Friday, October 05, 2012

  • Friday, October 05, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Egypt Independent:
Mohamed Assem Abdel Maged, a leader of Jama’a al-Islamiya and the al-Ansar movement to defend the Prophet Mohamed, launched on Friday the “Knock on Doors” campaign.

The goal of the campaign is to collect LE1 billion [$160 million] that would be used to create a satellite channel and publishing house to disseminate information about the Prophet Mohamed and defend him from insults. Abdel Maged said he is also considering establishing a film production company abroad as part of the campaign.
Poor Mohammed, needing so much money to defend himself from insults. Isn't this Allah's job?

But here's where things get a little, shall we say, fishy:

"The billion pounds will also be used to support the Syrian people by sending medical convoys and food ... [and] a portion will be allocated to the Syrian families in Egypt," Abdel Maged told Al-Masry Al-Youm.

The movement has already sent a number of medical convoys to Syria, he claimed.
Whoa. A charity to defend Mohammed, and send medical convoys to Syria (how exactly are they entering?), and also to send money to Syrians (presumably refugees) in Egypt?

It is starting to sound like a portion of the money might also be going towards lining Mohamed Assem Abdel Maged's pockets.

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