The Gaza Strip will set off a flotilla of ships on Tuesday in a bid to break the 12-year-long Israeli blockade on the Palestinian territory.This is the naval equivalent of the "Return march" riots. In this case, instead of women and children at the front lines that they hope Israel will kill, the organizers (who are probably Hamas since no one can do anything without Hamas permission) hope Israel will kill some "injured" people.
“This trip will carry the hopes and dreams of the Palestinian people for freedom,” Salah Abdul-Ati, a member of a Palestinian committee tasked with breaking the siege, told a press conference in the Gaza City on Sunday.
He said the first ship will set sail on Tuesday morning, with a number of injured Gazans and patients aboard.
He, however, did not specify the first stop of the ship.
If the "injured" people are not really seeking treatment anywhere, then this is a sham. If they are really in need of hospitalization, then the organizers are knowingly putting their lives at risk, hoping that they die, so Israel can be blamed.
And judging from how the media covered Gaza, we can expect this gimmick to work as well.