Showing posts with label British Mandate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label British Mandate. Show all posts

Monday, April 10, 2023

World Islamic Congress in Jerusalem, 1931

In the Winter 2022 edition of the Institute of Palestine Studies journal, pseudo-historian Ilan Pappe puts forth a theory:

This article asks, why was there no Arab university in Mandatory Palestine (while there were two Jewish universities). Apparently, the colonial mentality of the British authorities who deemed the Palestinians yet another colonized people who had to be oppressed, while regarding the Zionist settlers as fellow colonialists, feared that such a university would enhance the Palestinian national movement. At the same time, Zionist pressure, British anti-Arab racism, and lack of resources also combined to undermine the emergence of a proper Palestinian higher education system.
According to Pappe's abstract, the main reason an Arab university was not established was British racism. Yet even he admits that the British allowed other Arab institutions of higher learning to be established in Palestine.

The truth is only partially mentioned in the article:

After the Buraq disturbances, some members of the Palestinian political leadership and most notably Mufti Hajj Amin al-Husayni attempted a different path. It was in the wake of the All-Islamic Congress convened in Jerusalem in 1931 that the real efforts to open such a university began in earnest in 1932. The coordinating committee of the All-Islamic Congress sent delegations to Egypt, Iraq, Afghanistan, and India for fundraising for an Islamic University in Jerusalem.
... [British] opposition was not the only reason that the idea of the Islamic university in Jerusalem petered out. Unfortunately, these fundraising missions, particularly the mufti’s long fundraising trip to Iraq and India in 1933, were not successful in raising the funds necessary to establish a university in Jerusalem. Nor was there enough interest among activists in convening a second congress in the city, and that led to the collapse of the organizational capacity of the World Islamic Congress by the end of 1934.48 Although the local press constantly mentioned the idea of reviving the university project and holding another congress in Jerusalem in the years that followed, those plans came to nothing and were soon forgotten. As mentioned, even after the mufti’s escape from Palestine in 1937, he was still involved in the efforts until 1940; soon after he also lost interest in the project. 

The antisemitic Mufti of Jerusalem couldn't galvanize nearly enough interest in the Arab world to build the "Islamic University in Jerusalem." He couldn't raise the funds and he lost interest himself. It doesn't appear that British opposition had much if anything to do with this - the Mufti certainly didn't consider that an obstacle.

Which means that Pappe is not telling the truth.

Other sources fill in more gaps. Pappe touches on this, but this article notes Egyptian opposition to the university:

The news that the [Islamic] conference would support the creation of an Islamic university in Jerusalem was seen as a direct threat to the dominating status of al-Azhar as the most prestigious university in the Islamic world. Thus, for example, Muhammad Bakhit, former Mufti of Egypt, in his public statement against the conference, also criticised the 'dreams' of those who pretended to establish a new university which would become the new scientific centre of the Muslim world. The loud opposition of al-Azhar to the conference must have also affected the cautious reaction of the opposition parties in Egypt. Although they might have been eager to use it as a stage to attack Sidqi's regime, Wafdist and Liberal leaders, being Egyptian nationalists, could not accept the eventuality that a non-Egyptian caliph would be nominated at the conference. Similarly, these leaders opposed any alleged attempt to erode the prestige of al-Azhar as the most respected centre of Islamic teaching. Even Egyptian advocates of the Palestinian Arab cause, such as Muhammad Ali Alluba and Ahmad Zaki, called for its postponement.
The entire purpose of the university was to help the Mufti's power base as well as to oppose the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, which had attracted prestige very quickly. But it was also a means to make land unavailable for Jews to buy, as Pappe notes:

Some funding did come through. The nizam (ruler) of Hyderabad donated one million rupees. ...That sum of money was used to buy land in the Tulkarm district that was endowed as a waqf for the future university. At least in this respect, the mufti could have been satisfied; he prevented the sale of the land coveted by the Zionist movement and ensured a future investment for the university. Alas, it was a short-lived victory as the village (Raml Zayta/Khirbat Qazaza) was destroyed in 1948 and on its ruins Jewish settlements were built and the university was not established. 

This nexus between endowment, struggling against Zionist purchase of land, and the university enthused also Christian activists in the national movement. Members of the Christian Orthodox community were prepared to do more than send words of congratulations. Most notable in this respect was ‘Isa al-‘Isa, the editor of Filastin, who sent the World Islamic Congress a proposal outlining a scheme for saving Palestinian lands from the Zionists by creating endowments on the coveted land...
The proposed Islamic University of Jerusalem was not conceived as a positive way for Palestinian Arab youth to improve themselves, but as a way to counter Jewish progress. 

As with Palestinian nationalism itself, it wasn't pro-Palestinian. It was anti-Jew.

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Monday, February 27, 2023

Today's news has uncomfortable echoes in the events of 75 years ago.

On February 22, 1948, three trucks filled with explosives were exploded by Arabs in British Army uniforms on Ben Yehuda Street in Jerusalem. Over 50 people were killed, including several children.

The "Army of the Holy War" led by Abd al-Qadir al-Husayni took responsibility for the attack several days later. He was a relative of the Nazi-allied Mufti of Jerusalem. His group was essentially the Hamas of its day. 

Two British Army deserters also participated in the attack. While the Mufti of Jerusalem denied any responsibility, and his Arab Higher Committee distanced itself from it, saying that the attack was "'depravity unfit for the Arab spirit," those British soldiers said that they had been promised a huge reward from the Mufti for their part of the plot. The story is that when they went to claim that reward, the Mufti laughed at them. 

As with yesterday's murderous terror attack, Jewish leaders called for restraint - but many did not listen. The Irgun and Lehi groups, blaming the attack on the British, attacked and killed a number of British soldiers in revenge, while Arab snipers killed several Jews.

The real difference between then and now, of course, is that now the Jews can defend themselves. Then, the British were still responsible for security, and they didn't hold on to their end of the bargain. Even though they knew that their own vehicles had been stolen days before this attack, they didn't inform the Jewish guards in Jerusalem, who let the bomb-laden British trucks into the heart of the city assuming they were safe. (One heroic guard challenged the "British soldiers" and was immediately murdered by them.) 

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Monday, February 20, 2023

Starting in 1947, the Arab Legion was placed in Jewish areas by the British. They used this opportunity to attack and murder random Jewish civilians.

From the Palestine Post, February 16, 1948:

A particularly horrific story happened the next day. Three Jews were shot at in their car, injured, forcibly pulled from their car - and then executed.

From the Palestine Post, February 17, 1948:

More details of this crime were revealed in the next day's paper. The British knew about the execution ahead of time, and essentially colluded.

These are all war crimes by any definition. And no one even remembers this. 

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Thursday, February 16, 2023

Palmach soldiers

The Palestine Post, February 13, 1948, describes a despicable war crime in Jerusalem that has been all but forgotten.

A group of four Haganah members in Jerusalem were arrested by a British Army patrol that was manned by Arabs. 

Hours later, their bodies were found, riddled with bullets.

Their names were Eliyahu Kessler, Shimon Nissani,  Naftali Schul and Shalom Leon.

This is really a double war crime. One is that the Arabs effectively used their British army uniforms to perform an illegal attack, and the other one was to slaughter prisoners in custody. 

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Monday, February 13, 2023

From the Palestine Post, February 12, 1948:

Notice the Arabs didn't shout "Kill the Zionist." They shouted "Kill the Jew."

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Wednesday, February 01, 2023

Rabid Israel hater "Rabbi" David Mivasair tweets what he considers to be a "gotcha" for Zionists:

I love this old menu on the wall of a Jewish deli in my hometown of Baltimore.  It tells quite a story. "Buy Palestine Matzo"

Anyone need to have that explained?

I'm always amused when I see modern antisemites triumphantly bring pictures of old coins or stamps that say "Palestine" as if that means there was a state of Palestine before 1948.

I mean, does Mivasair think that Jews in Baltimore considered buying matzoh from an Arab country a selling point? There were lots of Jews in Egypt, Iraq and Syria at the time - but no one in the US cared about buying their matzohs!

"Palestine" was simply the English translation of "Eretz Yisrael" before 1948. 

But for those who really love to see the word "Palestine" used before 1948, here are some great examples:

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Tuesday, January 03, 2023

The terror attacks against Jews in the months after the partition were so frequent that even the most hideous attacks were buried on page 3 (out of four) of the Palestine Post.

Here we learn about Raya Sitek, a 45 year old woman who was stabbed multiple times to death in Jaffa over the weekend of January 2, 1948.

Her Arab attackers weren't satisfied with simply killing her. They kept stabbing this middle aged woman - repeatedly - after she had already died.

This has nothing to do with "opposition to Zionism." This is bloodlust to not only kill Jews, but to mutilate them afterwards. 

I believe that this is the street where Raya Sitek was murdered, close to the Clock Tower square.

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Monday, January 02, 2023

Continuing my review of the Palestine Post articles from 75 years ago, we see this interesting piece from January 2, 1948:

It turns out this was far from the only reporting in 1948 of close cooperation between Arabs who wanted to murder the Jews and the Nazis who were experts on the topic.

January 6:

January 9:

Arab agents are today recruiting mercenaries to fight against the Jews in Palestine from among the Yugoslav Ustashi and Chetniks and the Ukrainians, Albanians, Circassians (former inhabitants of the northwestern area of the Caucasus) and other groups here who were on Hitler’s side during the war, and are now under the care of the International Refugee Organization.

Able-bodied men, both inside and outside the I.R.O. camps, who are between 22 and 32 years of age, and who accept the Arab terms of payment–their fares to the middle East and maintenance of their families in exchange for their pledge to serve in the Arab forces for at least one year–are being given visas by the governments of Egypt, Syria and Transjordan. Where the mercenaries are of Moslem origin they are being officially resettled” by formal negotiations between the governments concerned and the I.R.0. which, however, disclaims any knowledge of what use the individuals are put to on arriving in the Middle East.
April 1:

April 9:

July 28 (JTA):

Several hundred former members of the Nazi Prinz Even, Division, recruited by Egyptian authorities in Austria as farm workers, immediately upon their arrival in Egypt joined the Arab Legion of Transjordan and departed for the Palestine front to fight against the Jews, the Socialist newspaper Well Am Abend reported today.

The newspaper charged that Dr. Ismail Hassan, Egyptian representative in Austria, toured the U.S. zone several weeks ago and succeeded in obtaining exit visas for the several hundred, most of whom were Bosnian Moslems and held the rank of major to the Prinz Eugen Division. The disclosure of the identity of the men followed the capture of several of them by the Israeli forces, Welt Am Abend stated.

September 5:

There is surprisingly very little literature about the Nazi contribution to the 1948 war.. There are lots of books about Arabs collaborating with Nazis during World War II,, and more with the false accusations of Zionists collaborating with Nazis, but I cannot find any on Nazis collaborating with Arabs after the war.

The most comprehensive account I could find was a contemporaneous article by International News Service correspondent Kenneth Dixon written on February 22, 1948, where he viewed the evidence of the Palmach from papers on captured Nazis as well as German-style fighting techniques from Arab soldiers.

Barry Rubin and Wolfgang G. Schwanitz, in their 2014 book "Nazis, Islamists, and the Making of the Modern Middle East," have one chapter on "The Arab States' Useful Nazis." It does not talk about the Nazi role in the 1948 war, but they note that the number of Nazi officials that escaped to Arab countries dwarfed the number that fled to South America - over 4,000 Nazis officials in Arab countries (some estimate over 6,000)  compared to less than a thousand in Latin America. (And many of those who fled to South America later relocated to the Middle East.)

The authors say  (p. 216)  that a few years after World War II, the Allies were unenthusiastic about seeking out Nazi war criminals for punishment. They then acidly note that "the only ones who seemed to be avidly seeking to find Nazi war criminals were Arab governments who wanted to offer them jobs."

This is all after the Nuremberg Trials when Nazi crimes were well known. The Arab leadership at the time were attracted, not repulsed, by the details of the Holocaust. 

If Arabs were not antisemitic, then why did they so enthusiastically recruit known Nazi war criminals for their war against Israel?

And if leftist "anti-Zionists" today abhor antisemitism, why have they remained so silent when confronted with countless stories that prove Arabs have been enthusiastic antisemites? Why can one not find virtually any condemnation of Arab antisemitism from these social justice warriors?

Because they share the same mindset as the Arabs who recruited Nazis in the 1940s.

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Tuesday, December 27, 2022

In the Palestine Post of December 26 and 27, 1947, Arab terror attacks on Jews were as bad as they were during the second intifada. 

No one talks about that today.

It is worthwhile to study them. The Palestinian mentality and antisemitism, their making no distinction between Jewish civilians and armed forces, remains exactly the same today. 

The December 26 edition mentions the murder of a Jewish Olympic athlete, Elias "Elo" Katz, who had won the silver and gold medals in the Paris Games in 1924 (the article is mistaken.)

While any Palestinian terrorists who ever kicked a ball are trumpeted to the world as if Israel targets athletes (this article today from the official Palestinian news agency claims Israel has targeted and killed over 700 Palestinian athletes!), here was a real Olympics gold medalist who was murdered by Palestinians.

The December 27 Palestine Post reports on two more convoys - meant to bring food and supplies to isolated Jews - ambushed and seven Jews murdered:

The Arab Legion of Transjordan at the time partnered with the British to help keep things calm - but instead, this professional army shot at two civilian buses near Haifa, killing one Jew and wounding others, originally claiming that the Jews attacked first but it was found to be a lie. 

An absolutely heartbreaking story of a little girl in bed killed by Arab gunfire. 

Violence was so prevalent that here we see four separate incidents - including an attack on a Jewish children's home, a Jew killed - are thrown together on a single Page 3 story (the newspaper was only four pages long.)

Palestinian Arabs openly threatened Jews - from London.

Egypt decided that since it was impossible to ensure that they were only boycotting Jews in Palestine, they should boycott everyone in Palestine.

 Like today's BDSers, the point isn't to help Palestinian Arabs but to try to hurt the Jews. Like today's BDSers, they would swear that they are doing this to help the Palestinian Arabs. Like today's BDSers, they never actually asked the affected Arabs if they want to be collateral damage.

Other news from that paper are also echoes of today: a huge blizzard in the US that kills many people, and a fatal cholera outbreak in Syria that people are desperate to contain.

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