Some of the aid IHH gave the Palestinians was humanitarian, intended to ease the physical distress of the Palestinian population and improve its economic standing. However, some aspects of the aid, as described in the booklet, also clearly have political implications, such as the large amounts of money and equipment given to the Hamas administration in the Gaza Strip, donations of money to the families of shaheeds in the Gaza Strip and the construction of houses (possibly of terrorist operatives) to replace those destroyed by Israel in Judea and Samaria. The donations help Hamas' civilian network, which supports terrorism, and its educational system in the Gaza Strip, which indoctrinates the younger generation with radical Islam and sets them on the path of terrorism ("resistance"). In addition, IHH waged a propaganda campaign in Turkey during the years before Operation Cast Lead, contributing to Turkish hatred of Israel and sympathy for Hamas.This is not terribly surprising, but it is important for those who still consider IHH a "humanitarian aid" organization.
HRW just issued its umpteenth report criticizing Israel, a 171 page report called "Separate and Unequal" that relies on already biased NGOs to piece together a picture of Israel's discrimination against non-Israeli citizens in Judea and Samaria.
This report shows that HRW has essentially the same anti-Israel agenda that IHH does.
The agenda is clear from the photo on the cover of the report:
The Palestinian Arabs are living in poor, decrepit shacks while under the thumb of the evil settlers!
I just went through my photos to see if I could find any pictures of Israeli and Palestinian Arab communities in the same shot. Here's one from Efrat:
Human Rights Watch, when dealing with Israel, is not following a human-rights agenda, but rather a political agenda to delegitimize and punish Israel for often-imaginary abuses, while allowing governments that have real human rights abuses to pass without any specific recommendations to punish them. Which means that HRW does not treat Israel as a violator of human rights but as a political target.
Just like IHH.