The experts who wrote that study don't look so expert any more.
This past Sunday, the university was at it again, with a large Hamas rally that glorified terror.

But it had full participation of women, so it should still pass the Brandeis test for inclusiveness. and one of them even kept her face uncovered!
As Tom Gross reports:
The Al-Quds university authorities have consistently misled everyone (and some gullible journalists have repeated their assertions without question) that last November’s Fascist-style rally on the university campus (organized with the full cooperation of the university authorities) was a one off-event, when in fact there were several such rallies last year.-
Palestinian students at the university whom I spoke to yesterday, who say they are sick and tired of the university authorities allowing terrorist groups to hold military parades around campus, tell me the rally lasted for about two hours and involved hundreds of students.
One of those many westerners who helps fund programs at Al-Quds university is George Soros, and I am told by one of his assistants that Soros has looked at my previous dispatches on this subject and has already threatened to cut his funding. -