1 | 11/27/06 | A | Barak: “A solution to the Qassams will be found faster than what most people believe” |
2 | 12/25/06 | B | Olmert: “Israel cannot accept the incessant rocket fire or ignore the plans to set up a military base along its border." |
3 | 2/21/07 | C | Olmert: “Israel is close to launching an operation in Gaza". |
4 | 4/29/07 | D | Olmert "warned that the truce may be short-lived... Israel has warned against such breaches and will now consider the counter measures at its disposal." |
5 | 5/16/07 | E | Livni: “"I don't care who fired. There must be an immediate military response to every violation.” |
6 | 5/21/07 | F | Olmert: "Nobody will shy away from the need to retaliate harshly" for Qassam attacks |
7 | 5/29/07 | G | Olmert: “The Israeli government sees the firing of missiles and attacks from Gaza as a basic violation ... and we will not tolerate it” |
8 | 2/28/08 | H | Olmert: “We shall not tolerate the price tag the terror organizations are attempting to set. “ |
9 | 3/03/08
| I | Olmert to Sderot residents: “We know what needs to be done, we also know when and how to do it so that you won't live in fear, you won't have to run short of breath. We know what to do, how, and when and we will do it.” |
10 | 6/6/08 | J | Barak to Sderot: “No country can accept the constant bombardment of its citizens from a foreign authority.” |
11 | 6/24/08 | K | Livni: “The Israeli government will do everything to protect its citizens. “ |
12 | 6/26/08 | L | Prime Minister Ehud Olmert promised a harsh response to the barrage of Qassam rockets that has hit the Negev city of Sderot over the past day. |
13 | 7/1/08 | M | Olmert: “"We will decide when, where, how and if we take action. It will not be dictated from outside.” |
14 | 11/14/08 | N | Olmert: “The continued attacks challenge Israel's patience. In the end, if the attacks continue, we will respond." |
15 | 11/16/08 | O | Olmert: Israel "cannot continue to ignore the Qassam launching and infiltration attempts of terrorist cells." |
16 | 11/17/08
| P | Israel's Foreign Ministry: "Israel is demonstrating restraint and has avoided retaliating at this stage, but warns the Security Council that this restraint cannot continue for much longer." |
17 | 12/9/08
| Q | Defense Minister Amir Peretz: “Any attempt to fire into Israeli territories would be considered a breach of the cease-fire and treated with severity. Israel is interested in quiet, but would not accept attacks on its citizens. “ |
Not so easy, is it? The Kadima government statements about Qassam attacks has been eerily the same for the past two years; lots of talk about "action" and "not tolerating the threat" but nothing that has discouraged the rocket attacks.
Oh, and today Olmert said "Israel cannot refrain from responding to the criminal fire on its citizens."
If you are morbidly curious, the answer key is here:
(based on an idea by EBoZ)