Showing posts with label Preoccupied. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Preoccupied. Show all posts

Thursday, June 06, 2024

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

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Ashdod, June 6 - A Biden administration public relations boondoggle that failed in its stated purpose and would up drifting away from its intended zone amid poor planning and poorer execution still proves more popular among Israeli voters than the existing legislative factions and lawmakers, recent surveys confirmed today.

The floating pier that White House and State Department officials touted in March to relive humanitarian suffering in the Gaza Strip, operated only briefly until several weeks ago when tidal and other weather forces severed its moorings and send it floating north. Recovery and reinstallation on the Gaza shore could take several more days. Despite the debacle, the facility - which could only supply a fraction of the aid already entering the coastal territory from Israel by truck - still enjoys more popular support from voters than any of the parties or legislators in the Knesset. It was fully operational for a mere ten days.

Polls by Geocartographia, Bar-Ilan University, and Channel 14, among others, in the last three weeks have shown consistent favorability among Israelis for the failed floating pier, at 45%, while no single party, Member of Knesset, or government minister has garnered anything higher than 30%.

Respondents cited multiple reasons for their dislike of the politicians, and their preference for the Biden Boondoggle. Self-identified leftists disliked the right, as expected, but even figures from the center and the left itself attracted opprobrium for failing to exploit Prime Minister Netanyahu's continued political weakness. Centrists showed displeasure with the more radical elements of both camps, but also with the stalwarts of the "centrist" factions in the Knesset, for doing little other than shore up support for a historically unpopular government. Right-wing voters suspect all non-right-wingers of dangerous weakness on security matters, but also showed their disappointment with the prime minister, his allies, and the smaller right-wing parties, who, in their view, have fumbled repeated opportunities to implement an actual right-wing agenda.

The pier on the other hand, despite its high-profile failure, bears no responsibility in the public perception for the security lapses and conceptual rigidity that allowed the October 7 massacre to occur.

Unconfirmed reports had multiple parties developing plans to recruit the floating pier to their ranks. Polling remains unclear whether agreeing to any such overtures will dampen the Israeli electorate's positive opinion of the facility.

If the pier reinstallation proceeds without mishap, analysts believe its relative favorability will wane. The researchers noted that the likelihood of a mishap-free reinstallation remains low, but the history of Hamas firing on the pier might still generate sympathy from Israelis facing the same threat.

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Thursday, May 23, 2024

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

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Rafah, May 23 - Video production specialists in the Gaza Strip whose work focuses on the staging of heartstring-tugging, rage-inducing clips of innocent Palestinians killed, injured, or otherwise harmed by alleged Israeli attacks have yet to produce material with enough verisimilitude for the entertainment industry to take them seriously as marketable creators, motion picture industry insiders disclosed today.

Actors, directors, producers, and effects specialists in the Gaza Strip noted with frustration Thursday that their ongoing efforts to create content to buttress Palestinian claims of genocide and war crimes by Israel, while resonant in the media and online spaces, have failed for far to impress Hollywood, where executives and casting experts see the Gaza propaganda material as amateurish, failing to convince the viewer that it represents anything real to which they can relate.

"I spend hours each day staging these scenes of carnage," lamented crisis actor Saleh Aljafarawi. "I've played and filmed myself as a rendered homeless by bombing; as a surgeon treating people injured in Israeli bombing; as a corpse; as distributor of much-needed food and medicine to suffering children; as a child receiving distributed food and medicine; and a dozen other roles. I think my acting was top-notch. Certainly my sponsors in Hamas think my performances were good enough to keep paying me to make them. It's a but of a slap in the face to have those creative efforts shot down as 'amateurish' by a bunch of West Coast suits."

"I should have remembered the Jews control Hollywood," he spat.

Editors, cameramen, makeup artists, and other contributors to the "Pallywood" phenomenon voiced similar disappointment. "I love Gaza, I would never leave Gaza," insisted filmmaker Edwood Saïd. "I stay here to I can show the world our story, how beautiful this place was as an open-air concentration camp under blockade where we were all starving, before Israel came in and made it into an open-air concentration camp where we're all starving. I would never leave. And Hollywood won't let me, because apparently my art 'isn't convincing enough' or 'doesn't meet the most rudimentary levels of realism.' Total BS. This was going to be my ticket out of here. Did you know Hamas charges like five thousand dollars to let you out?"

Hollywood decision-makers defended their assessment of Pallywood as unpromising. "Maybe if it were animated," suggested a Universal Studios vice president. "That's approximately the intellectual level of the productions we've seen. In children's programming no one much cares how unrealistic the depictions are and caricature is the name of the game."

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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Thursday, May 16, 2024

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

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Meitar, May 19 - Months of repeated false alarms about the food supply in Hamas-governed territory have neutralized a local parent's go-to scolding to get her son to consume all the food she prepared for him, family sources reported today.

A mother in this middle-class community has found in the last seven months that her attempts to engage her six-year-old's sense of appreciation and appetite by noting that not too far away, children do not enjoy ready access to good food, unlike he does, have met with complete failure, now that not a single case of malnutrition or starvation has featured among the grim statistics coming the Gaza Strip.

"Mom has really been deprived of her chief vehicle to get my brother to eat by inducing guilt," acknowledged the mother's oldest child, a teenage girl. "Until a couple of months ago, it was more or less reflexive for her to counter my brother's refusal to eat up by reminding him how lucky he is to have food, not like those poor children starving over in Gaza. But the boy-who-cried-wolf of the NGOs, media, and biased political actors who keep warning that Gaza is about to run out of food, and then Gaza still hasn't run out of food despite having only two days' worth of food for, what, seven months? You can see how that might undermine the message."

The mother herself now feels out of options. "I could talk about the children starving in Sudan, I suppose," she admitted. "Or Yemen. But I never think of those in the moment. The media never talk about them. It's Gaza Gaza Gaza all the time, and it gives the impression that nothing important is happening anywhere else in the world."

She recalled her own mother's admonitions decades ago, but without remembering the specific place or places that featured as the locale of the starving children. "Whoever as starving then, they're not starving anymore, because they'd be dead by now, after all that starving," she reasoned. "But that logic seems not to apply to Gaza. It's the only place I've ever heard that's starving to death but not dying of starvation for months on end. Sounds like a medical miracle."

The six-year-old provided a different understanding of events. "I hate leftover chicken and he always serves that like twice a week," he complained. "If she's s worried about the children in Gaza, send the chicken there."

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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Thursday, May 09, 2024

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

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Jerusalem, May 9 - Experts have calculated the rate at which pro-Palestinian activists have applied to an increasing area a term that once referred to a specific building, and concluded that it will take only ten years for the inflation to swallow all of Israel, the Palestinian Territories, Lebanon, Syria, and parts of Turkey.

Al-Aqsa, literally "the farthest," Mosque, began its rhetorical life in a Qur'an passage describing a journey Mohammad undertook; while scholars debate whether that passage, 1400 years ago, refers to the current Islamic house of worship at the southern end of the Temple Mount, or to a location in Arabia, in practice the Islamic world at large applies the nomenclature to the site in Jerusalem. However, over the last century, agitators expanded the term beyond its strict sense, and now call the entire Temple Mount compound - Haram al-Sharif, or "noble sanctuary" in Islamic terms.

More recently, many of those antisemitic partisans have begun to refer to the Western Wall Plaza, below the western side of the plateau, as the "courtyard of Al Aqsa." With the inflation of the term accelerating, now including areas long considered entirely separate neighborhoods from the core locale, mathematic models now predict that certain Muslim countries and organization will label the whole region "Al Aqsa" by 2034.

"The model makes certain assumptions," cautioned researcher Darrell Harb. "It's impossible to pin down with reliable accuracy whether the expansion will take place uniformly in all directions, or whether it will vary in ways we cannot foresee. Initially, the expansion went primarily north, but also slightly east and west. Now it seems to have moved west, but only along the few hundred meters of the southern end of the compound's western edge. But several important factors weighed in following this model."

"For one thing," he continued, "Al Aqsa only seems to expand in directions associated with the presence of Jews. That observation guided us. We realized that the path of expansion will therefore move exclusively west, through the mostly-Jewish parts of Jerusalem, and then expand north and south, as well - more or less from the river to the sea. But since the Palestinian cause has a way of swallowing every other cause in its path, we also determined that the Al Aqsa nomenclature expansion will follow the same path, as the other elements of the Palestinian cause have also wrought havoc in the neighboring countries and worsened the ethnic tensions in those places. In fact that process moves eight times faster than the one associated with Jews."

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Thursday, May 02, 2024

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

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Rafah, May 2 - The Islamist militant group that has governed the Gaza Strip since 2007 and the political party that controls both the US presidency and the US Senate traded compliments today, which one claiming they had merely copied the established practice of the other, and vice versa, of using the dearly departed to create an artificially high statistic for political purposes.

Hamas and the Democratic Party credited each other Thursday with developing and advancing the idea of inflating voter and/or death toll counts. In separate interviews with journalists, each organization voiced the belief that the other had come up with it, and that their own organization had merely applied the concept to their own milieu: the Democrats, to inflate voter rolls and ballot boxes with the names and "votes" of the deceased; Hamas, either to tout high numbers of innocents killed in Israeli strikes, or to dig up mass graves that Palestinians themselves had dug long before the arrival of Israelis on the scene, and call those locations "site of mass killing by the IDF."

"Of course we simply copied the Democrats," stated Fawzi Barhoum of Hamas. "They mastered the art of registering and soliciting votes from beyond the grave decades ago. We could never perform at that level, for several reasons. One, they have been at it much longer, and two, we're not into voting and democratic processes. So we have to adapt the principle to this context. I'm proud of the success we have so far enjoyed with the practice."

Meanwhile, in Washington, Democratic strategists gave the credit entirely to Hamas. "The counting of the mass grave bodies as victims of Israeli strikes was nothing we could ever even think to try," acknowledged Ben Rhodes, an advisor to former President Barack Obama. "We're going to implement something of that sort with the upcoming presidential election, but Hamas are the real professionals at this. They can put up numbers that we'll never reach."

Both sides acknowledged that no one had an absolute monopoly on such manipulations. "You can't have a discussion of this phenomenon and not mention Ferdinand Marcos," admitted Barhoum. Marcos, President of the Philippines in the 1980's, became notorious for "winning" election by more votes than had been cast.

For their part, Democrats pointed to the prevalence of autocratic Arab leaders into the twenty-first century who boasted of winning reelection with 99% of the vote, if only because even they acknowledged that claiming 100% seemed excessive.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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Thursday, April 25, 2024

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

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I Have Traveled From 1948 To See The Glorious Islamic Future Of Southern Syria  

by Abd al-Qadir Husseini

Qastel, Jerusalem suburbs, April 25 - The opportunity we have awaited for so long finally presents itself: once and for all, when the British leave, we and our Arab brethren from all over will sweep the Jew into the sea and reassert Islamic dominance in this place. My brothers, I have the opportunity to get a glimpse, via time machine, of what the Levant will look like in seventy-six years, and the excitement of what I expect to witness and share with you in my reports makes me utterly giddy.

With our glorious victory in the present so imminent, I look forward to bringing you tidings, seven-plus decades hence, of restored Islamic glory, if not under the bygone Ottomans, then under the proud rule of, I don't know, does it matter whether King Farouk of Egypt, King Abdullah of Hashemite Transjordan, or whichever Syrian potentate ends up spearheading the triumph? Perhaps our fractured Arab peoples will unite. A fellow can dream of a future long after the final triumph over the cursed Jews.

My cousin the mufti already made strides in that effort by allying with Hitler and advising him on how best to deal with those Jews. He and I both gave the Jews here a taste of what awaits them, with cousin Amin even sparking mass murder of Jews in faraway Baghdad! Those weak Jews will melt away before my irregulars of the Army of the Holy War and our allies from all over the region. Surely, in seventy-six years, we will have witnessed a restoration of serenity and rightful Islamic dominance with no more foreign imperialism controlling us here in Southern Syria.

The imperialism of the Hashemites, Egyptians, and Syrians does not count, obviously. They would NEVER simply try to seize the land of the British Mandate for themselves. I will show you, upon my return, that the history in the future will prove me right!

As for the Jews - will there we any left? Not here. Whosoever survives will flee. We will plunder! We will have no mercy! Maybe we will enslave a handful? I doubt I will see any in the future. Hitler fell short, but Stalin will not. The rest will simply disappear. That is what happens to Jews, right? They just fade away and disappear into history.

Not my glorious Army of the Holy War. We will live on! I will show you when I get back.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

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Thursday, April 18, 2024

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

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Cambridge, MA, April 18 - Human rights activists warned today that the growing likelihood of the Jewish State holding new parliamentary elections this fall constitutes a blatant attempt to mask the dictatorial nature of the governmental system.

Harvard Fellow and former Executive Director of Human Rights Watch Kenneth Roth joined a number of colleagues to decry Israel's use of its democracy to distract from its lack of democracy and its oppressive, tyrannical state. In an open letter published in The New York Times and the Washington Post, the activists described Israel's Opposition Leader Benny Ganz's call for early elections "a transparent attempt to divert the world's attention from Israel's failure to uphold democratic norms."

Israel has held elections on average about every two years since about 2005, even though the standard legislative term lasts a little more than four years, owing to a fractured electorate that yields only the narrowest majorities for successive unstable coalitions. The writers called the democratic elections a mere cosmetic feature of the system, the same characterization that they gave Israel's independent judiciary, rule of law, religious freedom, freedom of expression, and other hallmarks of democratic societies.

"It has been clear for a long time that when Israel adheres to policies and institutions of democracy," the writers also wrote, "they do so not because it values democracy or those institutions, but only as cover for the nefarious depredations of Zionism and supremacy. This is a well-established principle in evaluating the legitimacy of Israel's behavior. Wherever one can posit a dark ulterior motive, it becomes the default assumption of what drives that behavior or policy."

Roth and his colleagues from Amnesty International, Médecins Sans Frontières, the International Committee of the Red Cross, the World Health Organization, and twelve other human and civil rights groups also cited the well-known model of "pinkwashing" as precedent: the established assumption on the part of activists that Israel's openness to, even celebration of, LGBTQ people - with Tel Aviv hosting by far the largest Pride Parade in the Middle East - stems not from genuine care and tolerance but from a desire to distract from the country's true evil nature.

"Given these axioms about Israel, the world must treat so-called Israeli democracy accordingly," the letter concluded. "Until Palestinians are free to replace Israeli democracy by whatever means necessary with a violent repressive homophobic misogynistic Islamist theocracy pursuing global genocidal Islamic supremacism, Israel cannot honestly call itself a democracy."

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Thursday, April 11, 2024

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

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Efrat, April 14 - A local mother alerted the Israel Antiquities Authority today upon discovering what could only be ancient treasures under the detritus and dust in her adolescent son's domicile, the Jerusalem Post reported today.

Hannah Cohen, 42, contacted the IAA shortly after beginning the task of cleaning Adir Cohen's room in advance of the Passover holiday, which begins Monday evening next week. "The moment I saw the amount of dust accumulated on the furniture and some of the other stuff in the room, I knew I had to call in some experts. I didn't want to disturb anything of value," she told the Post.

Cohen disclosed that she repeatedly admonished Adir to clean his room over the last year. "Might as well have been asking Palestinian terrorists not to rape and murder," she lamented with a shake of the head.

Antiquities Authority representatives declined to say whether any of the objects from the bedroom qualify as artifacts. "It is certainly too early to announce anything," cautioned IAA spokesman T. Peshesray. "We do not wish to make any premature pronouncements, not least because it would invite scavengers and unwelcome guests unlikely to show proper care and reverence for the site. We do not want them poking around where other finds might still await discovery. Also, Mrs. Cohen will chew their ears off, and not just about leaving the room a mess. So it's for everyone's benefit that we make our investigations first, and, only once we are certain of the provenance of various artifacts, notify that public whether we have found anything of note."

In a separate phone call, Hannah Cohen described the process that led her to contact the IAA. "I wasn't prepared for the bardak I found," she recalled, using a word for turmoil, adopted into informal Hebrew from Russian, that literally translates as "whorehouse on fire." "The food wrappers and dirty dishes were bad enough. But do you know the last time he changed his bedsheets? Probably sometime during the Mameluk era (1260-1516). I might have to throw them out."

"Don't even get me started on the laundry and dirt," she continued, clearly not in need of someone to get her started. "It was the dirt and dust that made me think of calling the Antiquities Authority in the first place. I know this place was clean a year ago, but you wouldn't know it from looking at it now. I swear, that boy and his stuff attract dirt at a hundred times the normal dust accumulation rate. The Ark of the Covenant could be under there somewhere, if it weren't in some Nevada warehouse."

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Thursday, April 04, 2024

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

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So Cute: You Think Violent Pro-Palestine Activism Aims To Generate Sympathy

by Aisaq Samqaq, Students for Justice in Palestine, Vanderbilt University Chapter

Nashville, April 4 - It's been months since October 7 and my gleeful reaction to it, but it's also been years and years that we in the pro-Palestine movement have made intimidation our methodology for policy change, and well-meaning, but I must say, naive AF, allies in progressive circles admonish us that glorying in the death and suffering of Jews, and threatening more of it for anyone who gets in the way, will only alienate the American public, and drive them away from solidarity with the oppressed people of Palestine. These well-meaning allied fail to appreciate that the purpose of my activism, and of the larger pro-Palestine movement, is not to generate sympathy or solidarity, but to cow opponents into inaction and compliance.

The Islamist cause embraced and took over the Palestine cause long ago; Islamism, wherever possible, seeks not to portray Muslims as helpless victims, but as triumphant victors over the infidels. Yes, we welcome your efforts to portray Palestinians as victims of Israeli brutality, but only insofar as those efforts help us subdue all of western society. Note how quickly "Free Palestine!" devolves into antisemitic chants, graffiti, vandalism, and violence. And then it goes beyond the Jews to target anyone and anything we believe stands in the way of Islamic dominance, such as the American or British flags. It's adorable, the way you insist on seeing us as in need of your benevolent empowerment and protection.

Look at the Palestinian and ISIS flags all over London. Look at how Muslims attack Jews everywhere, and not the other other way around. Look at how our activists shut down Jewish - not just Zionist - events with shouting and threats. The evidence surrounds you; you practically drown in it. Yet somehow, you have convinced yourselves that you know us better than we know ourselves. It's charming, in a quaint way that invites condescension commensurate with the condescension implicit in your assumptions about Palestinians.

I used to think you acted like this out of fear, of wanting to be left alone while we targeting more prominent and obvious foes. That was fine with me; fear is the point. But of late, I harbor concerns that you do so out of empathetic cluelessness, and I confess that while the result, in the end, will be the same domination we exert over you when we do triumph, I still have nagging doubts that you will still think you're doing us a favor.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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Thursday, March 28, 2024

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

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Minneapolis, March 28 - New research has upended a contentious and flimsy report from several years ago that falsely attributed American law enforcement excesses to anti-terrorism training with Israeli counterparts. The more recent, and more robust, research, published in this month's edition of the Harvard Law Review, instead identifies the major factor in the stateside phenomenon as Palestinian enforcement behavior against Palestinians, in turn sponsored by, and emulating, Iran and its proxies in the region.

The study found, in the words of the article, "a direct parallel between the violent, discriminatory phenomena that activists decried in United Stated policing vis-à-vis underprivileged minority communities, and the same phenomena as a consistent feature of so-called law enforcement in the Palestinian territories, principally the Gaza Strip but the Palestinian-controlled areas of the West Bank, as well." Nominally, Hamas controls the Gaza Strip where Israel's current military operations have not supplanted them, while the Fatah faction governs parts of the West Bank.

"Everything from outright racism against Africans to excessive force to arbitrary violence to institutional prioritizing of protecting the organization over any human or civil rights of the citizenry," the article noted.

In particular, the researchers noted the rampant and open discrimination in Gaza against Black Africans; the standard term in Palestinian Arabic for Blacks is "Abed," meaning "slave." De facto segregation and abuse characterize "official" treatment of Blacks in Gaza. The scholars also observed that the Arab Middle East remains one of the chief areas of the world where chattel slavery of Africans still exists; US police can only produce a pale imitation of that level of abuse.

Beyond race itself, the study also found the roots of American police brutality in the way Hamas enforcers treat ordinary Palestinians, that is, with total disregard for the humanity, let alone rights, of those ordinary Palestinians.

An earlier polemic that coined the term "Lethal Exchange" attributed American police brutality to tactics learned by US police forces when the latter studied counterterrorism methods and theories from Israelis experienced in the arena. The "study" made headlines and continues to be cited by race grifters and antisemites, but failed to demonstrate any connection between the training programs and any apparent manifestation of program content in encounters with criminal suspects.

The article predicts that the same "Lethal Exchange" propagandists who made the spurious link to Israel will seize on Palestinian police brutality as evidence that Israeli "occupation" has made Palestinian law enforcement so brutal and dehumanizing, which assumes that Arabs have always been peaceful peoples unknown for any conquests, wars, violence, or mistreatment of minorities.

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Thursday, March 21, 2024

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

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New York, March 21 - Anti-Zionist activists challenged Zionists again today over the latter's acceptance of funding and political assistance from groups that might have ulterior motives for their funding and advocacy on behalf of the Jewish State, also insisting that the anti-Zionists' own coalition with groups that traffic in classic anti-Jewish rhetoric means nothing.

On social media and in interviews, anti-Zionists decried Evangelical support for Israel as insincere. They argued that for many such Christians, support for Israel hinges on views of a reconstituted Israel as instrumental in bringing about an apocalyptic final battle, and does not stem from any great love for Jews as such. The same anti-Zionists, meanwhile, ally with acolytes of Louis Farrakhan, while insisting they have Jews' best interests at heart.

"It's all about sparking Armageddon," insisted Rafael Shimunov, a New York activist. "Those Evangelicals don't actually like Jews or want to protect them. I don't know why Zionists think the support they get from Evangelicals is offered in good faith. Those Christians have an agenda, and it isn't a Jewish one. It's not like our allies in the pro-Palestine movement, who are sincerely concerned for human rights for everyone. Their love for Jews is genuine. The fact that Jews somehow never end up deserving the same rights as anyone else is all the Zionists' fault, really."

A minority of Evangelical Christian Zionists in the US do cite eschatological motives for their support of Israel. The statistics fall short, however, of demonstrating that Armageddon animates the Zionism of anywhere near a majority of the demographic. The dominant rhetoric in Evangelical circles regarding Israel invokes the brotherhood that they feel for Jews, the values they see upheld by the Jewish nation-state, and, in many cases, sympathy for many generations of Jewish suffering under Christian rule.

Palestine activism, on the other hand, offers its constituents the moral purity and consistency of deeming the civil rights and safety of Jews contingent on not conflicting with anyone else's desires. No hidden agenda lurks behind the activism; Palestinian leaders and their allies in the West make little effort to disguise their genocidal ambitions, even if they make the occasional rhetorical nod toward universal human rights, for which Jews somehow never qualify.

At press time, Mr. Shimunov had yet to respond to an inquiry as to whether he believed Armageddon will happen, which could explain any rational hesitation about accepting Evangelical support, or did not believe, in which case he was invited to explain why it matters at all.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

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Thursday, March 14, 2024

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

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(I received a note from PreOccupied Territory with this story saying that it was written before the reported air drop mishap in Gaza. He said he was "not sure whether that makes publishing it funnier." It is far from the first time that his satire ended up becoming true. - EoZ)

Gazans Panic As US Airdrops Watermelons 

Zaitoun, March 14 - Palestinians hoping to bypass Hamas's tight control of aid distribution in this embattled coastal territory by getting to the parachuted packages of food by American Air Force, only to discover to their horror today that the latest payload, in a misguided attempt to show solidarity with Palestinians with a new symbol of their struggle, contained mostly watermelons. Six Palestinians were killed and a dozen injured. The Air Force has promised an investigation. Gaza officials, who give the official Hamas line, will include the casualties in the count of innocents killed by Israel.

Aid distribution inside the Gaza Strip has proved a tough logistical nut to crack, experts noted, given the monopoly that the Islamist terrorist group maintains through its control of the major aid organizations operating there. Israel allows in hundreds of trucks per day, but those vehicles sit idle on the Gaza side of the border while Hamas hoards the supplies, distributing it only to cronies who then sell the goods to those in need. Deadly clashes and stampedes have occurred as a result, with Gazans attempting to reach the aid before Hamas thugs can seize it. American and Jordanian air drops of supplies have tried to address the situation, with limited success.

Last week, a State Department employee passed a suggestion to a colleague in the Pentagon that the US military demonstrate its support for the people of Palestine by showering them with watermelons. The watermelon became a symbol of Palestinian resistance to Israel in the wake of the October 7 massacre last year that saw Hamas invade southern Israel and slaughter 1200 people, among other atrocities. The fruit evokes the green, black, white, and red Palestinian flag, and celebrates the "cutting open" of Israeli security on that day. The watermelon features in social media handles and has become a new shorthand for support for Palestinian violence against Israel.

The suggestion moved through the ranks of military until approved by the chain of command, who requisitioned several tons of watermelon, loaded them onto cargo planes, and dropped them over areas of the Gaza Strip where locals might be able to collect them.

The USAF investigation will attempt to determine who gave the green light for the mission without verifying that the air dropped cargo had parachutes, and will set forth revamped protocols to ensure no such disaster occurs again, according to a statement by the Air Force.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Thursday, March 07, 2024

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

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Washington, March 7 - Military analysts concluded this week that to date, the cadre of progressive warriors who light themselves on fire, killing or permanently disfiguring themselves, have a had no measurable impact on the ongoing military conflict between Israel an Hamas, despite significant expenditure of effort on the part of activists to frame the auto-auto da fé phenomenon as a demonstration of the pro-Palestinian position's nobility and power.

Nearly two weeks after a troubled US Air Force employee self-immolated in front of the Israeli embassy here, experts on armed conflict published an article in the journal Jane's that contrasts the hype and psychological warfare potential of faraway, impressionable, mentally ill people dousing themselves in gasoline and striking a match, with the reality on and under the ground in the Gaza Strip, where Israel continues to systematically dismantle Hamas's fighting capacity.

"Certain analysts probably let their biases get in the way of their initial assessments," allowed one expert quoted in the article. "I daresay previous confrontations between Gaza's armed groups and the IDF established certain expectations for both how fighting is conducted in dense urban spaces and what pressure the international outcry against harm to civilians comes to bear against Israel amid the inevitable civilian casualty reports. People lighting themselves on fire to protest 'genocide' might not have been an important feature of previous rounds of fighting, but those episodes created framework for understanding the dynamic in way that reinforced the preconceived notions about international outcry against Israel and the impact of that outrage on the intensity and duration of the fighting."

The article explores the assumption behind numerous faulty analyses of, and predictions regarding, the conflict since October 7, that emotionally unwell people consuming too much anti-Israel propaganda thousands of miles from the conflict zone and deciding to demonstrate their displeasure by publicly killing themselves in one of the most drawn-out, painful ways possible would move the so-called international community to prevent further "genocide of Palestinians."

It attributes some of the erroneous thinking to the notorious Palestinian use of suicide attackers. "Perhaps some observers confused the offensive use of suicide with the kind intended as virtue-signaling," the authors suggested. "One way in which the mistaken approach might prove correct, however, involves a hypothetical expansion of the phenomenon: if enough supporters of 'free Palestine' follow the example of their self-immolating comrades in the movement, that would bring the end of the conflict closer, as it would remove a sizeable portion of those whose agitation prevents Western and American elected officials from facilitating a decisive Israeli victory."

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