Tuesday, March 22, 2022

From Ian:

4 killed, 2 seriously hurt in stabbing attack at Beersheba mall; terrorist shot dead
Four people were killed and several others were wounded Tuesday in a ramming and stabbing attack at an outdoor shopping mall in Beersheba, officials said, in Israel’s deadliest terror attack in years.

According to police, the assailant first stabbed a woman to death at a gas station in the southern city. He then entered his car and rammed a cyclist, before getting out again and stabbing several people at the BIG shopping center.

Video from the scene then showed the terrorist confronted by an armed bus driver, who attempted to get him to lower his weapon. But the attacker lunged at him and was then shot several times, by the bus driver and by a second armed civilian.

The cyclist and two of the stabbing victims at the mall later died of their wounds.

The stabber was identified as 34-year-old Mohammad Ghaleb Abu al-Qi’an, a former terror convict from the Bedouin town of Hura in the Negev.

According to the Zaka emergency service, Abu al-Qi’an died of his wounds.

The Shin Bet said it was investigating the attack.

The Magen David Adom emergency service said a woman in her forties who had been stabbed by the assailant was declared dead at the scene. Five others were taken to the nearby Soroka Medical Center. Three of them died of their wounds shortly after admission, the hospital said.

The other two were listed in serious but stable condition at the hospital.

Tuesday’s rampage was the deadliest attack on Israeli civilians since June 2016, when two terrorists opened fire at Tel Aviv’s Sarona Market, killing four people and wounding 16.

The Hamas terror group praised the stabbing attack, saying it “salutes the executor of the heroic operation in occupied Beersheba.”

Terror attack in Be'er Sheva: 'He looked at me and continued to stab the young woman'
Terror attack in Be'er Sheva: 'He looked at me and continued to stab the young woman' Eyewitness recalls, 'I went to buy something at a store in BIG, when I suddenly heard screaming. I had chills over my whole body.'

Four people were killed Tuesday afternoon in a terror attack in the southern city of Be'er Sheva.

Among the victims were a woman of about 50, whose death was declared at the scene; and a woman of about 40 and a man of about 60, who were declared dead in Soroka Medical Center. A fourth person, who had been riding a bicycle, was killed after the terrorist rammed into him.

Two other women are in moderate condition and being treated at Soroka.

Yaron, an eyewitness to the terror attack, told Channel 13 News, "I had gone to buy something in a store in the BIG center, when I suddenly heard screaming. I ran to the place and I saw a terrorist stabbing one of the young women, and another woman running away from there. I ran towards the terrorist and began screaming at him, 'What are you doing?' He looked at me and continued stabbing the young woman, and did not say anything."
'We will find all those involved and bring them to justice'
A terror attack in Be'er Sheva has claimed the lives of four individuals when an Arab stabbed a number of people at a gas station in the commercial center on Derech Hevron of the city.

Three women and one man were murdered in the attack and two additional victims received moderate wounds before being evacuated to the city's Soroka Medical Center.

Initial police investigations show that the terrorist arrived at the gas station where he stabbed a woman before running down a bicycle rider with his vehicle, and stabbing a number of others after getting out of his car.

A bus driver who saw the stabbing take place fired at the terrorist, neutralizing the man, who was later declared dead at the scene.

According to police sources, the terrorist was an Arab Israeli citizen who lived in the Bedouin town of Hura and was known in the past to be a supporter of ISIS. The terrorist, who has been identified as Mohammad Jalab Abu al-Quian, was shot and killed at the scene.

According to Maariv, the terrorist had joined ISIS and was recently released from a 5 year prison term.
  • Tuesday, March 22, 2022
  • Elder of Ziyon
From the Jerusalem Post:
Israeli elected officials came to Indonesia on an official visit for the first time in nearly 30 years on Monday.

MKs Avi Dichter (Likud) and Nira Shpak (Yesh Atid) led an Israeli delegation to the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Assembly in Bali. They met with parliamentary members from around the world and represented Israel as the future of Ukraine and the Middle East were discussed.

Dichter was elected to head an IPU committee on fighting terrorism

Israel does not have relations with Indonesia, which was visited by then-prime minister Yitzhak Rabin in 1993.

A recent series of meetings, statements and reports in the last few months of 2021 indicate that Israel and Indonesia, the world’s most populous Muslim state, have grown closer.
The Israeli delegation met with Emirati MPs during the conference:

The Indonesian delegation said that the IPU delegates should work towards a fully independent Palestinian state. Last year it was unsuccessful in gaining support for that resolution. 

The Kuwaiti representative demanded that Israel be expelled from the IPU altogether at a sidelines meeting of Arab states at the conference, saying that it was hypocritical for the IPU to expel Russia and not Israel. This speech was greeted with cheers from various anti-Israel groups. The Algerian delegate made a similar point.

Perhaps the most interesting part of the conference is the absence of a Palestinian delegation altogether. Usually the PA is eager to attend any international gathering to appear like a real functioning state. They attended last November's meeting in Madrid. In 2018, their delegation successfully passed an anti-Israel resolution. 

I could not find any mention or explanation of the absence in Palestinian media. This may mean that there was some embarrassing infighting going on concerning the conference that the Palestinian media wants to keep quiet.

(h/t Tomer Ilan)

Read all about it here!

  • Tuesday, March 22, 2022
  • Elder of Ziyon
  • ,
One year ago, the last handful of Jewish families in Yemen were deported from the country by the Iranian-backed Houthi rebels, marking the end of the 2,600 year old Jewish community in Yemen.

Here we have not only a human rights violation of forcible deportation but a complete ethnic cleansing of a venerable minority group from a country.

Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch did not say a word about this, though. The eradication of the Jewish community didn't reach the threshold of what is noteworthy to human rights groups. Their Yemen pages don't mention Jews, and neither did their annual reports' Yemen sections. 

Amnesty prides itself on fighting to release political prisoners. Levi Salem Marhabi is a Jew in ill health who remains tortured in a Yemen prison. Even though a Yemen court ruled that he should be released in 2019, and even though his release was supposed to be part of the deal to deport Yemen's Jews, he remains imprisoned today. 

The US State Department has called for his release. The plight of the Jews of Yemen and of Marhabi specifically were mentioned in US government annual reports on human rights. 

Amnesty, and HRW, have been silent about Levi Salem Marhabi.

The last time Amnesty said anything about the Jews in Yemen was in 2008. That was also the last time HRW mentioned them as an aside.

The Houthi flag itself literally says "Curse the Jews." The antisemitism of these Islamists is explicit, and doesn't even pretend to hide behind "anti-Zionism."  But to these "human rights" groups, the remaining Jews in Yemen who were directly threatened by the Houthis every day were not worth a press release. Marhabi is not worth a tweet to these groups.

The antisemitism of Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International is not only obvious from their obsessive hate of the Jewish state. It is also clear from what they decide not to report. And they bend over backwards to ignore antisemitism like this. 

Read all about it here!

  • Tuesday, March 22, 2022
  • Elder of Ziyon

Asharq al-Awsat reports in Arabic:

Settlers succeeded in obtaining a new property in the town of Silwan, south of Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, by purchasing it from its owner, in a continuous process, despite the intensification of all official and popular efforts to eliminate it.

The Wadi Hilweh Information Center in Jerusalem said that settlers seized a property belonging to a Jerusalemite who had leaked it to them. The new property is an apartment within a residential building located in the Mughrabi Gate area of ​​Silwan.

The group confirmed that the house was leaked in the morning, when settlers stormed the building, guarded by members of the occupation police.

Years ago, the Palestinian  Authority began prosecuting sellers and subjected them to investigations and issued judgments against them in the courts, but this was not a sufficient deterrent.

The religious authorities issued several legal fatwas against the leakers in the recent period, coinciding with the increase in these operations. The religious fatwas did not stop the people concerned from carrying out such sales.

Officials in the PA say that they find it difficult to pursue the sellers, for more than one reason; The first is that things are done in secrecy, and the Israelis wait for many years after the seller’s death or his flight abroad, to announce that they have bought the land or the house, and the second, that some of these deals take place in Jerusalem or Israel, and the authority has no authority there, and the third is that some land sellers live in abroad and sell from abroad.

Usually some weak-minded Palestinians resort to selling their real estate, under pressure from the financial temptations offered by Jews, but others completely refuse.

Palestinian citizens who refused to sell their lands said that the sums offered to them are usually astronomical.
The article tries so hard to make it sound like Jews are doing something underhanded in buying property. But they are doing what they have always done - buying the Land of Israel at absurdly high prices, because it is worth it to them.

Read all about it here!

Monday, March 21, 2022

From Ian:

Bennett in Egypt for first-ever trilateral summit with Sissi and UAE crown prince
Prime Minister Naftali Bennett was in Egypt on Monday for the first-ever trilateral summit of Israeli, Egyptian and Emirati leaders, an Egyptian official told The Times of Israel, confirming the premier’s unannounced visit to the Sinai resort town of Sharm el-Sheikh.

Bennett first met with Sissi shortly after arriving in the city, the official said. The Prime Minister’s Office has yet to comment on the trip, which comes days after Israel announced the inauguration of a new flight route between Ben Gurion Airport and Sharm el-Sheikh.

Flights are expected to start as early as next month, during the week of the Passover holiday. The news was widely covered by Israeli media, though it was barely mentioned in the Egyptian press.

Bennett last met with Sissi in September, in what was the first such summit between Israeli and Egyptian leaders in more than a decade. The premier met with UAE Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan in December, when he made the first-ever visit by an Israeli prime minister to the Gulf country.

Bin Zayed also landed in Sharm el-Sheikh Monday, days after hosting Syrian President Bashar Assad — a move harshly condemned by the Biden administration, which has thus far resisted joining efforts by a growing number of Mideast leaders to normalize the dictator.

The trilateral summit will mark the latest development in the Abraham Accords, which saw Israel normalize relations with the UAE, Bahrain, and Morocco in 2020 agreements brokered by the Trump administration. While the Biden administration so far has been unable to expand those accords, it has exerted effort in wrapping Egypt and Jordan — which already had ties with Israel — into them.

David Wurmser: The bride of the JCPOA and America’s regional collapse
So Israel is at a crossroads. It has three paths: It can accept its elimination; it can scramble like its Arab kin to grovel in front of Russia and China; or it can leverage its raw power to emerge as the region’s strongest tribe to become a strong horse itself. The second path will fail in violence—Israel’s fate is tied to the West inherently—leaving Israel only the choice of the first (accept death) or third (establish itself as a great regional power) paths.

For the moment, Arab tribes have only the choice of the first or second paths, which means that they face death, since, as in the case of Israel, the second path will eventually fail and leave only the other path.

But if Israel chooses the third path and emerges as the strong horse, then it opens for the Arabs a new path for survival with Israel’s becoming their new protective strong horse—but only if Israel chooses the third path. It can only get close to its Arab neighbors if it is useful for their survival. This means that Israel must act to prove it is the strong horse.

It is tempting to compare the faltering of the United States’s regional stature to the collapse of the British and French positions in the late 1950s and 1960s. That collapse indeed was catastrophic. It exposed the region to Soviet penetration and triggered a new age of indigenously inspired radical challenges to traditional leaderships (the long-term effects of which we continue to suffer).

And yet, even that cataclysm will pale in comparison to the current collapse of the U.S.’s position, since the British and French retreat six decades ago seamlessly transitioned into the parallel rise of American power, which, to a large extent, compensated for its negative effects.

The American retreat has no global force to replace it, other than our adversaries, China or Russia. Regionally, perhaps Israel can fill the void left by the U.S. and buffer the impending collapse of American power. Hopefully, it can help our jilted allies survive, preserve some of our regional interests, check our regional adversaries and prevent our global opponents from seizing full control of the region.

But while Israel is powerful, it is not a global superpower. It cannot replace the regaining of our senses. But the damage now being done will be the work of generations to repair. Let’s hope that the enterprise soon begins.
Iranian Drones Shot Down over Iraq in February Were Headed to Attack Israel
Two Iranian drones shot down over Iraq last month by American fighter jets were set to explode in Israeli territory, the defense establishment has confirmed.

The drones, which were downed by the international coalition close to Erbil in the Kurdistan region of Iraq, were said to be Shahed-136s.

Prior to the foiled attack, which occurred on February 14, Israeli security officials had been on high alert over fears of an Iranian response to a series of Israeli attacks on Iranian targets as part of the IDF’s war-between-wars campaign.

Last week, Hezbollah-affiliated al-Mayadeen reported that earlier in February Israel destroyed hundreds of Iranian drones in a strike that targeted the Kermanshah air base. In response to that attack, Iran fired 12 ballistic missiles toward Erbil targeting what they claimed to be an Israeli military base.

The confirmation of the reports comes a month after the Israel Air Force announced that two Iranian Shahed 197 drones heading toward Israel were downed by IAF F-35i fighter jets last year.

One drone, flying toward Israel from the south, was identified at around 1:44 a.m. and was shot down at 2:19 a.m. The second one, which was flying towards Israel from the east, was identified at 1:46 a.m. and downed at 2:16 a.m.
The Caroline Glick show Ep43 – What does Biden’s new nuclear deal with Iran say?
Biden and his team still say they are against Iran getting nuclear weapons, but their actions tell a different story. In this week’s Mideast News Hour, Caroline spoke with Gabriel Noronha, the former State Department Iran specialist who disclosed the scope of Biden’s concessions to Ayatollah Khamenei earlier this month. The two discussed the details of the concessions and what it means. They then considered what Trump’s Maximum Pressure strategy achieved and whether and how Russia’s invasion of Ukraine impacts Biden’s actions going forward.
  • Monday, March 21, 2022
  • Elder of Ziyon

I published my acclaimed book "PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism" initially on Amazon only, but I always intended to publish it to a broader audience. Also, some people do not like to buy from Amazon. 

I am pleased to announce that PROTOCOLS (hardcover only) is now available from numerous booksellers worldwide.

For example, you can now order it from Barnes and Noble (hardcover list price $29.95) or Alibris ($25.72 plus shipping.)

Other booksellers, especially outside the US, are charging more than the cover price, but there is nothing I can do about it. 

You can order it from your favorite bookstore, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

I am pleased that while only a dozen people have rated or reviewed it on Amazon, every single person gave it five stars!

Read all about it here!

  • Monday, March 21, 2022
  • Elder of Ziyon
A bill was proposed in the New Hampshire House of Representatives:

BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives, the Senate concurring:

That we reaffirm our strong support for the Jewish people and our truest ally in the Middle East, the Nation of Israel; the recognition of the current and historical capitol [sic] of Israel being in Jerusalem; and the location of the embassy of the United States now finally in Jerusalem where it should have been and where it should remain.
This prompted NH House Democrats to call Israel an apartheid state:

A simple resolution expressing the New Hampshire House’s support for Israel unleashed complex emotions on the House floor last week, with supporters sharing tearful stories and opponents labeling the nation an “apartheid state.”

For Democrats, who overwhelmingly voted against the pro-Israel resolution, the troubling issue of antisemitism within their ranks was raised yet again.

Democrats tried tabling, amending, and indefinitely postponing the resolution, all in an effort to keep it from passing. The final vote was 175 to 107 in favor, with just 15 Democrats joining the Republicans’ unanimous support.

Progressives, led by Democrat-turned-independent Rep. Tony Labranche, opposed the resolution for being too pro-Israel. In remarks from the floor, Labranche claimed Israel has “long illegally occupied Palestinian lands” and cited nationally-known progressive groups to label Israel “an apartheid state.”
There is nothing offensive in this bill except for people who actively hate Israel and/or the Jewish people.

This is the future of the Democratic Party unless saner heads actively fight back against the progressive wing.

(h/t Daniel L)

Read all about it here!

From Ian:

Matthew Continetti: Believe Them
Putin chose war instead. He chose to follow the logic he had set out in a 5,000-word essay published in July 2021. Its title was “On the Historical Unity of Russians and Ukrainians.” It’s where Putin made his ghoulish case that the borders of Ukraine are illegitimate. Where he asserted that Ukrainians and Russians are “one people.” Where he admonished readers that the Ukrainian nation-state exists at Russia’s pleasure.

Putin never wavered from these arguments. Throughout the buildup of Russian forces on Ukraine’s borders, despite Biden’s threat of sanctions and French president Emmanuel Macron’s shuttle diplomacy, Putin continued to say that Ukrainian nationhood was a fiction. He called Ukraine’s democratic government fascist. He blamed America and the West for leaving him no other option than conquest. “The so-called Western bloc, formed by the United States in its own image and likeness, all of it is an ‘empire of lies,’” he said during his February 24 speech announcing the “special military operation” against Ukraine. He would “de-Nazify” a country with a Jewish president. He would retaliate if the “empire of lies” got in his way.

In launching his war, Putin did exactly what he had shown every indication of preparing to do for some time. Why, then, was it so difficult for so many experts to take him seriously? Why did so many people, including this writer, look with incomprehension and disbelief upon his statements and actions in the final days before the beginning of operations? Why were we unable to assimilate into our picture of reality a dictator who would coldly unleash premeditated hell on 44 million men, women, and children?

“In the face of unfathomable evil,” wrote the late Charles Krauthammer, “decent people are psychologically disarmed.” And when autocrats resort to violence, citizens of democracies that enjoy the rule of law are shocked. That’s not how we resolve disputes. For us, organized violence is rare. Terrible outcomes are uncommon. We seldom believe what our own elected officials say, anyway. Don’t expect us to take seriously the ravings of despots.

But it’s about time we started doing so. After Ukraine, there is no excuse for downplaying or ignoring authoritarian rhetoric and malevolent deeds. After Ukraine, we know that tyrants mean it when they make audacious claims and demand remarkable concessions. Putin acted just as he said he would. Many of us wouldn’t listen. Many of us didn’t want to.
Garry Kasparov: How the free world gave Putin the green light
Early Thursday morning, Germany invaded Ukraine. So did the Netherlands, Italy, France, Great Britain and every other country that has supported Russian dictator Vladimir Putin’s war machine for the past decade.

The missiles that slammed into Kharkiv, the helicopters attacking an airport near the capital Kyiv, every bullet in every Russian paratrooper’s gun — all were built or bought largely with money from the free world. That same free world now stands in shock that these weapons are being used to do what they were designed to do.

Europe bought Russian gas and oil and welcomed Putin’s oligarch cronies’ looted billions in IPOs, real estate purchases, and political donations legal and illegal. Even after Putin invaded Ukraine in 2014 and annexed Crimea, Europe tried to keep business as usual separate from Russia’s assault on European security and the global world order.

On Thursday, Putin repaid them in full for their years of appeasement. After weeks of posturing and dramatic calls for summits and negotiations made headlines around the world, he sent his massed forces into Ukraine on the schedule he set months ago. The preening shuttle diplomacy by France’s Emanuel Macron and Germany’s Olaf Scholz was revealed to have been a waste of time for everyone but Putin, who used it to ready his forces for the attack.

That time could have been used to arm Ukraine with the weapons it badly needs to fend off Russia’s overwhelming military superiority. It could have been used to level sanctions to demonstrate that this time, for once, the West was serious about deterrence.

Instead, Ukraine was treated like a beggar and sanctions were kept in reserve, as a threat Putin had little reason to expect was serious. After all, goes his thinking, if you have the power to stop me and choose not to use it, aren’t you giving me the green light?

It’s not as if Putin tried to hide what he was doing. Spies and satellites weren’t necessary to tease out that Russia was investing record sums in its military capacity and security forces; it was right there in the national budget for years. Russia may be falling apart and falling behind, but there was always plenty of cash for security forces and propaganda, the budget of a dictator.

Putin’s Fascism
According to nationalists and traditionalists, liberals, cosmopolitans, and progressives undermine defined and necessary ethnic and religious identities. It is this set of values that contemporary Russian nationalism associates with democracy. Dugin’s Russian nationalism tries to appeal to what it imagines as traditionalist Jewish allies in an attempt to justify violent opposition to liberal democracy.

The Duginist invocation of traditionalism is clearly meant to appeal to members of minority groups historically targeted by fascism, above and beyond merely using them as tokens for narrow political purposes. But is Russian fascism free from racial, ethnic, gender, and religious hierarchies? Is it free from the antisemitism that is central to so many traditional European versions of fascism?

When a contemporary society’s institutions were formed under conditions of explicit discrimination, they will continue to contain practices that perpetuate various disparities, even if no one within those structures has an explicitly discriminatory attitude (a key insight of critical race theory). Far-right movements and political parties often campaign on a platform of eliminating attempts to reform or replace these discriminatory practices, as well as introducing new ones, like opposing immigrants, women’s rights, religious and sexual freedoms, and the freedom to teach history.

In a very straightforward sense, this traditionalism is not free from antisemitism. A majority of the world’s Jews still choose to live outside of Israel, and most of them would not meet Dugin’s standards of religious traditionalism. A majority of Jews, then, are Dugin’s—and Putin’s—enemies.

It is one thing to wage cultural battles within the boundaries of liberal democratic politics, which preserve minority rights and allow the regular replacement of political leaders by democratic means. Traditionalists can and often do operate within this sphere.

Fascism breaks these boundaries. In fascist ideology, liberal democracy is itself the existential threat to traditionalism. Putin’s willingness to massacre people he falsely regards as his own points to his real enemy: cosmopolitan liberal democracy.

In Putin’s ideology, it is Ukrainian liberal democratic citizenship that represents the real threat to Russian greatness. Traditionalism demands a “deep decolonization” of these modernizers everywhere, perhaps especially the Jewish ones.
Russian Philosopher Alexander Dugin: In Ukraine, Russia Is Fighting the Liberal World Order
Prominent Russian philosopher Alexander Dugin said in a March 19, 2022 interview on Al-Jazeera TV (Qatar) that Russia will either win in Ukraine and be accepted as a sovereign superpower, or “there will be no Putin, no Russia, no world.” He said that any NATO intervention will be responded to "in kind," including the use of nuclear weapons if NATO launches a nuclear attack against Russia. He emphasized: "The decision to continue with the operation to our last breath has been taken." In addition, Dugin said that Russia's war in Ukraine is not against Ukraine as a country, but against "American hegemony" and the "global liberal elites who are trying to take over the world." He also said that Putin is so popular that the people have effectively made him Russia's "natural monarch.”
  • Monday, March 21, 2022
  • Elder of Ziyon

Yesterday, an anti-Israel group danced, sang and chanted outside the Israel Embassy in London, in a typical publicity stunt that we've seen countless times from the likes of IfNotNow, Jewish Voice for Peace and Students for Justice in Palestine.

But this childish stunt wasn't done by one of those groups. 

It was organized by Amnesty International UK. The stunt street sign claims that no Palestinians are allowed in Israel, or parts of Israel, or, something.

If that is their definition of apartheid, then the real victims of Apartheid in the area of British Mandate Palestine are Jews.

There are far more spaces between the Jordan river and the Mediterranean where Jews are not allowed or can visit only under heavy protection then where Arabs are not allowed. All of Gaza, most of Areas A and B, the vast majority of Hebron, Jewish holy sites in Nablus and Jericho, and even the Temple Mount for most of the day. If Palestinians live under "apartheid" because of Shuhada Street - the only example that the haters ever point to - then Jews in Israel live under a hundred times worse apartheid.

But Amnesty is not concerned with facts. This dance stunt proves it. 

And Amnesty's obsession with Israel ends up condoning real human rights abuses. Every minute and dollar spent on demonizing Israel is one less minute and dollar spent on actual crimes. 

A 15 minute stroll away from the Israel embassy in London, on the other side of Buckingham Palace, is the Russian embassy. Maybe Amnesty isn't aware of it, but Russia has been bombing Ukrainian civilians every day for nearly a month now. Yet there are no laughing Ukrainians being sponsored to perform folk dances by Amnesty outside that embassy. 

In fact, Ukrainians aren't laughing and smiling at all. Not at all like the happy "victims of Israeli apartheid" we see in this video.

Amnesty has made its priorities clear. The banner on top of its Facebook page has remained a scurrilous accusation against Israel even as the Russia invasion is about to enter its second month. 

Amnesty can no longer call itself a human rights organization. It has dedicated a huge amount of its resources to attacking the most tolerant, liberal state in the Middle East - which is also the only state in the region where Jews can live in freedom and with under their own self-determination. 

That is what Amnesty really objects to. 

And this little dance recital proves that Amnesty doesn't care about human rights as much as it cares about destroying the Jewish state.

Read all about it here!

  • Monday, March 21, 2022
  • Elder of Ziyon

In Bari Weiss' latest Common Sense newsletter, Aaron Sibarium reports on how the legal system in the United States is being taken over by totalitarian thinking, where bedrock legal concepts such as energetically representing both sides are being subsumed under progressive ideology. He details how this thinking is now mainstream at elite law schools.

Harvard Law School's Human Rights Clinic seems to prove this point.

After Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International tried and failed to twist the legal definition of apartheid to somehow include Israeli actions, the International Human Rights Clinic at Harvard Law School has added a couple more arguments all meant to twist the law to obtain a pre-determined goal. Objectivity is the furthest thing from the minds of these law students.

That Clinic partnered with Palestinian NGO Addameer to submit to the newest UN kangaroo court evidence that Israel is guilty of apartheid. 

As with all of these bogus arguments, they must prove that Palestinians are a different "race" from Jews under international law because every definition of apartheid refers to discrimination based on race. The fact that this argument mirrors that of Nazi Germany does not seem to bother these paragons of progressive legal justice.

Harvard's Clinic includes the discredited HRW argument that quotes the  International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination that defines “racial discrimination” as “any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, descent or national or ethnic origin." And just as with HRW, they pointedly exclude the very next paragraph of the ICERD: "This Convention shall not apply to distinctions, exclusions, restrictions or preferences made by a State Party to this Convention between citizens and non-citizens."

This submission's scope is limited to saying that Israel practices apartheid against Palestinians in the territories, not in Israel proper. The very existence of Israeli Arabs who enjoy equal rights in Israel who are clearly of the same race/ethnicity/national group as Palestinian Arabs itself disproves the theory. It also proves that any discrimination against Palestinian Arab non-citizens is the result of them not being citizens, not because they are Arab. The ICERD's words note this as clearly as possible. 

Yet these legal experts do not mention that part of the ICERD - because they are not advocating for the law, but twisting the law as a tool to advocate against Israel.

But the Harvard team, sensing that this argument is weak, tries another in the never-ending quest to find a way to shoehorn the definition of apartheid to apply to Israel:
Several international tribunals have addressed the definition of “racial group” in the context of genocide, persecution, and other war crimes, which were based on harms perpetrated by one racial group against another.[27] International tribunals—notably the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) and the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY)—have found that determination of race was challenging and that no clear scientific or objective method could be used to determine whether someone belonged to a particular racial group.[28] In Rutaganda, the ICTR held that group membership under the Genocide Convention was to be understood as “a subjective rather than an objective concept” where “the victim is perceived by the perpetrator as belonging to a group slated for destruction.”[29] In Blagojevich and Jokic, the ICTY held that “a national, ethnical, racial or religious group is identified by using as criterion the stigmatisation of the group, notably by the perpetrators of the crime, on the basis of its perceived national, ethnical, racial or religious characteristics.”[30]  Thus, in analyzing the meaning of racial group for purposes of the prohibition of apartheid, a subjective approach is appropriate. 
Both these cases quote the Genocide Convention. Harvard's Clinic is saying that one can apply the definitions of racial group in the Genocide Convention to define what "racial group" means in the context of apartheid. They further say that since the ICTR and ICTY noted that the definition of all of these groups are fuzzy, a subjective definition of racial group - twisted against Israel - is justified.

This argument falls apart, though, because the Genocide Convention says, "In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group." The Genocide Convention is saying very clearly that national and religious groups are distinct from racial groups! Harvard is hand-waving to say that since the definitions of those groups can be somewhat subjective in the ICTR and ICTY, then all definitions can go out the window and anyone can define Palestinian Arab non-citizens of Israel as a racial group with zero evidence. Yet the Genocide Convention treats those groups as different from each other; if those four categories were all the same there would be some sort of textual indication.

In  footnote 32, the Harvard team adds another fallacious argument:
 ICERD, art. 1. General Recommendation VIII (1990) of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination further clarifies that the identification of individuals as members of a particular social or ethnic group or groups shall be based upon self-identification.
This would mean that as long as Palestinians identify as members of a social or ethnic group, and that social/ethnic groups can be considered racial groups, then discrimination against them would be racism.

But the actual text quoted includes an important clause that the Harvard team doesn't want readers to know:
The Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, 
Having considered reports from States parties concerning information about the ways in which individuals are identified as being members of a particular racial or ethnic group or groups, 
Is of the opinion that such identification shall, if no justification exists to the contrary, be based upon self-identification by the individual concerned. 
Why would they leave that bolded part out? Because every single example of discrimination that they list in their submission by Israel is more easily explained by the fact that Palestinians aren't citizens of Israel than by them being part of a racial group! Of course justification exists to the contrary of the "self-identification" criterion!

And of course Palestinians will define themselves by whatever criteria is needed to damn and ultimately destroy Israel, which is the entire point of Palestinian nationalism. After all, Palestinians were never distinct from other Arabs, nationally or ethnically, until (at the very earliest) the mid-20th century. This is another justification to the contrary of allowing self-identification to determine what would normally be objective criteria. Are Palestinians named "al-Masry" or "al-Kurd" not ethnically Egyptian or Kurdish?

In this case, as with Amnesty and Human Rights Watch, legal teams deliberately twist and ignore the parts of the proof texts (as well as historical fact and all other counter-evidence) that disprove their case. Which proves yet again that these are not serious legal analyses of apartheid, but attempts to use legal obfuscation to make tendentious and ultimately false legal arguments.

All to try to prove "Jewish supremacism."

This is antisemitism dressed up in legalese. And this is what Harvard Law School is teaching. 

Read all about it here!

  • Monday, March 21, 2022
  • Elder of Ziyon

I saw this article in two Arabic news sites:

The Rothschilds are a wealthy Jewish family originating from Frankfurt. It was founded by Mayer Amschel Rothschild, a Jew who worked in Frankfurt and established his private banking company in the eighteenth century and left his vast fortune to his five children...

The Rothschild family name is associated with Freemasonry since its inception. This family represents one of the hidden families that control the global economy, and it is the instigator in all the emergencies the world is going through, including wars, economic and political crises.

It pays for the wars, and this family owns 80% of the world's economy and wealth. Freemasonry, founded by this family, means a set of basic goals, including “the abolition of property, the elimination of the family, the elimination of specialized property, the elimination of religions and freedom from moral restrictions, the elimination of inheritance, the elimination of belonging to the homeland, the control of the world."

This family sanctifies Lucifer Satan and offers him the sacrifices and heinous deeds that occur under the decree of Lucifer.

After many Jews immigrated to European countries and began to divide and create problems as a result of their failure to integrate into the new society, and after the emergence of a decision by the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom to have a place in North Africa where modern civilization will grow, so the Rothschilds decided to establish a national home for the Jews in Palestine and to expel the Palestinians from their homeland by force under the Balfour Declaration, which provided for the assistance of the Jews.

This family is considered the richest family in the world in the eighteenth century. It owns nearly 80% of the world's wealth and, in particular, controls the planet.

This family owns most of the bonds related to the major countries and most of the world's banks. All monetary services are under its control. It owns many projects and investments, and has the largest proportion of them in extraction, agriculture, industry and trade.
Now you know!

Read all about it here!

Sunday, March 20, 2022

  • Sunday, March 20, 2022
  • Elder of Ziyon
Birobidzhan was the Soviet Union's failed experiment to place its Jews in a remote eastern area near the Chinese border in the "Jewish Autonomous Oblast." Started in 1931, the Jews who relocated there generally didn't stay very long. 

Lately, Palestinian media has rediscovered Birobidzhan.

Al Arab today writes, "The Jewish state exists and Zionism has hidden the truth!"

Ahmed Hazem is impressed by Michèle Renouf, an Australian-born British citizen who became famous for speaking at Holocaust denial conferences. She floated the idea of Birobidzhan as a great place for Jews to live instead of Israel.

The Al Arab columnist writes:
Renouf is the first in the world to reveal the existence of a state for the Jews that Zionism and Israel have prevented from addressing. Lady Michele Renouf is well acquainted with the subject of Judaism in the world. The world does not know if its existence because Israel has worked to conceal this fact and prevent the media from addressing it. 

History says that the Jews used to immigrate to this republic in the past because it was their homeland, that is, the first homeland for the Jews in the world. But after the Hungarian Jew, Theodor Herzl, established the Zionist movement, he worked to change the direction of Jewish immigration and focused on the idea of ​​settling Jews in Palestine. Unfortunately, the Zionists succeeded in keeping the media away from the first Jewish republic in Birobidzhan.
Since the Zionists did (and still) control most of the media in the West they have worked to prevent mentioning the name of the Russian-Jewish Birobidzhan republic.
Of course, no one has been hiding the existence of the joke known as Birobidzhan. I've found articles about Birobidzhan in newspapers since the 1930s. A  fawning 1934 article by Frederic J. Haskin that was widely published falsely claimed that the area was wholly Jewish, but in fact Jews were never more than a minority there.

This 1975 UPI article shows how even then, Russia was pushing Birobidzhan as if it was a real homeland for Jews. 

Read all about it here!

From Ian:

In Knesset address, Zelenskyy asks Israel to help Ukrainians facing 'final solution'
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy addressed the Knesset via Zoom on Sunday as part of his flurry of speeches to legislative chambers around the world in an effort to convince governments to actively support his country in the face of the Russian invasion.

With the parliament in recess and undergoing renovations, most MKs and ministers tuned into the virtual event from various locations. Those without access to Zoom, and Knesset Speaker Mickey Levy, who hosted the event, gathered to view the address from a specially designated hall in the parliament. All participants' were muted to prevent interruptions during the speech.

"We want to live but our neighbors want us dead, there is not a lot of room for compromise," Zelenskyy said, paraphrasing former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir.

"Just like you were wandering around the world, looking for safety, our people are now wandering the world. This is an unjust war, with Russian trying to destroy anything that makes Ukrainians who they are," Zelenskyy continued. "Our history and your history are histories of survival," he continued. "Listen to what the Kremlin is saying, they're using the same terminology of the Nazi party. What they sought to destroy all of Europe, they didn't want to leave any of you, and now from of us. They called it the 'Final Solution'."

"We made our choice 80 years ago, and saved Jews as Righteous Among the Nations, and now we expect you to make your choice," he concluded.

Levy delivered an opening speech just before the president began his remarks. "I want to thank you for dedicating time during these tough months to discuss with us in Israel," Levy said. "I would like to extend our solidarity with the pain of the Ukrainian people," he continued. He said that "We should do everything to end the fighting as soon as possible," and added that he hoped the mediation efforts of Prime Minister Naftali Bennett "bear fruit."
'Why won't Israel give Ukraine weapons?' Zelensky criticizes Knesset
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky used his address to Knesset members and ministers by videoconference on Sunday evening to plead with Israel to send its Iron Dome missile defense system to protect Ukrainian civilians from Russian airstrikes.

Zelensky praised Iron Dome as the best missile defense system in the world and complained that Israel was not supplying Ukraine with even defensive weapons.

"We are turning to you and asking whether it is better to provide help or mediation without choosing a side," he told the MKs and ministers. "I will let you decide the answer to the question, but I do want to point out that indifference kills."

Criticizing Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, who has mediated between him and Putin, Zelensky said mediation can be between two sides but not between good and evil.

Comparing what his country is enduring to the Holocaust, Zelensky said the Russians are using terms like "the final solution" against Ukraine. He said the February 24 date of the Russian invasion was the same date the Nazi party was founded in 1920 and pointed out that Ukrainians saved Jews in the Holocaust.
Zelensky's Address to the Knesset

  • Sunday, March 20, 2022
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Tehran Times declared their Man of the Year for the Iranian calendar year 1400:

The description of his accomplishments reads like something you would read in the heyday of Pravda:

The Tehran Times’s 1400 Man of the Year is Seyed Hassan Nasrallah, the Secretary-General of the Lebanese Hezbollah. This year’s choice may seem a little bit unusual considering the relatively calm situation of Lebanon over the last 12 months. But beneath this apparent serenity lies the important leadership style Nasrallah exhibited in steering the resistance movement and Lebanon in general through multi-faceted crises. 

Over the last 12 months, a new government was successfully formed in Lebanon with the active participation of the resistance factions. Perhaps, government formation was the biggest political event in Lebanon in 1400.  It broke a year-long deadlock that was about to end up in chaos and disorder in the Mediterranean country. But with the leadership of Nasrallah, Lebanese factions successfully managed to agree on another consensual government at a time when the country was facing dire maladies on every level.

Nasrallah quietly and constructively engaged in the political process to help find solutions to many challenges without allowing the foreigners to make decisions for the Lebanese. 
He positively contributed to solving hurdles getting in the way of government formation, and he is now laying the grounds for the victory of resistance factions and their allies in the upcoming elections slated for May. Just as what happened during government formation, the foreign countries would use the next election to undermine Hezbollah and its allies. 

But Nasrallah is aware and vigilant. He recently said, “Our battle in the next election is the battle of our allies, and just as we strive for the victory of our candidates, we will strive for the success of our allied candidates.”
Lebanon's economy is in shambles, largely because of Nasrallah and Hezbollah. But he is Man of the Year because he is leading the country into even more despair - in the name of "resistance" to Israel.

Read all about it here!

Twelfth-rate academic Juan Cole notes that in the latest UN World Happiness Report, Israel ranks as the ninth happiest nation in the world and the Palestinian Territories ranks 122nd out of 146 rated areas.

Of course, he must explain how this happened using his own twisted Jew-hating logic. It is, he says, "happiness apartheid."

The per capita income of Palestinians is $3751 a year. The UN estimates that the Israeli Occupation of the Palestinian territories has taken out $57 billion since 2000 from their economy that would otherwise have been there, spurring growth. The Palestinian gross domestic product would be 3 times bigger today without that interference.

Israeli per capita income is $34,185 nearly 10 times greater than that of Palestine. Some of that income is produced by usurping land and resources from the Palestinians.
There you go! Jews are stealing Palestinian happiness!

But not only that: Jews are stealing Palestinian health, too!

Palestinian life expectancy in 2019 was 74 years. Because Israel declined to vaccinate most of the people living under its military occupation against COVID-19, it has likely fallen.

Live expectancy in Israel is about 83 years. Again, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett rules both people, directly administering 60% of the West Bank and using the Palestine Authority as his policeman for the other 40%. Yet some of the population he rules drop dead 9 years before the others.

There you have it. The Jews are not only stealing Palestinian land and life expectancy and freedom and money, but they are stealing Palestinian happiness!

Don't let actual facts interfere with Juan Cole's fevered hallucinations.  

The number of deaths per million from COVID-19 for the Palestinian territories is 1004 per million. For Israel, it is higher - 1117 per million. So much for that theory.

When the entire Palestinian territories were under direct Israeli rule from 1967-2000, Palestinian life expectancy increased from 54 to over 70. It has gone up since, too. 

Cole implies that somehow Israel is fully responsible for Palestinian health. But Israeli laws do not apply to the Palestinian health sector. This is international law under the Oslo accords. 

The Lancet noted in 2020:

With respect to the West Bank, the Oslo Accords state that health is under the aegis of the Palestinian Authority. As such, it is only in cooperation with the Palestinian Authority that health professionals in Israel can provide assistance to people in the West Bank. Sadly, the Palestinian Authority has decided on a general policy wherein opposing steps, which are claimed to represent so-called normalisation with Israelis, override such cooperation by forbidding Palestinian health-care personnel from working with their Israeli colleagues. We all have Palestinian associates who have privately expressed an interest in working together, but are afraid to stand out.  

Other factors that could affect life expectancy (and happiness) that elude the distinguished idiot professor is that a higher percentage of West Bank Palestinians smoke than in Israel (27% vs. 20%), Arabs tend to have more obesity and diabetes, and in recent years, the Palestinian Authority has banned its people from being treated in Israeli hospitals.

The biggest proof that Cole is an idiot comes from looking at the happiness index of other Arab countries that border Israel. 

While the Palestinian ranking is 122, it is higher than that of Egypt (129), Jordan (134) and Lebanon(145.) (Syria isn't ranked, but it certainly would also be lower than that of the Palestinians as well.)

Why would those people be unhappier than the Palestinians? None of the factors that Cole lists applies to them - yet they are worse off than the Palestinians that Cole says are practically enslaved by Israel! Apparently, "occupation" actually enhances happiness compared to Israel's non-occupied neighbors!

Cole's hate for Israel colors everything he writes about. It is rarely as clear as it is here. 

(h/t JW)

Read all about it here!


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