An aid convoy heading to the Gaza Strip was allowed to cross into the embattled Mediterranean enclave on Sunday evening, Palestinian officials confirmed on Monday morning to Bikya Masr.To summarize:
The vessel, Miles of Smiles, is carrying aid and some 60 activists, most Europeans, a few South Africans, Tunisian and Lebanese nationals, had docked at the northern Sinai town of al-Arish on Saturday before making the 45 kilometer journey to the Gaza border.
The activists are also carrying ambulances, medicine and medical equipment for the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip, which has been suffering from an Israeli-Egyptian led blockade on the area.
Miles of Smiles | Flotilla |
Brings real aid, including ambulances | Pretends to bring aid, but the aid it brings is useless |
Works modestly without huge publicity; doesn't even have a website | Publicity whores |
Has not acted violently | Justifies violent actions of IHH in May 2010 flotilla; supports terrorism |
Adheres to international law | Violates international law in trying to break legal blockade |
Brings aid through Egypt | Has come out publicly against humanitarian aid delivered legally |
Doesn't lie to the media | Always lies to the media |