Showing posts with label "pro-Palestinian". Show all posts
Showing posts with label "pro-Palestinian". Show all posts

Thursday, August 05, 2021

EcoPeace ME is an organization of Israeli, Palestinian and Jordanian environmental activists who work on fixing the water shortages in the region to benefit all.

It doesn't get more progressive than that.

But it breaks a BDS rule. 

So BDS attacked EcoPeace, and specifically Nada Majdalani (center), director of the Palestinian branch, who recently met with her Israeli and Jordanian counterparts in Washington:

BDS issued a statement denouncing the meeting: "What [Nada] Majdalani is doing goes beyond normalization by being completely involved in covering up the crimes of the occupation against our people, and in harmony with the betrayal of Arab regimes that are rejected and fought by the peoples of the Arab region, including our Palestinian people."

This was particularly upsetting to the BDS hate group because Majdalani's father, Ahmed Majdalani, is the Palestinian minister of Social Affairs and Secretary-General of the Popular Struggle Front. Majdalani is also a member of the PLO Executive Committee. Seeing his daughter actually touching an Israeli must have been enraging. 

Of course, they were also trying to shame Nada's father Ahmed with this statement, as they name checked him.  

So what did her father do?

He organized his own "normalization" meeting between Israelis and Palestinians in Al Bireh, under the auspices of the PLO!

BDS Fail!

Other Palestinian factions and media complained bitterly that Palestinian officials are meeting with Israelis sometimes. 

Palestinian journalists also protested a press conference today for Israeli journalists in Ramallah.

This obsession with cutting off all communications with Israeli Jews has accomplished less than nothing, but many Palestinian officials continue to insist on it - either because they are stupid or because they are afraid of their constituents.

You will not find "pro-Palestinian activists" publicly denouncing BDS, even when they are clearly acting in ways that are counterproductive to all Palestinians. For most of the "pro-Palestinian" crowd, hating Jews is a higher moral imperative than helping Palestinians. 

Nada Majdalani should be a hero for people who claim to want the best for Palestinians. Instead, she is vilified. And that tells you everything you need to know about the hypocrisy and regressiveness of the BDS crowd.

Tuesday, July 06, 2021

From The Action Group for Palestinians in Syria, June 25:

Syrian security forces have tightened military grip around Deraa and its outskirts, south of Syria.

Local sources told AGPS that all access roads to the city centre have been blocked except for the Sajneh road, where three military checkpoints have been pitched.

Palestinian refugees have expressed concerns over a new wave of forced military conscription and arbitrary manhunts in the area.
This comes only a weeks after Palestinians who had been forced out of the Deraa area were allowed to return after three years - under Russian mediation:

A former commander of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) in the al-Lajat area told Enab Baladi that Russia’s mediation through its affiliate 8th Brigade had allowed the return of displaced families from the villages of al-Shayyah, al-Shomara, al-Modawara, and Alali to their homes.

He added that the residents of those areas had been displaced since 2018 in the villages of Hauran, and their areas were controlled by the 9th Division and Hezbollah-affiliated forces.

He pointed out that residents took the return decision after Russia guaranteed them that the Syrian regime’s security apparatus would not arrest them.
The Palestinians in Syria have every reason to be concerned.

However, "pro-Palestinian" activists - and even Palestinian media - have been silent about these latest moves by Syria.

Just more evidence that unless Israel is involved, no one cares about Palestinians. 

Sunday, June 20, 2021

The Pfizer vaccine fiasco reveals so much about the Palestinian leadership as well as about the "human rights" groups and activists who pretend to be "pro-Palestinian" but truly aren't.

The Palestinian Authority had agreed with Israel to obtain over 1 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine now, and not to have to wait until September to get them directly from Pfizer. The agreement was signed and the PA knew perfectly well that Israel would first transfer the vaccines that were closest to expiring, and the exact expiration dates of the first doses. 

An Israeli official, who asked to remain anonymous because he was not authorized to speak publicly, said that the initial batch of doses would expire at the start of July and said that would give enough time for Palestinian health workers to administer them.

The official added that the authority had been aware of the vaccines’ expiry date before agreeing to their delivery, and said the authority had scrapped the deal only because it had been criticized by Palestinians for agreeing to receive vaccines perceived to be of poor quality.

The official also said that none of the remaining doses would have been delivered less than two weeks before their expiry date.
Tens of thousands of Palestinians could have received their first doses in the next two weeks. 

This should be considered a debacle by any civilized society. Thousands can get sick and scores could die because of this decision by the PA. 

But, incredibly, the only inquiry that Palestinians are demanding is one into how the PA almost bought vaccines that they claim were of "inferior" quality. Terrorist media is reporting about how the PA is incompetent - not for trying initially to fight COVID but for making a deal with Israel. The PA, naturally, has to defend its "honor" by canceling the deal. 

Keep in mind that the PA eagerly accepts Russia's Sputnik vaccine which did not have anywhere near the same quality trials as the Pfizer or Astra-Zeneca vaccines did. 

Unless you are hopelessly biased against Israel, this episode shows beyond any doubt that Palestinian leaders don't care about the lives of their own people, and are willing to sacrifice their people so as not to appear to be "normalizing" with Israel. They hate Israel more than they love their own citizens.

Even more telling are the reactions  - or non-reactions - from so called "human rights" groups and Palestinian activists.

As far as I can tell, none of the supposed Palestinian human rights groups are saying a negative word about a decision to delay vaccinating their own people for three or four more months. 

Not B'Tselem. Not PCHR. Not Al Mezan Center.

Their silence shows that they are not interested in the human rights of Palestinians - after all, what human right is more basic than the right to life and health? 

Ken Roth, of Human Rights Watch, took the absurd Palestinian excuse of "almost expired" vaccines at face value, and used this as another reason to bash Israel. 

As if any more evidence was needed, this episode shows that the "pro-Palestinian" community is nothing of the sort. These groups simply use the Palestinian issue as a means to bash the Jewish state.

People who really care about Palestinians would be up in arms over the PA putting their people at risk. Where are their voices?

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Today, Palestinian groups in the US are planning a "Day of Rage" protest outside the Israeli consulate in New York City:

The purpose of the rally is to "stand against the Zionist settler invasion on Al Aqsa in Jerusalem Palestine."

Which means to stop Jews from peacefully walking on Judaism's holiest site. 

Here's one such recent "invasion:"

This isn't a pro-Palestinian rally. This isn't even a rally against the Jerusalem Flag March, which will not enter the Temple Mount.

The entire stated purpose of this rally is to deny Jews any religious rights to Judaism's most sacred spot.

Denying Jews basic human rights is the very definition of antisemitism. 

When it comes down to it, every "pro-Palestinian" demand is a variant of denying the right of Jews to live in peace and security in their ancestral homeland. 

Sunday, May 30, 2021

In the early days of the Gaza operation, Refaat Alareer wrote an op-ed in the New York Times about how hard it is to be a good parent during wartime.

He mentioned that the lost his brother in the 2014 war along with many relatives:
In 2014, during the last war, Israel killed my brother Hamada; it destroyed my apartment when it brought down the family home that housed 40 people. It killed my wife’s grandfather, her brother, her sister and her sister’s three kids. 
Why would Israel target his apartment?

Well, because Refaat Alareer's brother was a Hamas operative, and he was holed up in the apartment with a fellow Hamas terrorist - effectively holding the family hostage as human shields. 

Here is Mohammed (Hamada) Alareer, still memorialized on Hamas' Al Qassam Brigades website:

He was killed along with Musab al-Ajlah, another Hamas terrorist.

If Refaat owned the apartment, as he implies, that means that he was knowingly shielding two Hamas terrorists and his own family members. If anyone is responsible for the deaths of his wife’s grandfather, her brother, her sister and her sister’s three kids, it may be Refaat himself!

Hamada also played the Nahoul the Bee character on a Hamas kid's show, telling children to shoot Jews and smash them.

I don't know if Refaat himself is a Hamas member, but he certainly is a fan. His now-suspended Twitter account included this:

Now he is pretending to be an upright, moral dad who values human lives. But he clearly teaches his daughter to lionize terrorists as well. This is from her Facebook page a few years ago - the photo on top is Refaat posing in front of a cannon in Turkey, and her profile picture is of a masked Al Qassam Brigades terrorist:

Lots more details about this family here.

This is who the New York Times promotes.

On Friday, the same New York Times had a front page photo essay highlighting the photos of children killed in Gaza, a truly grotesque demonization of Israel that is unprecedented. 

Of course every child killed is tragic. But only those that can be blamed on Israel are front-page news for the New York Times. Kids killed by gunfire, in Afghanistan, in Syria - none of them are named, let alone plastered on the front page of the leading newspaper in the West.

In response to this, I tweeted 

I just gave $64 to Friends of the IDF, one dollar for every kid in the @nytimes front page that (despite denials) paints Israel as a child killing entity. 

The IDF does more to save children's lives on BOTH sides than any media, NGO or "pro-Palestinian" group ever has - or will.

My point, which was clear, is that the IDF saves more Gaza kids' lives while defending Israeli kids than the New York Times, or PCHR, or Amnesty, or any of the others whodemonize Israel - combined.  

Refaat is a terrorist fan who teaches his daughter to love Hamas and that Hamas is legally allowed to blow up Jews.   And he writes how wonderful a father he is for the New York Times. Then, today, he called me a fascist who celebrates dead kids - the exact opposite of my post:

He throws in a little antisemitism for good measure, saying that me, a child of Holocaust survivors, is a Nazi. 

 Yes, this Hamas propagandist who fully supports murdering Jewish children in Israel, who supports the antisemitic Hamas charter, who says that suicide bombs are "legitimate resistance" and moral - is calling me a fascist and someone who celebrates killing children.

This isn't even psychological projection: this is a terrorist supporter who is gaslighting the Western world into thinking that Israel is the monster and Hamas is only defending poor Gaza children, the exact opposite of the truth. He knows this and he chooses to propagandize for a terror group.

Refaat Alareer cannot hide his true allegiance for antisemitic, genocidal Hamas. 

Monday, May 24, 2021

The only person so far arrested for that horrific assault of Joseph Borgen is Waseem Awawdeh. 

Here's the aftermath of the attack.

When Awawdeh posted bail, he was lauded as a hero by his fellow Jew-haters.

How did Awawdeh post bail?

Because a group of well-known pro-Palestinian organizations put together a fundraiser to support an antisemite. 

A brand new organization called The Palestine Freedom Fund was created specifically for this fundraiser and it is managed by an alliance including Al-Awda, the Palestine Right to Return Coalition – NY; American Muslims for Palestine – NJ; Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network; and Within Our Lifetime – United for Palestine.

Their site says,
The Palestine Freedom Fund works to support bail and legal expenses for Palestinian organizers, activists for Palestine and community members targeted for persecution.

As a first initiative, we are fundraising for bail/legal support funds for Palestinian youth arrested at New York City demonstrations for Palestine on Thursday, May 20, 2021. 
Awawdeh said after posting bail that he does not regret attacking a defenseless Jew and would happily do it again.

The Israel haters like Peter Beinart pretend that these sorts of incidents are not representative of the "pro-Palestinian" movement. 

They know this is a lie. They are quite familiar with Samidoun and Al Awda and what their goals are. 

And here we have proof positive that these Palestinian organizations directly support antisemitism and those who target Jews - and call their being arrested "persecution."

The Palestinians and their fans at these rallies aren't against antisemitism. They wholeheartedly support it. This is the story that the media refuses to touch.

(h/t kweansmom)

Monday, May 03, 2021

BDS celebrated its 15th anniversary last June with a list of 15 things you can do to "show solidarity with Palestinians."

Here they are:

Expose Israeli Apartheid: 
Targeted Sanctions [against Israel]
Apartheid Free Zones in your community "as spaces free of racism, sexism, discrimination"
Corporate Complicity (pressure on companies with branches in Israel)
Racial and Indigenous Justice: Support Indigenous-led and Black-led struggles for racial justice...
Environmental and climate justice
Women’s struggles: "justice in Palestine is a feminist issue"
Ethical City Councils: "Promote an intersectional motion in your local council..."
Faith Communities & Tourism: "respect the Palestinian call for ethical tourism/pilgrimage."
Cultural Boycott of Israel
Academic Boycott of Israel
Student Activism: Organize intersectional campaigns... 
Sports Boycott: Join the global campaign to boycott Puma...
LGBTQI+ Rights: "Unmask and counter Israel’s agenda of pinkwashing..."
Donate to BDS: BDS needs support from people of conscience everywhere...
Only one problem: Not one of them would actually help a single Palestinian.

Not one mention on sending money to Palestinians - only to BDS.
No request to help pay rent for Arab Sheikh Jarrah residents which would allow them to stay in their homes.
Not one mention of supporting Palestinian businesses - only boycotting Israeli businesses.
Not one mention of lobbying Israel to ease restrictions on Palestinians.
Not one mention of sending letters or tweets of support to ordinary Palestinians. 
Not one mention of working to improve Palestinian democracy or its institutions.
Not even a request for volunteers to help with the olive harvest.

This isn't a list of things to show solidarity with Palestinians. It is a recruiting list for "social justice warriors."

There is nothing positive here at all. Nothing supportive of Palestinians. Only hate for the Jewish state. 

This list shows, better than any hasbara ever could, that people who claim to be "pro-Palestinian" are nothing of the sort. They simply hate Israel with a passion that is only equaled by their Jew-hating cousins on the Right. 

Sunday, May 02, 2021

The International Middle East Media Center, which pretends to be an independent and objective media outlet, "reports" about the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood that was ethnically cleansed of Jews in 1948:

Israel is planning to build and establish more than 540 colonialist units in the area, and is currently building 54 units, in addition to the ongoing efforts to link them with the Police Command in Sheikh Jarrah and the French Hill settlement in addition to the Hebrew University, as part of the so-called “Jerusalem Belt” colonialist plan linking the colonies with different Palestinian areas in al-‘Isawiya, Rad al-‘Amoud, Wadi ar-Rababa and many other areas, and aim at connecting East Jerusalem with West Jerusalem with this belt of illegal colonies after displacing the indigenous Palestinians.

The Israeli colonialist plan, which is intended to be implemented in phases through many years, was put forth by the government, the Jerusalem City council, the Israel Antiquities Authority and various colonialist organizations in Israel and other counties [sic], and has a budget of 537 Billion Israeli Shekels.
NIS 537 billion is a really specific sounding number! Where did that come from?

It was made up by "activist" Fakhei Abu Diab, whom we have seen both recently and in the past as being obsessed with telling journalists that Jewish history is all a lie. 

How absurd is the NIS 537 billion ($165 billion)?

It is higher than the entire budget of the State of Israel  which is NIS 426 billion!

The entire budget of the municipality of Jerusalem was NIS 11.2 billion in 2020. The entire budget of the Israel Antiquities Authority is less than half a billion shekels.

The IMEMC, which criticizes the Palestinian Authority freely but never says anything bad about Hamas, is often quoted by Electronic Intifada and other anti-Israel outlets as a reliable news source. 

Which goes to show how thoroughly dishonest the entire "pro-Palestinian" media empire is. 

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Monday, March 08, 2021

Today is International Women's Day. As usual, "pro-Palestinian" groups are using it as a means for anti-Israel propaganda. 

Yet not one is calling for more women's rights under Palestinian rule.

As we've mentioned before, the Palestinian Authority cynically uses women's rights as a weapon against Israel but really doesn't care about rights for its own women.

It joined the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) along with over a dozen other international agreements in 2014 without reservation. Yet it never actually put any of CEDAW's provisions into law.

Not only that, the PA itself has rejected the convention as violating Islamic law.

Not one "liberal" anti-Israel group said a word.

The editor of a major Palestinian newspaper admitted that there was no intent for the Palestinian government to actually take these international agreements seriously. The only reason that it joined these conventions was to pretend to be a "state" so the International Criminal Court can bring a case against Israel: "The government cannot implement CEDAW in its entirety in light of the existence of a societal system, and that the signing of the agreement is political and was not intended to undermine the Sharia, and had it not been for the signing of CEDAW and many other agreements, the International Criminal Court would not have accepted us."

The actual laws under the Palestinian Authority and under the Gaza government undermine women's rights. Here are only some examples from a 2018 UN report that, as far as I can tell, was completely ignored by these hypocritical "pro-Palestinian" groups who pretend to care about Palestinian rights. 

It gets even worse.

A 2018 survey showed that:

  • 35% of Palestinian men say that men who kill their female relatives for "honor" reasons should not go to jail. 

  • 47% of Palestinian men say that female relatives who "act or dress" in ways that they disapprove deserve to be punished.

  • 17% of Palestinian men admitted to have engaged in physical violence against their female partners, 21% of women say they have been hit by their husbands.

  • 80% of Palestinian men say "A man should have the final word about decisions in the home."

  • 34% of them say "There are times when a woman deserves to be beaten."

  • 63% of men say "A woman should tolerate violence to keep the family together."

Again, these "pro-Palestinian" NGOs and media outlets who happily use women's rights as a club to beat Israel don't have a word to say about Palestinian misogyny that affect Palestinian women every day.

When these groups claim that Israel is the main oppressor of Palestinian women, they are actively hurting Palestinian women by not allowing a real conversation about their rights to even take place. 

Thursday, February 18, 2021

This week there was more of a circus when it came to COVID-19 vaccines to the Palestinians.

The Palestinians sent a truck with supposedly 1000 double-dose vaccines to the Beitunia crossing on Monday to go to Gaza. They didn't coordinate this with Israel and Israel didn't do anything.

So the Palestinians and the haters started the story that Israel was refusing to send vaccines to Gaza.

The Israeli government did indeed debate whether to allow the vaccines to enter Gaza, knowing that it would go to terrorists and knowing that Hamas still held Israelis and the bodies of soldiers.  The haters spent all day Tuesday tweeting about how terrible it was that Gaza had to wait to get the vaccines.

But on Wednesday, Israel allowed the vaccines to go to Gaza. The delay was only a little more than a day.

Now that the vaccines are in Gaza, when will they be distributed?

According to Hamas officials, not until Sunday. 

There were dozens of articles and hundreds of tweets complaining about a one day delay for vaccines to Gaza, but a four day delay to actually distribute them? No one says a word.

Because Israel cannot be blamed.

One would think that Gaza is the worst possible place to be for the coronavirus given the amount of media attention. Yet is has suffered only about 270 deaths per million, which is better than 64 countries.  (The US is at 1460 deaths per million.) 

Meanwhile, in another COVID-19 story that the Western media ignores,  Palestinians in the West Bank are complaining about the favoritism surrounding who received the first shots distributed there. Besides the 200 doses that were sent over to Jordan seemingly to relatives of Palestinian officials, there were complaints that vaccines went to highly placed Palestinian officials, tribal leaders, clerics and media professionals ahead of health workers. 

The "pro-Palestinian" crowd is curiously silent about this. 

Another development today is that Israel announced it intends to vaccinate 120,000 Palestinian workers, which will also be twisted into something evil in about an hour or two. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

From the start, the "pro-Palestinian" movement has not been pro-Palestinian at all. It has been anti-Israel. And its supporters, no matter how educated or articulate, are so consumed with hate for the Jewish state that they literally cannot tell the difference between the two concepts.

Noura Erakat, the "human rights attorney" and assistant professor at Rutgers University, wrote an op-ed for NBC News that crystallizes this basic fact  - and thereby reveals a major reason why the Palestinians have remained stuck in limbo for so long.

Notwithstanding several early steps that distinguish him from his predecessor, President Joe Biden promises to continue [Trump’s] legacy. It’s true that the new administration intends to reinstate critical U.S. humanitarian aid to Palestinian refugees and will reopen the PLO mission office in Washington, D.C. Just Monday, it announced that it will rejoin the U.N. Human Rights Council, from which the Trump administration withdrew mostly in protest of its scrutiny of Israel.

But none of these policies, welcome though they are, will challenge the oppressive status quo sustained by the United States. Worse still, the Biden administration will uphold several of the Trump administration’s most damning precedents.

These examples are most revealing:

The new secretary of state, Antony Blinken, has made clear that the administration will not move the U.S. Embassy from Jerusalem back to Tel Aviv; it will maintain, and celebrate, Israel’s normalization agreements with the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Morocco and Sudan without ensuring a single enduring concession for the Palestinians; and it will continue to provide Israel with unconditional military support in the amount of $3.8 billion annually — a precedent established by Biden’s former boss, President Barack Obama.

Late last week, the Biden administration also expressed “serious concerns” over the International Criminal Court’s effort to exercise jurisdiction over Israeli officials to prosecute them for war crimes, and is even considering maintaining the Trump administration’s sanctions on the court’s leading personnel.

She brings three examples of what she considers anti-Palestinian policies: keeping the embassy in Jerusalem, supporting peace between Israel and Arab states, and maintaining military aid that gets spent in the US.

None of these policies hurt Palestinians. None of them affect Palestinian lives at all, except for Gaza terrorists who want to murder Israeli civilians with rockets. None of them are speedbumps towards a Palestinian state.

They do support Israel as a sovereign nation – which this “human rights lawyer” considers “damning.”

The rest of the article is more of the same, complaining that a definition of antisemitism that includes demonizing the Jewish state’s very existence is somehow anti-Palestinian.

Erakat is so filled with hate for Israel that she literally cannot tell the difference between “pro-Israel” and “anti-Palestinian,” nor the difference between “pro-Palestinian” and “anti-Israel.” She fully subscribes to a zero-sum mentality that what is good for Israel is automatically bad for Palestinians – and, worse, that nothing can be considered good for Palestinians unless it is also bad for Israel.

The UAE and Bahrain (and to an extent Morocco and Sudan)  have abandoned the zero-sum mentality. No one can call them “anti-Palestinian” although the Gulf Arabs are justifiably critical of the current Palestinian leaderships.  They see Israel not as an enemy but as a partner that can help them thrive; not as a open Jewish wound in the Arab Middle East but as a permanent feature that improves the region and that can lift up Arab states.  Instead of zero-sum, they seek a win-win. The zero-sum mentality that they maintained for so many decades did not help them – or the Palestinians – one bit.

The zero-sum mindset is childish and counterproductive. If there is one lasting change from the Abraham Accords, it is that this puerile way of thinking is finally on the wane in the Middle East.

As long as the Palestinians – including their Western “defenders” – cannot grasp that basic concept, they will never get anywhere.

Monday, October 19, 2020

I saw this cartoon by the antisemitic Carlos Latuff published in August with the caption "#Israel is pounding #Gaza day after day. Are you seeing this on the mainstream media?"

Since it shows a Palestinian mother and her dead child, I wondered - when was the last Gaza fatality from Israeli action?

It was February 24th, when the IDF killed an Islamic Jihad terrorist who was setting roadside bombs outside the Gaza fence.

Not one Gazan has been killed since then by Israel. Plenty have died in "work accidents" but none from Israeli fire.

Nearly eight months without a fatality.  

Now, that's something that the mainstream media is ignoring. Let alone the "pro-Palestinian" community that routinely claims that Gazans are being killed daily.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Two incidents in the past 24 hours highlight the contempt for law in the Palestinian territories.

This morning, a group of Islamic Jihad militants entered a mosque near Khan Younis and (while wearing shoes) forcibly abducted three worshipers, while shooting their guns in the air.

Islamic Jihad later apologized, saying that the kidnappers were not authorized. But the fact that masked members of Islamic Jihad feel free to abduct men from a mosque during prayers shows how little regard they have for both the law and for Islam.

Over in the West Bank, people forcibly broke into the International Committee of the Red Cross headquarters in Ramallah in solidarity with an Islamic Jihad hunger striker in prison. 

Palestinian Authority forces went in and brought the protesters out, because it doesn't look good fo Palestinians to attack the Red Cross. (This is hardly the first time the ICRC has been attacked by Palestinians.)

I did not see anything in Palestinian Authority media about the incident. But Hamas and Islamic Jihad media bitterly complained about the eviction, saying that the PA was collaborating with Israel in detaining the protesters who were braking and entering the ICRC.

Of course, the PA police went too far, also breaking up what appear to have been peaceful sit-ins outside ICRC offices in Jenin and Al-Bireh. Their respect for human rights is no better than those of the terror groups.

Western "pro-Palestinian" activists pretend that an independent Palestine would be a human rights paradise and as safe as Paris or Munich. In reality, it would soon enough look more like Kabul with armed groups competing with each other for power.

Which is why stories like this are not seen. The narrative is that Israel is the oppressor of Palestinians, not their fellow Palestinians. Sympathy for the Palestinians would be reduced if Western media reported on these kinds of daily incidents. 

This is a major reason the Arab world is losing their own sympathy for Palestinians - they can read these stories in Arabic. 

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Friday, October 02, 2020

("Democratic Palestine" flag in between two terrorist leaders)

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that the Palestinians need to choose a leadership willing to hold a dialogue for peace in a recent interview on Fox News.

Fatah Media Office head Munir al-Jaghoub responded angrily, saying "When will you realize that our people choose its leadership and that Palestine, although it is a state under occupation, is not one of the banana republics? "

The people choose their leadership? Since when? The last elections were in 2006. Since then, elections have been promised in 2014, 2018, 2019, and now 2021.

This is deceptive, though. The Palestinian Authority does not serve the people. It reports to the PLO, whose leadership has never been elected. 

And even if elections are held in 2021, what choice will the Palestinians have? According to Al Quds al al Arabi, Hamas and Fatah are negotiating running as a joint list - meaning that the people will have no choice at all, and the government will be negotiated between the two parties without the people having the slightest say.

The world likes to pretend a Palestinian state would be a liberal democracy. All available evidence shows it would be a brutal dictatorship. 

The "pro-Palestinian" crowd doesn't seem too concerned.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Thursday, October 01, 2020

Since 2014, the UN - in cooperation with Israel and the PA - put together a process called the Gaza Reconstruction Mechanism, or GRM, which allowed construction materials to flow into Gaza after Operation Protective Edge.

The UN has a webpage showing, very transparently, how much cement and other materials go into Gaza and to which projects (all of which are approved by Israel.)

Since this is a point of cooperation between Israel and the PA, I was curious as to whether the PA's decision to stop coordination with Israel affected this work.

It did - quite a bit.

In the first two months of this year, 15000 tons of cement were imported into Gaza for approved reconstruction projects.

Over the past two months the amount of cement imported into Gaza has plummeted to less than 500 tons - a reduction of 97%!

We read a lot about how Israel's "siege" of Gaza is "strangling" ordinary Gazans, how it is collective punishment for the entire population, how utterly horrible it is.

Yet since May, the Palestinian Authority has done far more to hurt Gazans - not only in importing construction materials but also in helping patients leave the territory to get medical attention. Babies have died because of this negligence on the part of Mahmoud Abbas.

The "pro-Palestinian" voices are completely silent. The "fair" media isn't covering the story. Anti-Israel bias remains one of the bulwarks of NGOs and the international media.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

On Friday, Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez changed her mind about participating  in an event commemorating former prime minster Yitzhak Rabin on the 25th anniversary of his assassination.

She made her decision after backlash from "pro-Palestinian" activists, who told her that Rabin was a monster and that Palestinians are worse off after Oslo than before.

The event is sponsored by Americans for Peace Now.

In August, there was another clear split between Peace Now and the far socialist Left, when Peace Now praised the Israel/UAE agreement and the socialists were horrified by it.

There is a common thread here.

Peace Now supports Israel living in peace and security in the Middle East. While I strongly disagree that their policies would result in such an outcome, their motivation is based on ending the conflict and leaving an Israel at peace with its neighbors.

On the other hand, the socialist Left is against Israel making peace with anyone under circumstances that leave Israel existing as a secure Jewish state. 

If you look at Peace Now and see a racist, apartheid-supporting group, as the Israel-haters do, then you aren't against racism or apartheid. You are against the existence of a Jewish state and using codewords to hide your hate.

These two examples show how the socialist Left, that is making increasing inroads in the Democratic Party, has an effectively antisemitic agenda - the destruction of the Jewish state and its replacement with a Jew-hating, terror supporting Palestinian Arab majority state, which they ludicrously claim will treat Jews with equal rights. Sure. The same equal rights they have under every other Arab regime. 

When Peace Now is too far to the right for you, you are not interested in peace. You are against any rights for Jews in the Middle East.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

From the Christian Science Monitor, May 26, 1992:

Numerous efforts have been made to resettle [Palestinian] refugees, but all have failed. In 1950, long before the territories came under Israeli control, UNRWA suggested moving 150,000 of them to Libya, but Egypt objected. In 1951, UNRWA vetoed a plan to move 50,000 Palestinian refugees from the Gaza Strip to Northern Sinai when Egypt refused permission to use the Nile waters to irrigate proposed agricultural settlements. In 1952, Syria rejected UNRWA's initiative to resettle 85,000 refugees in camps in that country. In 1959, UNRWA reported that of the $250 million fund for rehabilitation created in 1950 to provide homes and jobs for the refugees outside of the camps, only $7 million had been spent.

In the early 1970s, Israel initiated what it called the "build your own home" program. A half a dunam of land outside the camps (equal to about an eighth of an acre) was given to Palestinians who then financed the purchase of building materials and, usually with friends, erected a home. Israel provided the infrastructure: sewers, schools, etc. More than 11,000 camp dwellers were resettled into 10 different neighborhoods before the PLO, using intimidation tactics, ended the program.

Israeli authorities say that if people were able to stand up to the PLO and if it had the funds to invest in the infrastructure, within eight years every camp resident could own a single-dwelling home in a clean and uncongested neighborhood.
I have written about this Israeli initiative beforehand but didn't know the actual numbers of Palestinians who took advantage of moving out of UNRWA camps before the PLO started threatening them.

The UN General Assembly also passed resolutions condemning Israel for giving Palestinians free land and infrastructure as an opportunity to improve their lives. 

If it wasn't for PLO threats, by 2000 there could have been no more UNRWA camps in the territories and every resident could have owned their own home and land - for free. 

This one episode shows that Israel cares about the well-being of Palestinians more than the PLO ever did. On the contrary, the PLO is invested in keeping its own people in misery .

The "pro-Palestinian" groups who are protesting Israeli normalization with other Arab countries follow that tradition of preferring that Palestinian "refugees" stay without homes they can call their own - so they can blame their situation on Israel. 

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Friday, September 04, 2020

San Francisco State University will be hosting a Zoom event called “Whose Narratives? Gender, Justice and Resistance: A Conversation with Leila Khaled,” on September 23.

Leila Khaled, of course, is the PFLP terrorist who hijacked planes in 1969 and 1970. Her image with a machine gun is ubiquitous at lots of leftist rallies.

The PFLP, which she is still involved with, was behind the murder of 17-year old Rina Shnerb last year. 

But no progressive groups march with photos of Rina Shnerb. They fetishize female terrorists, not female Jewish victims of terror.

Khaled is not the only heroine of the progressive crowd. They love Rasmea Odeh, responsible for the murder of two people. Also a PFLP member, Odeh has admitted that she was involved in bombing attacks against civilians.  and fought to have photo-ops with her before she was deported from the US.

Odeh, a violent terrorist, was treated like a rock star by the supposedly anti-violent BDSers.

Palestinian "moderates" have been the originators of this mindset where female terrorists are role models. The Miftah NGO, which is headed by Hanan Ashrawi and is in the forefront of Palestinian feminism, has multiple articles in Arabic that praise female suicide bombers as role models - and they had English articles praising female suicide bombers as well before I exposed them.

Palestinian women have also participated in the resistance. As the conflict grew more intense and young men were recruited to carry out military operations against Israeli targets, several young women also decided to join the ranks of the resistance movement. In January 2002, 28-year-old nurse Wafa Idrees, detonated a bomb in Jerusalem’s Jaffa Street, killing one Israeli and injuring 150 others. She was also killed in the blast.

This marked the beginning of a string of Palestinian women dedicated to sacrificing their lives for the cause. Over the next two years, seven other women carried out similar operations, the most deadly of which was carried out by Hanadi Jaradat, a 29-year-old attorney from Jenin. Hanadi detonated explosives strapped to her body in a busy Haifa restaurant, killing 19 Israelis and injuring 50 others.
The "moderate" PLO has become a cult of sorts for Dalal Mughrabi, responsible for murdering 38 civilians. Numerous institutions are named after her and her likeness can be seen all over Palestinian towns. 

And "moderate" Jordan has been sheltering another celebrity female terrorist, Ahlam Tamimi, who murdered 15 civilians including seven children

It appears that the "progressive" Left in the West has embraced the idea of female terrorists as role models. It is this immoral and disgusting thinking that is behind a university effectively honoring a terrorist as if she can teach students something about life, and behind prominent American and European progressives literally embracing a murderer.

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