According to Ma'an:
The de facto government in the Gaza Strip began collecting the testimonies of families whose sons reportedly had their organs harvested by Israeli soldiers, Gaza's Minister of Justice Muhammad Faraj Al-Ghoul said Wednesday.Even without a single credible witness, Hamas wins a PR victory.
"We have started collecting documents and information which prove that the Israeli occupation has stolen the body parts of martyrs. We intend to prepare a complete legal file to be used in suits against the Israeli government in international courts,” Al-Ghoul told reporters in Gaza.
The announcement follows months of on and off accusations and a building pile of reports from Israeli and international reporters alleging a series of incidents involving the theft of organs from young men in Israeli custody.
Al-Ghoul said announcements would be printed in the local papers asking families and victims of the harvesting come forward and testify at the offices of the ministry.
I am not a fan of lawfare on either side, but if it is a weapon in a war it seems silly to cede the weapon completely to the other side.