Friday, October 13, 2006

  • Friday, October 13, 2006
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Hamas/Fatah conflict continues! Al-Hayat says (autotranslated):
The medical sources explained that the citizen Ali Abdel-Meguid Shkshk (30 years old) and works in the General Intelligence officers died as a result of injuries sustained as a result of being shot by unknown gunmen while he was leaving his home, located in the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood north of Gaza. The masked gunmen riding in a car type "Mitsubishi" opened fire on the citizen Shkshk shot several shots where then transferred to the El Shifa medical before declaring medical sources and death.

The Fatah movement announced more sorrow and pain Shkshk martyr and said that one of its members. The "open" in a statement to the press that "Shkshk spent his youth tender and sincere philanthropic work and good drinking was one of the finest fighters and disciplined in the ranks of Fatah movement remained the most tender and faithful to his people and his cherished by the Bshmuchh and pride and sacrifice for the homeland, Palestine."

Also killed yesterday evening, the young man Majed Wednesday local commander of the Hamas movement in the town of Beit Lahia in the northern Gaza Strip. Eyewitnesses reported that unknown gunmen opened fire on Wednesday on his arrival to his home and shot him dead with his wife was moderately wounded.

The news agency reported yesterday that seven citizens were wounded last night different Mslj occurred during a clash between demonstrators and bodyguard to a spokesman for the Interior Ministry, Khaled Abu Hilal.

The agency added that the demonstrators were wandering through the streets of Gaza City to protest the killing of the young man to Shkshk shot by unknown persons, pointing out that when the arrival of the demonstrators to the house of Abu Hilal, who threw stones at the house and after the Abu Hilal guards opened fire on them, wounding seven of them injured.

The statement by Amnesty International condemning the paid bodyguards of the Palestinian Arab Interior Ministry spokesman for shooting innocent stonethrowers (no doubt with weapons paid for by Western money) is

This brings out unofficial count of known Palestinian Arabs killed violently by each other since Operation Summer Rains began at 112.

Meanwhile, the WaPo is soberly reporting
The Palestinian Health Ministry reports that the Israeli military operation, known as Summer Rains, has killed 290 Palestinians, including at least 35 children.
How reliable is the "Palestinian Health Ministry?"

Well, their website hasn't been updated with this new report so it is difficult to know their methodology, but a quick look there at previous reports shows this whopper:
Meantime, IOF snipers daily shot Palestinian children.

Those violations committed by the snipers, who are situated on the military watchtowers. IOF snipers shot Palestinian children, while they are on their way to schools or inside school turning 43 schools to military barracks.
So this impartial and official sounding organization claims that Israeli snipers target innocent schoolchildren every day, an absurd and transparent lie. Yet when they claim a specific number of casualties, it gets reported by the media as fact.

I am willing to guess that a large number of the casualties they are claiming are in fact PalArab-on-PalArab casualties. Yet for some reason the "Ministry of Health" is completely silent about this health problem in the territories.

Is it slightly possible, perhaps, maybe, that the "Ministry of Health" is acting as just another propaganda outlet and does not truly care about the 112 documented "Palestinian citizens" who have been killed in the same time period - so much so that they don't even bother counting them?

As long as the Washington Post reports on them as if they are a legitimate health organization and doesn't bother doing any real reporting on the farce that is the "government" of the PA, we'll never know.


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