Showing posts with label Preoccupied. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Preoccupied. Show all posts

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

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Washington, February 29 - Heads of nations who for years have blamed Binyamin Netanyahu for stifling prospects for a peaceful, long-term solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict continued this week to speak and act in ways that all but guarantee the embattled prime minister will secure another term in office when the time comes, since their rhetoric and decisions play into Netanyahu's established image as an unabashed fighter for Israeli security in the face of unjust opposition.

Netanyahu, who has stood at the helm of Israeli politics for almost all of the last fifteen years, faced a deepening crisis of confidence with voters following the systemic failure of intelligence and preparedness of October 7 and sparking the current war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip. His persistent legal troubles, a fizzled attempt to reform the judiciary, and a well-funded opposition protest movement had eroded much of his popular support, even if no single credible alternative leader had yet to emerge. In the meantime, internationally, proponents of deep Israeli concessions to Palestinian demands expressed continual frustration at Netanyahu's refusal to play along with the notion that Palestinians would be ready for peace anytime soon, and many of those global leaders openly spoke of sidelining or ousting him, at least by empowering or funding the opposition.

His administration's prosecution of Operation Iron Swords, however, put the domestic political concerns in abeyance while Israel came together to fight the enemy of the moment - Iran-backed Hamas and Hezbollah. Netanyahu's much-forecasted political doom became something of a consensus prospect in Israel - until the continued international pressure to reward the terrorism of October 7 with concessions came to bear on the Jewish State, allowing Bibi to position himself once again as standing in the breach against a hostile international community that refuses to take Israel's security concerns seriously.

For example, reports of a leak several weeks ago from the US State Department that the Biden Administration intends to recognize a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, whether true or not, galvanized Israelis in a way that only the war effort had been able to achieve until now. Some analysts expected the opposition to seize on the reports as evidence that Netanyahu's decisions have alienated the country's most important ally, but those expectations failed to materialize; Israeli voters, united in a more bunker-like mentality, instead blamed American and global naivety and rallied together instead of against Netanyahu; even the center-left elements of his wartime unity coalition rejected the purported move.

In response to these internal Israeli political developments, international opponents of Netanyahu prepared further moves to prove him correct.

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Thursday, February 22, 2024

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

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Yeroham, February 22 - A group of elite members of the Va'aknin household infiltrated their parents' bedroom while the latter lay sleeping, noiselessly opened the cabinet where candy lay sequestered in punishment for fabricated offenses, liberated the contraband, and emerged from the premises while suffering only minor injuries, family sources reported today.

Adi, Moshe, Yair, and Hodaya Va'aknin, ages 8-15, staged a clandestine operation last night to rescue the chocolate, lollipops, and caramel chews that Mr. Va'aknin had confiscated from them two days ago after believing a false report regarding his children's behavior at school. Adi and Moshe briefed reporters this morning following the success of the extraction and the safe ensconcing of the sweets in a secure location that the senior Va'aknin will never find, the children assured journalists.

"It was imperative that we conduct this operation, and I commend all involved for their courage and professionalism," stated Hodaya. "We have known about the location of the imprisoned snacks almost since the beginning. We had a plan in place for some time already to liberate them - but to work best it required the right set of circumstances. Last night the right set of circumstances fell into place."

According to information the children disclosed, the raid began with a discreet scouting mission at around 10 pm. Parents Adelle and Daniel had sent the younger four - which included a four-year-old and six-year-old not involved in the mission - to bed. The eight-year-old kept his mother distracted with complaints of discomfort while an older sibling occupied their father with questions about ominous noises from one of the toilets. These diversions enabled yet another sibling to scout the master bedroom and confirm the exact location of the mission quarry - and, if time permitted, to attempt an extraction.

However, a lookout posted outside the bathroom alerted the scout of Mr. Va'aknin's imminent return, and the team settled in for Plan B. "Plan A was never considered realistic," acknowledged Moshe. "It wouldn't take long for Abba to determine we were only hearing normal tank-refilling noises."

Thus, the older children pretended to go to bed, when in reality one of them had positioned herself with her bedroom door cracked open, lights off, to monitor her parents' movements and launch the second phase of the mission. At 11 pm, the lights went off in the kitchen, then living room, as Adelle and Daniel readied themselves for bed. Hodaya listened for the sounds of the toilet flushing twice, knowing that indicated both adults would soon lie horizontal. She woke and alerted the other three, who tiptoed to just outside the master bedroom and listened.

Earlier, Yair had switched their parents' dinnertime coffee for decaf.

The team ascertained that their mother's breathing had slowed, and that their father's snores had assumed its deep-sleep rhythm, data gleaned from previous scouting missions. An unfolded, three-step ladder with rubber feet was brought from the kitchen. The team worked slowly but quietly to open the bedroom door.

The children recalled barely breathing as one of them - they declined to disclose which one - made a daring foray into the master bedroom, carrying the ladder and placing it in front of Dad's closet. Bare feet sounded like booms to the anxious observers, but did not noticeably alter the sleep of the recumbent couple just a meter away.

Another two children tiptoed into the room to form a relay team to which the point man handed each item, with extreme care not to crinkle any of the plastic wrapping. Inside of four harrowing minutes, the entire stash of captive treats had exited the room. The stepladder returned to its original location. The treats were taken to the bedroom of the two youngest, uninvolved children, and stowed inconspicuously for subsequent retrieval.

Children everywhere cheered the successful mission and the blow it struck for justice. "This is the moral boost we desperately needed," gushed Tony Gutierrez, a children's rights activist.

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Thursday, February 15, 2024

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

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Jerusalem, February 15 - Scandal rocked a renowned Islamic seminary this week upon the discovery that a beloved instructor there habitually pleasures himself to images of Israeli soldiers who had humorously donned a shipment of absorbent disposable briefs that reached them by accident, sources within the seminary disclosed today.

Two members of that staff, who spoke on condition of anonymity, at the Mutaharish Aitfal Madrassa in Jerusalem's Moslem Quarter of the Old City, told reporters that a senior lecturer, whom they declined to name, was caught twice in the last two months masturbating to photographs of the IDF soldiers. The first time, the sources reported, the incident was dismissed as a one-time aberration or moment of weakness, but following the second time, which, according to information from someone within the madrassa administration, involved the presence of minors, and resulted in the instructor's suspension, at least temporarily.

As Israel began mobilizing and preparing for its current operations in the Gaza Strip, following an October 7 invasion of southern Israel by Hamas that killed 1200 Israelis and involved mass rape and brutality as well as the abduction of Israelis as hostages, Israelis, as well as supporters abroad, contributed tons of supplies, gifts, treats, and equipment to the standing and reserve troops. One such shipment reached a group of soldiers who discovered that a mix-up had caused them to receive not helmets, body armor, snacks, socks, underwear, children's letters, or gift cards, but adult diapers.

The unit in question decided to don the diapers and pose for a photo, which went viral among two separate audiences online: people who appreciated the humor in making light of an awkward situation, and anti-Israel users who enjoy depicting as helpless babies the soldiers who have by now destroyed two thirds of Hamas's fighting capacity in the Gaza Strip - killing, capturing, or incapacitating about 20,000 fighters - for a loss of only several hundred IDF soldiers.

The madrassa instructor's behavior has challenged the institution's administration and the surrounding community, which both take a hard pro-Palestinian stance. "The parents found out and are furious," acknowledged one of the sources. "Less so because of the minors being exposed to the masturbation - they were just the kids of staff, and nobody cares about them - and more because of the shame of this paragon, this mentor, getting aroused by... that stuff."

"I mean, if it were actual kids, or goats, no one would mind."

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Thursday, February 08, 2024

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

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Rafah, February 8 - The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees announced today a raft of measures to meet the challenges inherent in the organization losing much of its budget by the end of this month because of ties to terrorism, measures that will include an event or series of events in which Gazans will prepare cakes, pastries, and other confections, and market them to passers-by, with the proceeds helping to cover some of the hundreds of millions in shortfall. The supplies for the event will come from the organization's own Hamas-run warehouses, where the goods are kept safe from the Gaza residents who might otherwise obtain them for free, as intended.

The United States, the European Commission, Austria, Iceland, Estonia, Latvia, Australia, and Lithuania, among others, declared a suspension of funding UNRWA unless and until the body undergoes an overhaul of its policies, culture, and procedures, in the wake of damning evidence that not only did some UNRWA staff participate in the atrocities of October 7 last year, numerous employees have direct Hamas associations, with half the workers connected to the terrorist group through family. Video and documentary evidence also shows that thousands of UNRWA teachers, for example, celebrate terrorism, and that nothing the organization does in the Gaza Strip can happen without approval and direction from Hamas itself, which appropriates aid goods and funds for its own purposes.

Analysts see the bake sale announcement as an extension of existing Hamas-UNRWA practices. "The UNRWA-provided foodstuffs are meant to be distributed to Gaza residents," explained Matan Shetten of the RAND Corporation. "But no one gets it free except the well-connected among Hamas itself. Everyone else has to buy it. It's even sold at retail in supermarkets. So what we have here with the bake sale is more of the same: Hamas-UNRWA extracting every last shekel from ordinary Palestinians, and letting only the barest amount of aid of any kind trickle down to the people."

"Who's going to buy the cakes - Egypt?" he continued. "No, the only people in Gaza are Gazans; Israeli soldiers, who wouldn't be interested; and Israeli hostages of Hamas, who have no access to the bake sale or money with which to buy anything. That just means more money siphoned away from the people who need it most."

A spokeswoman for UNRWA continued to insist today that every bag of flour is strictly audited and controlled.

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Thursday, February 01, 2024

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

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Berkeley, February 1 - A coalition of groups that sought to demonstrate solidarity with the people of the Gaza Strip and to showcase their vehement opposition to the nation-state of the Jews defending themselves from Gazans, acknowledged today that they felt stymied by circumstances that deprive them of a suitable place in the vicinity for their demonstration, such as a prestigious cancer-treatment and research facility, or a Jewish house of worship.

Members of local chapters of Students for Justice in Palestine, Jewish Voice for Peace, If Not Now, and the Committee on American-Islamic Relations, among others, expressed their frustration Thursday that the area lacks a high-profile medical facility that may or may not have accepted generous donations from people who have also donated to Zionist causes, and that the only synagogue they can locate lies far away from any convenient gathering venue - meaning that the activists have nowhere to convene, disrupt traffic, chant antisemitic slogans, and bully passers-by or those in the facilities, in the name of Palestine.

"We're not New York, I know that," admitted Nerdi Kissassi, the coordinator of the would-be demonstration. "New York has both synagogues in large numbers, unfortunately, and top-flight cancer treatment centers. We don't have anything comparable in northern California. That means our avenues for expression of solidarity with Palestine, and to glorify resistance to the Zionists by any means, are much more limited. We can't hope to make headlines the same way."

She noted that some enterprising activists had targeted Jewish cemeteries and institutions with vandalism and pro-Palestine graffiti, but that failed to garner the desired attention and caused a backlash among locals. "You've got to go big if you're going to play the intimidation game, which is the nature of Palestine activism in the west," she explained. "Playing on people's sympathy will only get you so far, because all the Zionist propagandists have to do is show images of October 7 and all our efforts are wasted. No, we need to scare into silence or inaction those who would otherwise try to speak out for, or protect, Jews, regardless of where their sympathies lie. Unfortunately for us, the Bay Area doesn't have any major Jewish institutions of global, or even national, stature, and we're not going to get air time or news coverage by shouting, 'From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free!' outside an abortion clinic or random day care center. It's a serious problem for us."

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Thursday, January 25, 2024

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

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I Assure You The Red Cross Is Working As Hard As It Can To Facilitate Terrorism

by Mirjana Spoljaric Eggerpresident, International Committee of the Red Cross

Geneva, January 25
- Since its founding in 1863, this organization has led the world in first aid and disaster response, and continues to do so even in the most dangerous locations worldwide. This mission includes the Gaza Strip, where the ICRC has responded to the most recent outbreak of violence by making every imaginable effort not to get in the way of Hamas's operations, even going as far as to refrain from criticizing Hamas.

Unfair accusations have stemmed from the Red Cross's handling of Israelis held hostage in Gaza: that we have neglected to insist on visiting them; that we have cooperated with a terrorist organization; that when some hostages were freed, we served as little more than couriers. Those charges are profoundly insulting to anyone who knows what our organization does, the values it upholds, and how it operates.

To begin with, open criticism of Hamas in a Hamas-controlled area would put our personnel at risk and threaten the crucial functions that the Red Cross plays in Gaza. Without a robust ICRC presence, Hamas might be forced to provide health care for Gaza residents, and that would hamper the group's ability to, and resources toward, killing and torturing Israelis. Imagine how annoyed that would make Hamas! We cannot take that risk.

Thus our refusal to convey medications to hostages in need of it is understandable in context. The same for our silence on the question of hostages being raped or otherwise mistreated. We simply have to take Hamas at their word, since they are known for strict adherence to the truth in medical matters, such as the bombing of the Al-Ahli Hospital and the total absence of Hamas military infrastructure in or under health care facilities.

Also the death toll and classification of every single casualty as a noncombatant, which we all know to be unimpeachable and completely in line with every other urban combat situation in military history. The missiles into Israel are launching themselves!

Israeli sources enjoy no such credibility, as they contradict what everyone knows without checking. This is common knowledge. I cannot believe it requires explaining. It is precisely the attitude we were trying to get across when we told the family of an Israeli held hostage in Gaza, "Don't you feel sympathy for the Palestinians?" Because that it what one says to a suffering, grieving, terrified person.

If they're Jewish.

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Thursday, January 18, 2024

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

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Gaza City, January 18 - The grim civilian fatality statistics from Israel's ongoing operation in this coastal territory in the wake of a Hamas invasion of southern Israel on October 7 hit an unfortunate milestone today, surpassing the total number of civilians in the territory, according to Ministry of Health records.

The ministry announced today that the dead from Israeli air, naval, artillery, tank, and infantry fire stands at 2.05 million, compared to the entire Gaza Strip population, last recorded at 2.048 million.

Human rights groups condemned Israel for the ongoing onslaught. "This is a crime against humanity on an unprecedented scale," declared Human Rights Watch. "Never before in the history of warfare has an aggressor killed more noncombatants than there were noncombatants in the targeted area."

A statement by Médecins Sans Frontières sounded a similar tone. "The brutality of Israeli actions against innocent Gazans knows no bounds," it read. "This dark milestone represents an indictment not just of the Israeli military and its political superiors, but of the international community, which has failed repeatedly in the course of this war to stop Israel from its inhuman onslaught."

"What's more," MSF continued, "all of these casualties are children, medical personnel, journalists, and humanitarian aid workers, some of them all of the above."

Experts warned that if the release of Gaza Ministry of Health casualty figures continues at a similar rate, by mid-year the death toll there will exceed the global Palestinian population, estimated at about ten million.

"If Israel keeps bombing Gaza, these numbers are going to keep getting worse," warned Amnesty International. "In fact, in just a few years, if the Israeli assault keeps up, the number of Palestinian dead will top the entire population of Earth. Woe to the generation that stands idly by while such atrocities happen."

The same organizations adopted a circumspect, even skeptical, stance regarding the reports from inside Israel on and after October 7, which documented Palestinian atrocities including mass rape, mutilation, torture, kidnapping, looting, vandalism, arson, mass murder, and other crimes - with some members of the human rights groups adhering to "the IDF killed all those Israelis" and "Hamas treated captives well" fictions long after evidence from Hamas itself debunked them. Any statements by those organizations criticizing the October 7 massacres made sure never to mention Palestinian violence alone, always taking care to denounce, in close proximity to such mentions, Israeli actions aimed at bringing the perpetrators to justice and preventing recurrence.

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Thursday, January 11, 2024

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

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The Hague, January 11 - The International Criminal Court announced today that it has opened an investigation into a deadly wildebeest incident that killed the king of the lions at Pride Rock and allowed a usurper to seize control of the territory, following evidence that agents acting on behalf of the Jewish State were responsible for the tragedy.

Chief Prosecutor Karim A. A. Khan convened a press conference at the ICC this morning to share details of the impending investigation into the stampede death of Mufasa, which he said now looks more and more like a Mossad operation.

Initial reports of the stampede focused on the possible involvement, possibly unintentional, of the crown prince Simba, last seen in the gorge where the herd of gnus trampled Mufasa to death as the latter attempted to rescue his son from the oncoming horde. Simba fled, leaving Mufasa's brother Scar to take over the pride and ushering in a period of drought and oppression that featured a shaky alliance with the hyenas and widespread discontent among the lions and the larger fauna community in the vicinity. Acting on tips from human rights groups, however, the ICC will probe what Khan called "disturbing indications" that in fact Simba had no culpability in his father's death, and that even Scar, whose resentments gave him motive to bump off his brother, may not be the one behind Mufasa's grisly death, but Israel.

"Given the default status of Israel as responsible for all the ills in the world, this investigation is both proper and necessary," stated Khan. "Our inquiry will examine whether the events surrounding Mufasa's death are consistent with Israeli brutality and criminality, and if so, we will open proceedings to prosecute the decision-makers in Israel's government."

Khan declined to elaborate on the evidentiary requirements that will determine the inquiry's conclusions. Analysts, however, take it as a foregone conclusion that the ICC will move to initiate a full criminal case against Israel - a development that experts say would be fraught with technical and legal complications.

"Israel isn't a signatory to the agreements that give the court its jurisdiction," explained International Law scholar Ken Garucourt. "That has stymied other efforts to seek justice for crimes against Palestinians - I mean 'alleged' crimes," he added, using air quotes and rolling his eyes.

"I'm sure we'll eventually find a way around that," he continued. "The Circle of Life cannot continue if Israel keeps killing everything. And all the animals in the area of Pride Rock are indigenous Palestinians under assault by colonialist, Zionist usurper imperialists. Sure, Scar is an unsavory character, but everyone knows that's of marginal importance for the sake of an alliance against Israel."

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Thursday, January 04, 2024

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

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Kfar 'Aza, January 4 - Scientists have determined that the appropriate units of measurement until narcissistic visitors from abroad begin photographing themselves in flattering poses in front of the locations where two months ago, Palestinian terrorists from the Gaza Strip perpetrated the deadliest and most brutal attack on Jews since the Holocaust, will be months, rather than years or decades.

Observers have noted the much-decried, mostly-teenage phenomenon in which tourists visiting the museum in Poland that marks the site of the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp complex - where Nazis and their collaborators murdered 1.5 million people, mostly Jews - take selfies in irreverent or inappropriate fashion, as if the site were Disneyworld or the Grand Canyon, rather than hallowed ground. Experts now expect the distasteful practice to expand to other sites of mass murder, especially where the victims were mainly Jews.

"The Nazi death camps are established historical sites," noted social psychologist Husana Vabbitch. "The major sites in Poland are state-run museums, with organized programs and facilities and reputations going back decades. The 'Gaza Envelope' where the October 7 massacres took place will take some time to grow into destinations for commemorative visits. Still, it's become the hot thing among politicians, celebrities, and influencers to be seen traipsing around either the NOVA festival venue or one of the affected Envelope communities. Anybody who's anybody has to post images of themselves in helmet and flak jacket, looking concerned or resolved at the carnage Hamas wrought. It's a tiny conceptual and phenomenological leap from there to posing in some other demonstrative way, including duckface or a two-handed 'peace' gesture. I give it a month."

The only reason the narcissistic phenomenon has not already occurred, experts believe, is that the Gaza Envelope remains a closed military zone. Continued missile and mortar bombs threats from the Gaza Strip have emptied even the homes of many survivors of Hamas's murderous, rapacious rampage. Entry to the zone requires IDF approval, and experts assume that restricted access protocols to the area will continue to apply as long as the current IDF ground offensive in the Gaza Strip persists. Israel's official position is that operations will continue until the 130 remaining hostages return to Israel, and until Hamas surrenders its weapons and its control of the territory - which could, in theory, happen tomorrow, but more likely require at least several months to achieve.

Influencers have already begun seeking sponsorships and product promotion arrangements for visits to the Israeli communities adjacent to the Gaza Strip, with an eye toward exploiting the stories of carnage and brutality for online clout.

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Thursday, December 28, 2023

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

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Jannah, December 28 - An Islamist militant whom Israeli forces killed in a firefight and whom Palestinian officials called a "child" in statistics released to the media will nevertheless be considered to have reached majority for his impending afterlife judgment, despite his having lived only three-and-a-half decades upon his death, supernal sources disclosed today.

Hassan Ayyash, 35, met his temporal end yesterday when attempting to ambush IDF troops in the central Gaza Strip city of Khan Younis. The Hamas fighter jumped out of a tunnel shaft to fire at a passing Israeli patrol, but, unaware that the enemy soldiers had already identified the position, placed himself in their crosshairs and died in a hail of M4 rifle bullets without getting off even a single shot of his own. Ayyash's lifeless body fell to the bottom of the tunnel shaft, knocking down a comrade and breaking his leg. The comrade died moments later when the IDF troops dropped several grenades down the tunnel shaft.

The Hamas-run Gaza Ministry of Health included Ayyash's death in the latest batch of casualty figures, counting him among 255 children it claimed were killed in the last two days of IDF activity in the territory. While his status in those government documents unequivocally appears a "child," the heavenly tribunal that will decide his eternal fate intends to try him as an adult.

"I don't understand," Ayyash, visibly confused, remarked as he awaited trial. "I'm clearly a child. All of the Gaza dead are children. Even the journalists doctors, musicians, and others. There are no combatants on our side, unless our side is bosting of its achievements on and since October 7. But yeah, I'm clearly a child. My government says so!"

Ayyash voiced frustration that Supernal standards of age seem not to dovetail with the standards Hamas and its sympathizers use in addressing international media. "I'm going to be in for a rough time if the Jews' control of affairs extends even to the afterlife," he acknowledged. "Obviously that can't be. I've been my entire identity and sense of purpose and value around seeing Jews as Allah's enemies. It's unthinkable that my teachers, mentors, and entire society have been that wrong about anything that big. The ultimate shame. And therefore impossible. I'm sure this will all prove to be a big misunderstanding."

Heavenly tribunal sources intimated that Ayyash will soon face revelations about divine, eternal truths that he will find most unpleasant.

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Thursday, December 21, 2023

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

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Shuja'iya, December 22 - Dozens of Gaza Strip militants who surrendered to Israeli forces  recent weeks have received offers from lingerie marketers to display the products on their ample, curvy bodies, a spokesman for Israel's prison service disclosed today.

Lt. Col. Adi Poss told reporters that manufacturers and retailers of bras and underwear for the full-figured have contacted the prison service to express interest in using some of the captured Hamas fighters as models, having seen pictures of the men stripped to their underwear as a security measure, and thus displaying portions of the body well-suited to flattering presentation of the intimate apparel products.

"At least six companies shave expressed interest," noted Lt. Col. Poss. "The feasibility of any arrangement remains open to question, given the uncertainty of these men's futures. Will they still be in captivity when arrangements are finally made? Can modeling the bras take place within the prison? It's definitely possible, but obviously not a priority for us tight now."

A representative of Victoria's Secret volunteered that her company seeks to ascertain the practicality of using the well-fed captive Hamas personnel as models. "What first caught our attention was that they were obviously not unfamiliar with a good meal or two," recalled the Vice President for Marketing, Ella Stick. "Victoria's Secret switched back to more traditionally-shaped models last year, but we acknowledge the buying power of those whose bodies do not match the perfection on display in our advertising. VS still aims to signal to the full-figured woman that our products suit her, and the shapes of the men captured by Israel during the fighting would meet those requirements nicely."

She added that the presence of so many well-fed people in the photos caught executives by surprise. "We were told Gaza was running out of food, but that's clearly not the case," she stated. "That's what made the images all the more striking. Perhaps under other circumstances we wouldn't have given a second glance at the man-boobs on display, but notice them we did. I'm thinking with the specimens in the photos, we can find models for almost every size we manufacture."

Another company that declined at this stage to be identified revealed that it already has a formal name for the marketing initiative, the Al Moob Project. Lt. Col. Poss offered assurances that enough "big-boned" Hamas fighters remain available for all the interested companies.

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Thursday, December 14, 2023

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

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Washington, December 14 - A Kentucky Congressman followed up today on criticism of his colleagues' firm support of Israel with a disavowal of his origin and childhood in a different state, a spokesman for the legislator announced today.

Bill T. F. Sharry, an aide to the Republican lawmaker, told reporters at the Capitol this morning that Thomas Massie (R-KY) decided to put his money where his mouth was, and, after tweeting a meme that claimed Congress was rejecting patriotism in favor of Zionism, realized he must show consistency on the matter of his place of birth vs. the place he was elected to represent in DC.

"The Congressman is a man of principles, and if principles call for him to oppose foreign interests superseding American interests, then consistency demands that he also foreswear any loyalties to a different state from the one he now serves," Sharry explained. He neglected to explain how the Congressman believes Zionism contradicts American patriotism.

"Up yours, West Virginia," he added. "None of your pernicious influence will ever again penetrate Kentucky."

Sharry also called on other members of Congress, in both houses, to follow Massie's lead, and formally disconnect themselves from any former states of residence, as a hedge against dual loyalties.

"Too many of our representatives and senators hail from states where they lived before getting elected to Congress to represent their present states of residence," he continued. "[Republican Senator from Texas] Ted Cruz was born in Canada, which I'm told isn't even part of this country. Has he renounced loyalty to that foreign regime to the north? Or will we one day face a crisis in which Mr. Cruz has to choose between American interests and the interests of people whose idea of a good time is the so-called sport of curling? All elected officials, and all appointed or hired ones, for that matter, should renounce loyalty to any other state or locale, at once."

Some critics opined that Massie's move remains insufficient. "He got a degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology," charged commentator Mike Cernovich. "We all know New England, the Boston area in particular, is a hotbed of degenerate liberal ideology and immorality. Massie spent years there, on and off. Now we're supposed to just trust that none of that craziness rubbed off on him, that he has no compromising sympathies for them? No one's impressed if you disavow West Virginia. West Virginians want to disavow West Virginia. It's a cesspool. No, I take it back, that's unfair to cesspools."

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Elder of Ziyon - حـكـيـم صـهـيـون

This blog may be a labor of love for me, but it takes a lot of effort, time and money. For over 19 years and 40,000 articles I have been providing accurate, original news that would have remained unnoticed. I've written hundreds of scoops and sometimes my reporting ends up making a real difference. I appreciate any donations you can give to keep this blog going.


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