The series had been described by people on the set as showing how Jews educate their children to "meanness, deception, depravity and Machiavellianism." One actor says it sets out to depict Jews as "the ugliest slice of humans."
One of the actors on the film, responding to the mounting criticism, said that it is a work of historical facts and historical events that can not be denied about the Jews of the Arabian Peninsula.
This is pretty much the defense I expected - that when confronted with their own words, the people behind the film will pretend it is merely a historical drama and not incitement. Yet their own words when speaking about it freely to the Arab world revealed a much different story.
We need to keep the pressure on and force the people behind the series as well as the nations that will be broadcasting it to explain exactly why Jew-hatred is acceptable in Arab culture, when they stress to Westerners all the time that they have no problem with Jews.
(You can still sign the petition demanding Amnesty and HRW condemn the series.)
Another article says that the series will be shown in Algeria, Iraq, the UAE and Qatar, with negotiations still in place. Surprisingly, the producers have not yet inked a deal with Egypt.
A French-language Algerian paper describes the bidding war in that country for which network would broadcast the series. EPTV won, and will broadcast it on all four of its TV channels. The paper says that the series has been sold to a dozen countries so far and also, interestingly, that Arabs have been clamoring for a film as payback for the "Jewish" YouTube video that made fun of Mohammed.
I don't think Khaybar was written from that perspective but it sure seems like some Muslims are viewing it that way.