
Sunday, October 01, 2006

The great PalArab self-death whitewash - now at 92

As my readers know, I have been trying to keep a count of how many Palestinian Arabs have been killed by other PalArabs since the kidnapping of Gilad Shalit in late June. At the moment, I have identified 85 (one I missed from August who was executed by the "Executive Force" and an infant girl killed by her brother who found his father's assault rifle, in addition to my running count.)

As far as I can tell, there is no Palestinian Arab source who keeps an official count of dead Palestinian Arabs from infighting, "work accidents" and executions. I know that I am undercounting, because the closest thing to an authoritative source I have has missed some from other sources. For example, today's five injured by a hand grenade thrown by a Hamas member into a Fatah rally is not being reported by any PalArab English source I can find. Also, PCHR never reports on people who have died days after their injuries.

I just spent some time at the Palestinian Red Crescent site, thinking that an ambulance service would surely report on any injuries and deaths that they were aware of, no matter what the source.

But of course this "humanitarian" organization only cares about Palestinian Arabs killed and injured by Israel. For example, their detailed statistics from September show no one killed on September 8, when I know that one was that I reported on. Also September 13 - the PRCS mentions no deaths or injuries, I reported on one death from someone who blew himself up building a bomb and four lawyers injured from some clan clash.

The site is filled with pictures of death and injury from the early days of the intifada, lots of statistics and highlighting of Israeli actions, and not a single word that I could find about Palestinian Arab terrorists blowing themselves up, or children handling bomb belts, or people shot and killed by gunfire during wedding celebrations, or even the three "honor killings" I have mentioned.

It is almost as if even the Palestinian Red Crescent Society doesn't give a damn about Palestinian Arabs killed, unless they can use the deaths to score political points against Israel.

Also, since the PCHR started keeping track, at least 90 more PalArabs were killed between February and late June. One would think that some 180 deaths woudl rate a mention.

Here are links to my articles on Palestinian Arabs killing each other. You won't find these stories anywhere else.

Two Gaza girls on their way to school hit by rocket
Diary of the week's violence
Count keeps rising
Hot time in Palestine
Extrajudicial killing
Don't foozle
Another "honor killing"
Killing each other and blaming Israel
2 honor killings for the price of 1
Grim milestone
They keep killing each other
Wedding, funeral, and a couple of clan clashes
Woman and child in a clan clash
A few more
No one cares

UPDATE: 7 more killed since last night, bringing the total now to at least 92.
At least 75 Palestinians – including security officers, passersby, and members of Hamas’ special security force – were hurt in violent confrontations and gun battles that erupted in Khan Younis Sunday morning.

A Palestinian was killed near the parliament building in Gaza, and another four were wounded. Shortly afterwards it was reported that a teenagers who was injured in the clashes died of his wounded. A member of the Palestinian presidential guard was also killed in exchanges of fire in Gaza City. Another four people were killed in other incidents, two of them Palestinian security personnel.