Showing posts with label Terrorism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Terrorism. Show all posts

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Tonight at 8 PM Israel time, there will be a ceremony dedicating a Sefer Torah (Torah scroll) to be used at the Ma'arat HaMachpela, the Cave of the Patriarchs where tradition says Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their wives are buried.

It is the second holiest site in Judaism after the Temple Mount.

The ceremony will include a concert. The money raised for the event is being used to provide vacations to families of children with cancer in Israel.

In response, Palestinian Arabs are now claiming that the site is the fourth holiest in Islam, and saying that the idea of Jews dedicating a Torah to a synagogue is a desecration of the site.

They are threatening violence.

The Hebron Waqf said in a press release: "Some Hebrew sites published a promotional video stating that the settlers will present at 8 pm on Thursday a Torah scroll to the Haram al-Ibrahimi Mosque with a concert.

"This attack is a grave violation of the sanctity of the Haram al-Ibrahimi Mosque and a dangerous precedent, and it affects the feelings of Muslims," ​​the statement said.

The Waqf said that "the occupation government has full responsibility for the visits of the settlers and their desecration of the Haram al-Ibrahimi Mosque, the change in its Arab Islamic features, and the imposition of punitive measures against it."

The organization called on all international and human rights institutions, especially UNESCO, to shoulder their responsibilities towards the holy place, and to stop this "grave violation."

In a veiled threat, the Waqf said "the occupation government bears full responsibility for what happens as a result." Meaning that Muslims will riot.

The Palestinian Authority issued a very similar statement denouncing the event.

Ma'an published this video of a large tourist group visiting the holy site, whom they call "settlers," in order to inflame Arabs to stop large numbers of respectful Jews and non-Jews from visiting the holy site.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Does it really matter whether a person dies or is murdered? After all, when a person is murdered, he definitely dies. So isn’t it all just semantics? Why should it matter so much how we say things?

And while we’re on the subject, must we specify the nationality of the person who stabs, or that of the person who “dies?”

Aren’t people, in the end, just people? Stabber, stabbed, why should it matter? Both are people. To identify them by race, color, or creed, wouldn’t that be divisive? And anyway, if both of them die in the attempt—that is to say, both are no longer alive—don’t their deaths simply cancel each other out in a kind of ugly justice?

Their mothers, being mothers, will miss them fiercely. There will be no difference between the mourning of Fatma and the mourning of Tzipora. Just names. They could be any two mothers, mourning sons. Dead sons. Men.

All these distinctions, isn’t it exactly these which come between war and peace, good and evil? That thin line between the two—the thing that divides humans into camps: white and black, Jew and Arab.

Think about it:

Some men flew airplanes into the Twin Towers and 2,996 people died

A woman drove a man to a pizzeria and 16 people died

A man was near a playground and a baby died

Two boys, playing hooky from school, visited a cave and died 

A man came in as a woman was cooking supper and as three children watched, she died 

A man came into a home during Shabbat dinner and three of the people there, died

A father and a baby in a car, died (stupid rock)

A man walked up to a passenger window and a girl's face burned

A man walked into a café and 12 people died

A man walked into a café and 8 people died

By Orrling (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
Moment Cafe 

Cafe Hillel Memorial

A man walked into a library where he and 8 students, died 

A man came through a girl’s bedroom window and she died 

 A mom and her three daughters drove past five men after a fun visit to Grandma and the youngest daughter, age two, fell into a coma. Two years later, she died

Two men walked into a home on a quiet Sabbath eve. They lived, but four people died. The men left and a baby cried. They came back and the baby died, too.

(h/t Dov Epstein for the concept)

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Squirrel Hill may not be all Jewish, and the majority of the residents of this Pittsburgh neighborhood may not be Jewish, but it’s where the Jews have, for the most part, settled in Pittsburgh, and it’s where I grew up. I’ve heard non-Jews refer to Squirrel Hill as “Kike’s Peak,” and whenever I’m asked where I’m from and I say, “Pittsburgh,” the response is, “Squirrel Hill?”

To which I always answer, “Of course!”

But on my last visit to my hometown, and even my last three visits, I witnessed a neighborhood in flux. Because Pittsburgh is also a college town, this conveniently situated neighborhood attracts many Asian exchange students. Restaurants have popped up to serve these students, replacing the kosher bakeries, butchers, and delicatessens of my youth. Synagogues are closing their doors, unable to sustain a membership substantial enough to stay afloat.

On accompanying a blind relative to Jewish Family and Community Services for an evaluation, I notice something else. The waiting room is filled with Arabs, my relative and I the only Jews in this packed space, where we wait to be seen by a social worker. From their accents and colloquialisms, I gather these immigrants are from my neck of the woods, meaning from Israel and the disputed territories. I note that the walls are decorated with posters detailing the rights of and services provided to Holocaust survivors, which gives me an eerie start, and a feeling of cognitive dissonance.

One day earlier, in fact, I’d walked to the kosher grocery store and was stopped along the way by an Arab couple with their child. They’d asked me which way they might reach the downtown area, this way or that way, which was not a question I could easily answer, since downtown was not within walking distance. Later, I realized they must have just left the nearby JFCS to which I escorted my relative the following day.

As I sat in that waiting room at JFCS, I imagined what those Arabs might be thinking: The Yahud exist only to wait on us and give us services.

They might wish to smile approvingly at the informational Holocaust survivor posters, as they waited patiently for (probably Jewish) social workers, remembering with joy the extinguishing of over 6 million Yahud.

Haj Amin el Husseini and Hitler have a friendly chat, 1941
(see: The Mufti and the Führer)
I wondered why, in this still largely Jewish neighborhood, there were mostly Arabs in the waiting room of JFCS. The history section of the JFCS website was helpful in explicating the reason. In 1998, the JFCS received a grant from the Jewish Material Claims Conference Against Germany to help it “identify and assist elderly Holocaust survivors in need.” But times change, so much so, that in 2017, JFCS changed its name from Jewish Family and Children’s Services to Jewish Family and Community Services, rebranding its "service programs to better reflect clients served and services offered."

In other words, the JFCS is no longer doing so much for the Jews. Because the Jews are leaving Squirrel Hill. So JFCS is doing stuff for the “community.”

And that means immigrants. In many cases, Muslim immigrants, who may or may not take joy in a poster that reminds them of the genocide of Eastern European Jewry, and who may or may not take it for granted that the Yahud is there to serve them. They may or may not pass the candy when Jews are brutally murdered in a far off land called Israel.

The Jews meanwhile, God bless their liberal hearts, are treating these immigrants with respect and kindness, giving them all sorts of help and support. Instead of helping their own. Oblivious to the fact that Jews in a similar situation, for instance, seeking help at a Gazan social services center (were Jews allowed to enter Gaza, which they are not), would be raped, lynched, and dismembered.

I wanted to rip that poster off the wall. I didn’t want to remind these immigrants of a “victory” against my people—didn’t want to give them joy over the vanquishing of so many Yahud. I felt shame that we offered them services, serving as stooges, subordinate to Dar el Islam

This swirl of thoughts in my brain, stayed in my brain. To outside appearances, I sat, calm and collected, patient, awaiting my turn. No one there would have any inkling that I was braver than that. That I lived in my ancestral land of Judea with pride, though their cousins pick us off, on a regular basis, using rocks, bus bombings, hatchets, firebombs, car-rammings, and kidnappings.

One month on, I am home again. I visit a Jerusalem Terem, one of a chain of immediate care clinics founded by Dr. David Applebaum, may Hashem avenge his blood. Applebaum and his daughter Nava were murdered by terrorists. David and Nava were having a father and daughter chat over coffee at Hillel Café, in Jerusalem.

It was the night before Nava’s wedding.

I sit in the waiting room of Terem. All kinds of people are here, reflecting the tapestry of Israeli society: people of all colors and religions, women with wigs, women with hijabs. No Apartheid here, no siree bob.

Then I notice it: up high on the wall, a photo of Terem’s founder, just a hint of a smile on his face. A second framed item hung alongside the first, this one a document summarizing Applebaum’s vision for immediate care in Jerusalem, and his murder by terrorists. Dr. Applebaum’s visage looked down on all of us sitting there awaiting treatment: Jew and Arab, alike.

To the liberal heart, this fact would bring joy: in spite of Arab terror, we Jews remain democratic, offering an equal standard of care to all, regardless of religion or nationality. But I felt no joy, no pride. Instead I had an overwhelming desire to cover up Applebaum’s photo. Why should they get to murder him, then benefit from his vision? Why should they sit smug in the knowledge of taking his life, while begging to have their own lives saved?

To tell you the truth, it vexed me.

On the one hand, there is no question that David Applebaum deserves recognition and honor for his far-seeing vision and contribution. On the other hand, it’s a chutzpah to allow his memory to be exploited by those who might or might not have passed round the candy, on hearing the news of his murder (and that of his daughter). It’s awful to extend a hand to people who might not think twice about murdering Applebaum’s people, just because they are Jews—people like me—just because, to their mind, we are Jews who live on soil that became part of Dar el Islam during the Muslim Conquest.

Here is the truth: Dr. Applebaum, HY”D, saves lives from beyond the grave, even the lives of those people whose culture is a culture of death. Because Applebaum’s culture—Jewish culture—is the culture of L’chaim, of life.

And rather than fill me with pride, the inequity of this “equality” infuriates me.

As it should, you.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Samer al-Mahrum, a member of the PFLP terror group, was sentenced to life in prison for the 1986 murder of yeshiva student Eliyahu Amadi in the Old City of Jerusalem in 1986. He was released in the Shalit deal after 25 years of his sentence, but was re-arrested in 2014.

He managed to smuggle out his semen and his wife gave birth to a child last December.

Al Mahrum is now celebrated as one of the more prominent hunger strikers in prison.

Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah Facebook page highlighted a news story from the official Palestinian news agency WAFA  about how awful his family situation is because of his imprisonment and how difficult life is for his wife and mother.

Here is a screenshot from the video showing his mother holding a poster. His new baby can be seen here as well.

His house, decorated with images of "resistance," is gorgeous!

How can a family whose patriarch was in prison for 27 of the past 31 years afford such a beautiful home?

It is because the terrorists who murder Jews get paid a handsome salary from the Palestinian Authority, which gets its budget from the West.

Yes, your tax dollars paid for the home of Samer al-Mahrum.

You can be sure that 99% of the "pro-Palestinian" protesters who say how awful Israel treats the Palestinians do not live in homes this nice. In fact, 99% of the entire world population does not live in homes that are this spacious and well decorated. Most of the people living in Egypt or Jordan would kill to live so well as this poor, deprived family who openly show their allegiance to terror groups.

It pays to be a Palestinian terrorist.

Here is a photo of Eliyahu Amadi, his victim.

(Incidentally, one of the others who was convicted in Amadi's murder was Omar Zayed. He went on on his own hunger strike and escaped from the hospital in 1990, managing to get to Bulgaria where he married and had a nice life until Israel requested his extradition. He fled to the Palestinian embassy in Bulgaria where he was not very welcome and then was found dead under mysterious circumstances.)

(h/t Ibn Boutros)

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Friday, November 06, 2015

Every year there is a pilgrimage of thousands of Jews to Hebron, to mark the Torah portion that describes how Abraham purchased the Tomb of the Patriarchs from Ephron the Hittite.

Many of the pilgrims sleep in tents because there aren't enough houses for them to stay.

This year, despite the danger, thousands more were set to come:
Defying the threat of terror and the stormy weather, thousands of Jews are planning to take part in the annual Shabbat Chayei Sarah festivities in Hebron, a celebration of the purchase of the Cave of the Patriarchs (Me’arat Ha’Machpela) by Abraham which is recounted in the weekly Torah portion named after Abraham’s wife who was buried there 3,691 years ago, according to Jewish tradition.

This Shabbat, November 6-7, the Jewish community of Hebron and neighboring Kiryat Arba will open their homes to guests from throughout Israel and around the world who will come to Hebron to read the Torah portion recalling the passing of the Biblical matriarch Sarah and her husband Abraham’s purchase of the Cave of the Patriarchs as a burial plot. The cave subsequently became the final resting place of Abraham himself, as well as his son Isaac and his wife Rivkah, and their son Jacob and his wife Leah.

“The city of Hebron is proud and eager to host the myriad guests who will be joining us in celebration this Shabbat,” Yishai Fleisher, International Spokesman for the City of Hebron, said in a statement. “Israel has been hit by a plague of jihad, yet it continues to operate everyday with optimism and resilience. We look forward to a fun and festive experience for all the good people, government ministers, rabbis and educators, Jews and non-Jews who will come to pay tribute and join us in solidarity.”
Apparently, the idea of thousands of Jews on a religious pilgrimage was too much for some Arabs. From TOI:

Two Israeli teens were hurt Friday evening in a shooting attack near the Tomb of the Patriarchs in the West Bank city of Hebron.

One of the two, a 16-year-old, was seriously hurt and the other, aged 18, sustained light injuries. The younger teen was hit by gunfire in the upper body. He was taken to Shaare Zedek hospital in Jerusalem, Channel 2 reported.

Maariv said both of the victims were conscious at the scene of the attack.

The gunfire apparently came from the direction of the Abu Sneina neighborhood of the divided city, targeting worshipers as they emerged from the tomb.

Large numbers of IDF troops were deployed to the Palestinian neighborhoods surrounding the Jewish settlement in Hebron to search for the cell behind the attack, the Ynet news website reported.
Imagine the world outcry if teenage Christians were shot by snipers leaving the cathedral in Notre Dame. That's pretty much the equivalent to what happened here. But since the victims are only Jews, and it happened in the territories that the world believes should be Jew-free even though Jews have been there for thousands of years. In other words, the lack of media outrage is because too many believe that the Jews deserve it.

There is a rich irony here. Abraham purchased the burial site, publicly, for an exorbitant price, specifically so that later generations would know that this land undoubtedly belonged to him and his designated descendants. David did the same with the Temple Mount, and Jacob did the same with a section of Shechem (Nablus.) And these areas is the very areas that the world insists that Jews have no right to.

AP reports that the Tomb of the Patriarchs is in the "center" of Hebron. No, it's on the edge, and Kiryat Arba is adjacent to H2. Hebron is a huge Arab city and there are no IDF restrictions for the vast majority of Arabs who live there. Not that you would know that from reading the mainstream media.

A third teen was shot near Hebron.

This blog may be a labor of love for me, but it takes a lot of effort, time and money. For over 11 years and over 22,000 articles I have been providing accurate, original news that would have remained unnoticed. I've written hundreds of scoops and sometimes my reporting ends up making a real difference. I appreciate any donations you can give to keep this blog going.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

From JPUpdates:

Terror has become a tragic reality in Israel’s fight for existence. Just last week, Shalom Yohai Sherki was killed and Shira Klein critically injured in a car terror attack in French Hil Jerusalem. To honor Yom Hazikaron, the day on which Israel honors its fallen soldiers and victims of terror, the National Insurance Institute has published a report documenting the number of Israeli civilians killed in hostilities since the War of Independence, focusing especially on those killed in the past year.

The past year has seen a sharp rise in terror attacks, with 31 Israelis murdered since last Remembrance Day, as compared to the same period last year in which only 2 Israelis were killed. This can be attributed to the horrific murders in the Har Nof Synagogue, in which four Jews worshippers and a heroic Druze policeman were killed, as well as the murder of 3 young men in Gush Etzion which preceded the War in Gaza. There were also a string of car attacks, one of which killed a small infant.

2,538 Israeli civilians have been murdered in terror attacks since the birth of the Jewish state in 1948. This figure also includes the 122 foreign tourists and workers killed in attacks. This number increases by more than 900 if you include acts of terror before Israel became a state.

Since the beginning of the Second Intifada in 2000 until the present, some 1,017 civilians have been killed in acts of terrorism. During the first intifada, 200 Israelis were murdered. Since the beginning of the first intifada which began at the end of 1987, over 1630 Jews have been killed in Israel.

This includes 18 Israelis killed abroad in terror attacks directed specifically against Israeli targets, and 3 American diplomatic personnel killed in Gaza. The Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs lists the names of those killed since the year 2000.

The report states that terrorist attacks have left 2,997 children with one parent, and 101 children complete orphans. A total of 850 widows and widowers lost their spouses to attacks, as well as 943 parents who lost their children.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Both these videos were released in the past day.

One is John Kerry on Al Arabiya saying why he is optimistic about peace talks. Gosh, he just can't imagine why people wouldn't want to live in peace with each other.Everyone wants the same thing, right?

The other is a MEMRI video of a Hamas youth camp graduation. These are the thousands of Gaza high school kids that underwent paramilitary training and anti-Israel brainwashing over the past several months.

I thought the two videos complement each other.

Monday, November 25, 2013

From Ma'an:
Palestinian authorities on Sunday condemned last Tuesday's suicide bombing attack against the Iranian embassy in Beirut, stressing that the Palestinian individual involved "does not represent the Palestinian leadership."

Palestinian authorities reacted to news that one of the suicide bombers was a young Palestinian refugee in Lebanon named Adnan Mousa Muhammad by saying that "the participation of a Palestinian in such cowardly criminal act represents (only) the individual."

"This act serves only the enemies of our cause and the enemies of our nation," they added, denouncing the bombings on Nov. 19 in the strong terms.

Muhammad's family reacted to the news by condemning their son's participation in the attack and praising Iran for its consistent support for the Palestinian cause.

A relative was quoted by the Lebanese National News Agency as saying, "The family condemns in the strongest terms this criminal act ... which serves only the Israeli enemy."

And to think, only a few weeks ago, Mahmoud Abbas was happily posing with people who murdered innocent civilians!

There must have been a major change of heart in the Palestinian Arab leadership in the past few weeks. Surely there isn't any rational way to otherwise reconcile these stories.  Surely the PA condemns all terror attacks, no matter who the victims are.

Otherwise, they'd be monsters. And how could a monster be so honored by the international community?

(h/t PTWatch)

Sunday, November 24, 2013

From Palestinian Media Watch:
Palestinian Authority TV recently interviewed released terrorist Qahira Al-Sa'adi, who drove a suicide bomber to an attack that killed 3 and injured 80 in Jerusalem on March 21, 2002. During the interview, the host chose to send greetings to another terrorist, Ahlam Tamimi, who led a suicide bomber to the Sbarro pizza shop in Jerusalem on August 9, 2001. 15 people were murdered in the attack, 7 of them children, and 130 were injured.

Apparently finding something in common with terrorist Ahlam Tamimi who studied journalism, the PA TV host expressed how Tamimi's choice to study and work in the field of media "increases the respect and love I feel for her":

PA TV host: "We send greetings to the released female prisoner Ahlam Tamimi and to all the female prisoners who were released. I focus here on Ahlam because Ahlam chose a way that increases the respect and love I feel for her. I send greetings to you, dear Ahlam, and to your husband Nizar. Ahlam chose the way of media (i.e., as a journalist), and now hosts a program for prisoners."

Monday, November 18, 2013

From Times of Israel:
Palestinian prisoners, who were convicted of killing Israelis and then released by Israel as a goodwill gesture to grease peace talks, were given at least $50,000 apiece as well as a comfortable monthly salary from the Palestinian Authority.

Depending on the length of their jail term, the prisoners received more cash. Those who were held for over 25 years were entitled to $50,000, in addition to a position as a deputy minister or a promotion to the rank of major-general in the security forces, both of which earn them monthly wages of NIS 14,000 (nearly $4,000), Walla reported late Sunday.

Those who spent less than 25 years in Israeli prisons received a similar bonus as well as promotion to a deputy directorship in a government ministry or to the rank of brigadier-general, with a monthly wage of NIS 10,000 ($2,800) on the PA’s payroll, the report said.

Issa Abd Rabbo, the most veteran of the prisoners released, received a $60,000 bonus, with the PA reportedly also offering to foot the bill for a wedding should he choose to marry. He was convicted of murdering two Israeli hikers south of Jerusalem in 1984, after tying them up at gunpoint and placing bags over their heads.
We already knew that some 6% of the PA budget - a budget that is largely coming from Western aid - goes towards terrorists and their families.

But this is far more heinous. These released prisoners were the worst of the worst; in the last batch every single one was convicted of murder. The very fact that they murdered Jews is enough to give them not just a job, but a prestigious job - either a deputy minister in the government or a major-general in the army!

The PA may be the only government in the world where putting "murdered a Jew" on your resume guarantees you a job.

The idea of making peace with a government that openly lionizes  those who murdered your brothers, sisters, parents and children is reprehensible. For all of Mahmoud Abbas' assertions that he is against terrorism and that he accepts Israel's existence, this shows it to be all a lie.

He'll say whatever he can to put his people in a position to continue in the heroic ways of these newest employees of the PA.

One other thing we know: Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International will not condemn this. 

(h/t Bob K)

Sunday, November 17, 2013

  • Sunday, November 17, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon

Following are excerpts from a public address delivered by Mutawakkil Tahah, Palestinian ambassador to Libya, which aired on the Al-Jazeera network on September 27, 2013:

Mutawakkil Taha: Israel decided to gather the youth who had fought it in the first Intifada, and to organize them into security forces, showering them [with money], so that they would defend it, rather than Israel having to defend itself. But what really happened? When the 2000-2001 Intifada broke out, it turned out that 70% of the martyrs, and of the people who carried out attacks against the occupation, were members of the Palestinian security forces.


In other words, even when [Israel] establishes [our] security forces, these security forces remain patriotic and continue to fight the occupation. They will continue to serve as a wall defending the Palestinian spirit and the Palestinian interests.
I don't know whether the statistic is true, but the fact that a PLO ambassador today is bragging about his people being behind terror attacks then is really the story.

It shows that no amount of negotiations or goodwill gestures could change the fact that, to the Palestinian Arabs, the existence of Israel is the issue, not the "occupation."

(h/t Josh K)

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Mahmoud Abbas is the head of the Fatah political party. He is also President of the PA. Nothing major can happen in the West Bank without his approval. He pretended to dismantle the Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades years ago, but - he lied.

Today, there was a terrorist parade by Fatah's Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades in Qalandia:

Is there anyone on the planet that thinks that Abbas didn't know about this? Is there anyone who thinks that he did not approve it?

Here's a video they released today showing their love of terror rockets and martyrdom:

And the EU and US diplomats just keep on pressuring Israel as if these terrorists don't exist and that Abbas doesn't approve of their actions.

Either that, or he cannot even control his own political party.

Whichever interpretation you prefer, it means that Abbas is not in any way, shape or form a viable peace partner.

Journalists are equally guilty. They spend so much time coddling and praising Mahmoud Abbas that they seemingly don't want to embarrass themselves - or him - by asking him very basic questions about this rock-solid proof that he at the very least tolerates the terrorism that these parades and videos are praising.

It's almost as if journalists are adhering to an agenda to make Abbas look good, rather than act as - journalists.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Ma'an reports:
A 22-year-old man died as a result of an accident during a militant operation in Gaza on Thursday, medics and a military group said.

Hamas' military wing al-Qassam Brigades announced the death of one of its members, Foad Muhammad al-Siqli, who medics said arrived to the hospital in critical condition and soon passed away.
His obituary on the Hamas Al Qassam website is typically flowery:

Standing in the face of the Zionist tyrants, and in response to the call of faith and the homeland, the al-Qassam Mujahideen came out every day to be a shield of immunity to their country and their people, carrying the banner of jihad and the victory of the oppressed and the trapped, standing in all fields and to improve their grades with all the determination and stability and will not relent yet trust in Allah's victory, preparing and mobilizing the strength to resist the occupation and fighting a challenge and steadfastness.... During his him among the martyrs, and eternal peace, and that give his family patience and solace...

It is a jihad victory or martyrdom.
May all of Hamas' great mujahadeen become martyrs the same way, and soon.
Judge Dan at Israellycool noticed that in the videos showing the Hamas celebrations of Pillar of Defense last year, at least two ambulances - and maybe three were taking part in the parade itself.

At 1:46:

At 6:32:

And in this video, at 3:36:

It does not appear that these ambulances were there just in case of sudden illness along the route. From looking through the windows, they seem to be filled with people wearing the same Hamas uniforms that the rest of the terrorists in the parade are wearing.

The Red Crescent, of course, is not allowed to be misused in this way. The Red Cross is upset when it is used in video games or other non-authorized uses, so certainly we should be hearing their complaints about it being used in a terrorist parade very, very soon now.


UPDATE: The ICRC says these are not Palestinian Red Crescent ambulances. Other interesting points are brought up. See new post.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Yesterday was the first anniversary of the start of Operation Pillar of Defense, which Islamic Jihad called "Operation Blue Sky," and the group marked its "victory" with one of its ubiquitous parades through the streets of Gaza:

And, of course, the wookie:

Sunday, November 03, 2013

I have been trying to identify the murderers that Mahmoud Abbas embraced last week. Here are four of them.


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