They are sworn enemies who insist they will never work together, but in practice, Hezbollah and the United States are already working — separately — on a common goal: to stop the extremist Islamic State from moving into Lebanon, where Hezbollah is the most powerful military and political player and currently shares with Washington an interest in stability.Hassan Nasrallh gave a speech yesterday that mentioned his opinion of the US:
Weeks after Hezbollah, the Shiite militant group and political party, helped repel an Islamic State attack on the town of Arsal on the Syrian border, new American weapons are flowing to help the Lebanese Army — which coordinates with Hezbollah — to secure the frontier. American intelligence shared with the army, according to Lebanese experts on Hezbollah, has helped the organization stop suicide attacks on its domain in southern Beirut.
On Hizbullah's position from the US-led coalition, Sayyed Nasrallah declared: "We are against the US's military intervention and against the international coalition, whether the target is the regime or the ISIL."Notice that Nasrallah is bragging about violating UN Security Council Resolution 1701.
"Our principled stance does not change from one arena to another and we don't accept that Lebanon become a member of this coalition."
His Eminence explained that Hizbullah is against this coalition because America is the mother and source of terrorism and because it is the ultimate supporter of Zionist entity's terrorism.
"The US played a role in creating the Takfiri movements and it is not in an ethical position that qualifies it for leading a war against terrorism. The side that struck Japan with nuclear bombs, committed atrocities in the Vietnam war and stood against Gaza in the 50-day war is not ethically eligible to present itself as a fighter of terrorism."
According to Hizbullah Secretary General: "Based on Obama's statements, this coalition, is aimed at defending the US interests and this is not our business. All peoples in the region have the right to question America's motives."
On this level, Sayyed Nasrallah went back to the first days of July 2006 war: "They asked us to deliver our resistance arms and to accept the existence of multinational forces in the south of the border, in the airport and on the Lebanese territories."
" We rejected and toppled this scheme by the blood of our martyrs."
Some ally!