Abbas is just as supportive of terror as Hamas leaders are and that his statements against terror are window dressing for Western ears.
(h/t Ibn Boutros)