Showing posts with label zionist attack zoo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label zionist attack zoo. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Add another member to the Zionist Attack Zoo.

A bird found in Turkey, with markings indicating it was from Tel Aviv, has been called an Israeli spy by Turkish media.

The already dead bird was caught by beekeepers. Besides the words "Tel Aviv Israel" they saw the most nefarious tag saying "C43917," obviously a secret spy code.

The bird's left nostril was three times the size of its right nostril, leading Turkish authorities to conclude that it might be hiding spy equipment in its beak.

It took a few days before Turkish media noted that researchers tag birds all the time to note migration patterns.

One article noted that Turkey accused Moscow of using spy birds over 60 years ago.

This bird is clearly a martyr for the Zionist cause. I hope that his or her body can be returned so Israel can give it a proper burial with the full military honors it deserves.(After the secret photos are extracted from its beak electronics, of course.)

UPDATE: It looks like the bird is the European Bee-Eater. (h/t Ian)

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

From the Daily Star Lebanon:
Before returning to Ain al-Mreisseh’s small port in the capital, fishermen take a moment to remove a few fish from their net, stab them and throw them overboard.

Fishermen say that all puffer fish invariably receive the same treatment, especially since the Agriculture Ministry issued a decree in July that bans catching,selling and consumption of the extremely toxic fish. The move came after at least seven people died and many were poisoned over the past few years after consuming it.

Playing cards with other fishermen in Ain al-Mreisseh is 66-year-old Adnan Oud, one of many who ate the fish without knowing the danger. A few hours after his meal he recalls, he suddenly “felt numb.”

“I couldn’t walk or raise my hand … I was worried I was having a stroke,” he says. Oud spent four days in a hospital and says doctors never discovered the cause of his illness. But he’s certain the puffer fish was responsible as the moment he felt better, he visited the friend he had shared his meal with, who reported similar symptoms. “I’ve been crawling up the stairs … I couldn’t even carry my tools,” Oud recalls his blacksmith friend telling him.

Oud says many fishermen were skeptical of his story. “Some didn’t believe us, so they fed the fish to the cats. None of them survived, except for one, now walking on two legs.”

“Since then, no one has eaten it,” he says. “But the sea is full of it, and there is no way to get rid of it.”

The puffer fish was first seen in the Eastern Mediterranean some eight years ago. Since then, American University of Beirut marine biology professor Michel Barriche says, “the number of puffer fish [in the Mediterranean sea] exploded” and there are now “millions and millions.”

“The introduction of the new species can be compared with rats, cockroaches,” he explains. “They can live in any environment and eat a wide variety of food.”

...One kind of puffer fish is well known in East Asia, especially in Japan where daredevils like to consume “fugu” fish, a dish that can lead to a fast and brutal death if prepared incorrectly.

A myth circulating among Lebanon’s fishermen says that the fish appeared in the Mediterranean after Israel, which was supposedly raising fugu in fish farms for Japan, released them into the sea when Japan had enough domestic supply of fugu.

The idea that Japan needs Israel to supply it with fish is hardly believable.
(h/t Serious Black)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Zionist Attack Zoo has added a number of new members recently, like vultures, sharks and jellyfish. But the old standbys are still out there too, prepared to harass and terrorize Arabs where ever they find them.

The Attack Dogs of Zion have returned!

We last saw them in 2009, when Palestinian Arabs in Jericho said that retired IDF dogs were being re-trained to attack Arabs and then come back home to their Jewish hosts.

Now, according to Palestine Today, they are near Bethlehem, attacking shepherds and livestock, deliberately being released by the surrounding Jewish towns.

Smarter than an F-15! More deadly than tear gas! Able to easily distinguish between Arab and Jew! The Attack Dogs of Zion are Israel's newest, most secret weapon yet!

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Last week I wrote about a large bird being caught in Saudi Arabia, with markings indicating "Tel Aviv University,"  and the Saudi suspicions that it is part of an Israeli espionage plot. (It was, of course, part of a research program.)

The Hebrew media finally caught up to the story, nearly a week later.

The bird is evidently a vulture.

An English version of the story is here.

(h/t Joel)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Zionist Attack Zoo has a new member!


Following is an interview with Mustafa Ismail, an Egyptian diving instructor, which aired on Egyptian TV on December 5, 2010:

Interviewer: What do you think are the reasons for [the Sinai shark attacks]? I am concerned resident of Sharm Al-Sheik.

Mustafa Ismail: You want me to be frank?

Interviewer: Yes.

Mustafa Ismail: The fish that caused the problem is not a sea fish. This type of shark is not a sea shark.

Interviewer: What kind of shark is it?

Mustafa Ismail: An ocean shark. This type of shark migrates from South Africa all the way to the top of the Earth. They don't enter alleys. The Red Sea is an alley compared to the ocean.

Interviewer: That much we know. What made it go into this alley?

Mustafa Ismail: The real question is: Who made it go into the alley? I will talk about something else, and then come back to this. Do you remember that when we were kids, the jellyfish in Alexandria would sting? Back home, in Al-Ghardaqa and in the Red Sea, you could roll the jellyfish in your hands and nothing would happen. Okay? There are all kinds of jellyfish. We would cut them up with a knife and use them for fish bait.

For some years now, there is a phenomenon nobody is talking about. Killing, paralyzing jellyfish have appeared in Al-Ghardaqa and on the Red Sea. Who brought these jellyfish there?

Interviewer: Who?

Mustafa Ismail: Who indeed? Who brought the sharks there? Even if this is a baby shark that got lost and passed through the Mandab Strait, could it possibly have continued like a peaceful angel, flapping its fins, all the way to the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Shark Al-Sheik, in order to attack there? Why didn't it attack at Masra Alam or Brothers Islands? Why didn't it attack there? I have been diving at Sharm Al-Sheik for 50 years, and there has not been a single shark attack on any living creature.

Go ahead and say it, don't make gestures. Out with it.

Interviewer: I already asked you who, and you started telling me jellyfish stories.

Mustafa Ismail: Who? I will be even more frank. I'm not afraid of anyone.

Interviewer: Go ahead.

Mustafa Ismail: Two or three months ago, an Israeli diver said to me...

Interviewer: What diver?

Mustafa Ismail: An Israeli diver. We work with everybody.

Interviewer: Without any problem?

Mustafa Ismail: It doesn't matter to us.

Interviewer: How can it not bother you?

Mustafa Ismail: Just listen to me for a moment. He told me that they had found a baby shark of a certain species opposite the Eilat port. Whey they found it, they saw it had a GPS device on it.

Interviewer: A guiding device? 
Mustafa Ismail: Yes, on its back. Anyone else would have ignored it, but not us. Whoever brought these sharks to us from the ocean... From the Mandab Strait, there are about 4,000 kilometers, so how come there were incidents only around Sinai?

Interviewer: So how did it get all the way to Eilat?

Mustafa Ismail: You wanted to hear the true story, so I will tell you. There are some friendly neighboring countries, which do not wish us well at all. I am not talking about the conspiracy theories of the days of Abd Al-Nasser. This conspiracy continues and will continue to all eternity, until Allah bequeaths the land... The conspiracy continues.

For three months, we have been hearing that country [Israel] warning its citizens to leave the Sinai as quickly as possible. You can check how many Israelis left Sinai in haste at the Tourism Chamber. It was as if they were fleeing an Apartheid or something.

So now our Zionist Attack Zoo has dogs, pigs, wolves, lions, ratssheep, squirrels, pigeons, sharks and jellyfish.

(h/t Serious Black)

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Yesterday I mentioned the story that some Egyptians were blaming Israel for the shark attack that killed an German tourist in the Red Sea. This is an addition to the Zionist Attack Zoo, which has over the years featured dogs, pigs, wolves, lions, rats and sheep.

Blogger and author Chas Newkey-Burden found a great way to illustrate the story:

Incidentally, Chas Newkey-Burden has written a biography of Justin Bieber - who just announced that he will perform in Israel in April.

UPDATE: It looks like the story is inspiring others as well:
(h/t Dave)

UPDATE 2: Backseat Blogger reminds me of the International Zionist Attack Squirrels of 2007.
Not to mention the Zionist Spy Pigeons. 

Monday, December 06, 2010

From HuffPo's Firas Al-Atraqchi:
A German tourist was mauled to death by a shark off Egypt's Red Sea coast Sunday, but if popular rumors on the street are to be believed, it was the Israelis who did it.

The attack came days after authorities claimed they had hunted and killed a shark believed to have injured three foreign tourists in previous incidents.

A popular account has it that Israel is "dumping" hungry sharks in the Red Sea in a bid to weaken Egypt's thriving tourism industry.

One tourism company operator who owns a small fleet of mini-buses that cater to Cairo's tourist spots told me that Israel wants Egypt to lose one of its most vital economic resources so that it can toe the line on the Palestinians.

A waiter at a popular cafe went further and theorized that the deadly fires in Northern Israel were God's way of punishing the Israelis for orchestrating the shark attacks.

"Look at how God has brought Israel to its knees as it asks the world - even Egypt - for help in putting out the fires," he said.

Blaming Israel for nearly every malady is not restricted to loony street conspiracies. Political analysts blame Israel for emboldening Nile Basin countries in Africa to dispute Egypt's share of the river, fueling diplomatic tensions between Cairo and regional capitals.

And in mid-August, when a series of power blackouts lefts millions of Egyptians sweltering in the summer sun, who did they blame? Some speculated that gas exports to Israel have left Egyptian power plants "undernourished".

On December 5, the Ministry of health reported that two women had died from the H1N1 and Avian flu viruses, respectively. No word yet on whether the birds flew in from Israel.
(h/t Matt)

Monday, May 03, 2010

After a lull of a few months, Jews are again being accused of sending highly-trained wild boars to target Arab lands:
A heard of wild boars destroyed several dunums of Palestinian farm land in the Salfit district on Sunday, local farmers said, prompting accusations of settler involvement.
Afterwards, the boars returned to their secret high-tech lair to receive further instructions. Rumors are that they are set to assassinate a major PA figure in their next mission.

Just as they killed Arafat. Bwahahaha!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Zionist attack cows, protected by Merkava tanks of the mighty IDF, have been accused sipping water from a Lebanese lake, according to Lebanese media.
Israeli cows guided by Israeli shepherds have been crossing the border in an act southerners are condemning as a violation of the country's sovereignty, especially since the cattle is being protected by the Israeli Army. The bovine "incursions" have even provoked Lebanese dogs that have now made it their mission to make the cows return where they came from.

Lebanese shepherds are also very concerned with falling water levels in the area as a result of the straying Israeli livestock.

Ismail Nasser, from Kfar Shuba, described how the Israeli cows have been crossing the border on a daily basis on their way to Baathail Lake without any consequences, while a commotion would erupt if any of his dogs were to approach the Blue Line, which was drawn by the United Nations in 2000, after Israel's withdrawal from almost all of the south.

As Nasser spoke, three cows appeared in the distance and were soon chased by the shepherd's barking dogs. As the dogs appeared to close in on their targets, an Israeli Merkava tank made its way to the combat zone only to disappear few moments after.

Nasser sighed with relief.

"There's barely enough water for me and my fellow Lebanese shepherds and each Israeli cow drinks more than 40 of our goats put together. Why doesn't UNIFIL consider this as an violation of the Blue Line?" Nasser asked.

The Municipal Council of Kfar Shuba convened late Thursday to discuss the problem, and decided to task its mayor, Izzat Qadiri, with drafting a letter to the commander of UNIFIL, Major General Claudio Graziano, as well as the commander of UNIFIL's Indian battalion, Saradib Chadra, asking them to reinforce surveillance at Hassan Gate and to put an end to the violation. Along with the letter, the council submitted proof of two holes made in the separating barbed wire at Baathail Lake.
Another member of the Zionist Attack Zoo!

(h/t Lance)

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Sorry, I can't help myself:
Palestinians in the West Bank town of Salfit said that Israeli settlers sent wild boars to attack them on Wednesday afternoon.

Resident Nasser Khader Eshtayeh, of the Wadi An-Najjar neighborhood of the town, told Ma’an, “A flock of wild pigs attacked the neighborhood and searched in the baskets looking for food, adding that little kids in the roads were terrified when they saw the pigs and families were afraid that these animals could break into their houses.”

Eshtayeh said the boars are owned by Israelis living in the nearby settlement of Ariel.

This was not the first time settler-own boars have been reported in Salfit. On 25 May officials from the Palestinian Agricultural Trade Union reported that Boars damaged crops planted in the area.
Yup, religious Zionist Jews domesticating wild boars and training them to attack Palestinian Arabs exclusively. After successful reconaissance and attack, the pigs return to base to report on their progress.

And why do Jews do that? Because they can!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

This Zionist Pig article from Palestine Today is notable because it doesn't merely accuse "settlers" of unleashing these wild boars on Palestinian Arab crops, but now the IDF and the Israel Nature and Natural Parks Protection Authority are part of the conspiracy!

And they have "witnesses!"
Wild pigs spread in the territory of the town of Arraba, south of Jenin in the northern West Bank, and caused serious damage to agricultural crops.

...Witnesses in the town of Arraba affirmed to the news agency that the Israeli occupation forces and the so-called Israeli Nature Protection Service brought a tanker full of pigs inside the town, under the protection and guard of military patrols of the army of occupation, and placed them on Arraba-Ya'bad street in a garbage dump near the town of Arraba.
Ya gotta love Arab witnesses.

Click to read previous Zionist Attack Zoo postings.

Monday, May 25, 2009

One more time, Ma'an shows how ridiculously biased it is:
A herd of settler-owned wild boars were released onto Palestinian farmlands in western Salfit on Monday morning, damaging crops there.

The chair of the Palestinian Agricultural Trade Union, Khalil Omran, said, "The boars broke into the fields at the Al-Najara and Al-Jaheer areas of western Salfit. They caused the destruction of wheat and barley fields and damaged fruit trees.”

“One of the attacked fields was planted with peach trees. All were broken and caused a big loss for the field’s owner, farmer Abo Ayman Oada,” Omran added.

Omran reiterated his call that something be done about the wild boars that cause losses to farmers' livelihood each year, in addition to fears over the H1N1 flu virus, which some believe is carried by pigs.
The fact that Jews in Judea and Samaria have the same problem with wild pigs does not mean that Ma'an will ever acknowledge the absurdity of religious Jews raising boars who have no use other than to terrorize poor Arabs.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

We've seen many times Palestinian Arabs blame "settlers" for releasing wild pigs that are magically bred to attack only Arabs and Arab crops.

So this story was not only inevitable, but frankly overdue:
Boars set free by Israeli settlers on Sunday damaged sheep barns and beehives in the northern West Bank village of Salem, east of Nablus.

According to Ja’far Ishtayya, deputy mayor of Salem, “Boars attacked three homes and sheep barns, owned by Theib and Ziad Hasan, as well as 32 beehives owned by Taha Hamdan. The boars also attacked a car owned by Baha’ Hussein on his way out of the village.”

Ishtayya appealed to the Palestinian Authority to work out a solution for the boar attacks, highlighting swine flu fears, as well as physical damage caused by the animals.
Not yet as direct as I expected, but the accusation that Zionists are sending the pigs deliberately to spread swine flu among PalArabs is only a matter of time.

Monday, March 02, 2009

Ma'an breathlessly reports:
Dozens of pigs belonging to Israeli settlers attacked a Palestinian young man from the village of An-Nasarieyah, north of the West Bank city of Nablus, on Sunday.

Palestinian medical sources said that Ayman Ibrahim Hamdan, 25, was transferred to Rafidia Hospital in the city after being bitten by one of the pigs.

Hamadan told Ma’an that dozens of pigs unleashed by the Israeli settlers of the illegal settlement of Al-Hamra adjacent to the village had attacked him while he was in his farm in the village.
Once again, the diabolical and fanatically Jewish settlers have been shown to raise and domesticate wild pigs for one reason and one reason only - to attack Palestinian Arabs. Apparently, their hatred for Arabs is so all-consuming that they will spend years breeding animals that have no value whatsoever in a Jewish state, just to have them cause slight damage to Arab crops every few months.

Now, that's dedication!

We have previously seen these highly intelligent and trained pigs selectively attack Arab tomatoes, farmers, and garbagemen. We have also seen that the Jews managed to herd the pigs onto the Arab side of the West Bank fence.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Firas Press is reporting that a plague of vicious dogs has descended on Jericho, and the residents have no doubt who is behind it.

According to these "insiders," IDF dogs who are too old for work are being released into the West Bank to harass the poor Palestinian Arabs. They claim to have killed some 150 literal Zionist dogs so far, who seem to travel in packs.

Once again we must marvel at how Israel manages to train animals to distinguish between Jews in the West Bank and Palestinian Arabs.

These dogs join a long line of attack animals that Palestinian Arabs have blamed Israel for, including pigs, wolves, lions, rats and sheep.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Longtime readers of my blog have seen a menagerie of animals that have one thing in common: Palestinian Arabs have blamed these Zionist animals for harassing them.

A trip down memory lane:

Zionist pigs, trained by settlers to attack innocent Palestinian Arab gardens during prayer times. Even though the pigs are wild they have been tamed by the twisted settlers for the sole purpose of attacking Palestinian Arab crops only, on numerous occasions.

We've seen Zionist wolves, raised by the same settlers who know only to attack PalArabs because of their evil Joo DNA.

We've even seen Zionist lions, kept by settlers as pets, instilling terror in the hearts of the oppressed West Bank Arabs.

We've even seen trained Zionist rats, genetically engineered to be impervious to poison, designed to drive Arabs out of Jerusalem.

Now we can add another member to this prestigious group of God's wonderful creatures: Evil Zionist Sheep!

According to Ma'an:
Settlers attempting to impede Palestinian olive harvests initiated a bizarre new tactic on Thursday, apparently leaving flocks of sheep at olive groves to feed on the small trees.

Residents told Ma’an that Israeli settlers “dumped dozens of sheep” on Palestinian farmland neighboring the illegal settlement of Itamar, where the animals damaged and devoured dozens of olive and fig trees.
It may appear at first glance that using a resource like sheep to eat foods that are not part of any sheep's diet - and to train them to stay away from the grass and eat young trees, hurting their digestive systems and therefore ruining them as a cash crop - would be a highly inefficient method of harassing Palestinian Arab farmers.

But of course appearances are deceiving. We already know how far evil Joooz will go to make life miserable for their Palestinian Arab neighbors from countless other examples, such as those mentioned above. Ma'an even brought proof: a 57-year old witness saw a Jewish shepherd a few days ago! Case closed!

Clearly, their hatred knows no bounds and common decency is foreign to the subhuman settlers. One can only wish that responsible media outlets like Ma'an will continue to report, without the slightest verification, the most ridiculous claims made by the most marginal of Arabs as documented fact, because the self-evident truth of everything being the fault of the Zionists is the only thing that will solve the problem of Palestine.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

We've seen Zionist pigs, trained by settlers to attack innocent Palestinian Arab gardens during prayer times.

We've seen Zionist wolves, raised by the same settlers who know only to attack PalArabs.

We've even seen Zionist lions, kept by settlers as pets, instilling terror in the hearts of the oppressed West Bank Arabs.

Now, thanks to Zionist technology and the implacable hatred that Jews naturally have towards everyone else, we can witness the latest scourge: Zionist rats.

From Palestine Today (autotranslated):
Rats have become a weapon used by new Israeli colonizers against citizens in the Old City of occupied Jerusalem, in order to displace and expel them from their homes.

Districts in the old part of town are suffering and facing recently this new type of Israeli actions that aim to harass Jerusalemites in order to force them to leave.

For two months, dozens of settlers have been going to the alleys and streets of the old town, carrying with them dozens of iron cages full of rats, and to release them in the town into open drainage channels.

The citizens of the old town say that the rats grow very large, adding that different types of poisons did not contribute to eradicating them, and pointed to the large municipal slowness in dealing with this issue which is causing a humanitarian catastrophe and environmental losses.

According to Hassan Khater, Secretary General of the Islamic-Christian Front for Defending Jerusalem and its Holy Sites, these rats pose a major threat to Jerusalemites who inhabit these neighborhoods, and that the situation is serious and very poor, emphasizing the failure of the occupation in the municipality of Jerusalem to address the issue.

He reported during a press conference held in the government media center in Ramallah yesterday that the purpose of this measure is to increase the suffering of Jerusalemites in the old town, transforming their lives through the tragedy of fact, with the aim of pushing them to leave their homes and leave the city.

Khater added that the Front had received many complaints and comments from citizens Jerusalemites living in the revival of the old town, according to sabotage these rats property large number of houses and shops, calling to shed further light on this disaster.

There is a link between the colonists active in the deployment of rats in alleys of the Old City meant for the deportation and displacement of populations, and between the occupation and the deployment of hundreds of pigs in the mountains and valleys of the West Bank aimed at sabotaging the property and crops.
Yes, right now, in secret underground Zionist labs, brainy Jewish scientists (funded by the Zionist lobby) are breeding these super rats who are impervious to poisons, and trained through a combination of Pavlovian methods and embedded microchips to only attack Arab sections of Jerusalem and to leave the Jewish Jerusalemites alone. But thanks to the efforts of people like Dr. Hassan Khater (who has advocated genocide against Jews on PA TV) these schemes can be exposed for all the world to see.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Ma'an continues to ludicrously claim that settlers from Ariel have been releasing wild pigs to harass Palestinian Arabs.

But now the pigs are getting smarter:
Herds of wild pigs dumped in the outskirts of the West Bank city of Salfit by residents of the nearby Ariel Israeli settlement, are preventing civilians from leaving their homes in the evening, for fear of being attacked.

Eyewitnesses from the Al-Freiz neighborhood near the settlement said that in the evening after the sunset prayer the pigs attack gardens.
Not only do the pigs know to attack only Arabs, but they know when the exact prayer times are!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Once again, Ma'an publishes this story with a straight face:
Settlers from the Ariel settlement have dumped wild pigs on Thursday in 'Ein Al-Qabileh neighborhood south of Salfit where they smashed the farmers' plants.

Farmer Mohammad Faleh 'Omran said that the pigs destroyed his tomato seedlings, ruined the earth and trampled on his plants.

Farmer Mahmoud Hassan said that the pigs smashed his apple shrubs and his field at night.

He added that the farmers have killed three pigs among the large herds released by the settlers.
Yes, those Zionists have bred pigs that can distinguish between Arab and Jewish crops. They spend years raising these huge herds of pigs specifically to dump them in Arab villages when they reach just the right amount of maturity. They drive over to the Arab neighborhoods in trucks and dump them there, knowing implanting them with embedded microchips they will leave the village and make their way to Arab farms and cause damage far less than the value of the pigs themselves.

How nefarious can you be?

Previous Zionist pig sightings here, here and here. Oh, and a Zionist lion once terrorized poor Palestinian Arabs as well..


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