Tuesday, June 11, 2024

  • Tuesday, June 11, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
Throughout the past eight months, we have seen anti-Israel protesters insist that they are not pro-Hamas, or do not support October 7, and that they simply want a ceasefire and an end to the war. Many mention that they are Jewish themselves and insist that they are against antisemitism.

But if they only want peace, why are they silent when the people on their side actively call for murdering Jews?

These aren't isolated individuals. In yesterday's action in New York outside an exhibit that memorializes October. 7 Nova Music Festival victims, the protesters literally said they support Hamas and had a banner saying "Long Live October 7."

When they say "Intifada Revolution," they are most certainly not interpreting "intifada" as a benign call for peace.

The rally in Washington on Saturday has similar messages of support for, and calling for more, murders of Jews.

This group chanted "Kill another Zionist now." It was a public incitement to murder most Jews, and it passed with no comment from the university protesters and others who insist that they are only anti-war and support the Palestinian people, not Hamas.

So where the hell are all those people who insisted that they only want peace and a ceasefire? Why are they not in the forefront of condemning these explicit calls for violence, murder and the literal genocide of Jews?

Why are Zionists and pro-Israel media the only ones posting these images and videos?

And the silence is not only from the supposedly majority of protesters. While the liberal J-Street does not support Hamas, I have not seen one statement from J-Street condemning these public displays of supporting terror from people who they agree with politically. 

The rhetoric from the radicals is getting more and more violent, the calls to murder Jews and support Hamas' genocidal aims becoming more and more explicit.  The reason they feel comfortable calling for the genocide of Jews is because their allies on the Left are silent, and the mainstream news media simply doesn't think that this incitement to murder is worth covering. 

As long as the mainstream Left remain silent and condone the wannabe terrorists in their ranks, things will keep getting worse. The media will wait for them to actually murder Jews before they even pretend to notice that this is happening. And the "moderate" university protesters are proving either that they are hypocrites or that they secretly support the murder of Jews. 

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Elder of Ziyon - حـكـيـم صـهـيـون

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