Tuesday, January 09, 2024

From Ian:

Despotism Goes Global
Like the Covid shutdowns and the riots of 2020 before them, the Hamas atrocities of October 7 revealed the ongoing moral and political catastrophe of the West. Hamas initiated a war against Israel that immediately turned into a war against Jews everywhere. That much was clear when its opening salvo—an orgy of rape, torture, murder, and kidnapping—received fervent support among leftists worldwide. From London to Sydney and points in between, the intifada, as Lee Smith observes, has gone global.

But what does the global intifada stand for, besides the brutal hard core of Hamas? It’s hard to say, because Hamas stands purely for the violent annihilation of what it hates. And what it hates is anything that impedes worldwide Islamist domination—especially Western civilization.

The twin roots of the West are Athens and Jerusalem, where philosophy, science, politics, law, and the love of God emerged as pillars of civilization. Hamas’s reference points are totalitarian-era Moscow and Berlin, which, in the twentieth century’s darkest hours, gave us the Gulag, the Iron Curtain, and Auschwitz. From its inception, the Muslim Brotherhood—of which Hamas is an offshoot—embraced fascistic Jew-hatred. And Hamas’s international support is the bitter fruit of a Soviet campaign, launched more than 60 years ago, that used the Palestinians, left by their Arab neighbors to languish in refugee camps, as an ideological bludgeon against the West.

After October 7, Hamas’s war against the Jews enflamed the demoralized remains of a free world that is now tearing itself apart. No people in history has proved more vital and resilient than the Jews. The irrepressible Israelite spirit is announced in the first words of Exodus, where Pharaoh feels threatened by an explosion of Israelite births. Freed from the Egyptian yoke, the desert-and-God-formed Jews fought and conquered, remembered and reflected, and recorded what they’d learned in the Torah, a wellspring of wisdom and cultural creativity. They survived the destruction of Solomon’s Temple and built a new one after returning from a lifetime of captivity in Babylon.

When the Romans destroyed the Second Temple and evicted them from Palestine, the Jews should by all odds have withered away. Instead they reconfigured their religion from the ground up. In the absence of the Temple, they found a new locus of contact with God in the Torah. Rabbis skilled in scriptural interpretation replaced the priests, and self-sacrifice substituted for the offering of animals. In subsequent centuries, the Jews produced the Jerusalem and Babylonian Talmuds, monumental works of intellectual imagination. A prodigious number of great thinkers followed, including 214 Nobel Prize winners. And after a third of the Jewish people were murdered in the Holocaust, the survivors founded a new homeland, defended it with courage and conviction, and made the desert bloom.

Jewish success is an imperishable monument to the accomplishment of the West, the civilization they helped to birth and, as much as any other people, to build and sustain. The Jews reflect the best of the West: the promise of freedom, peace, prosperity, and creativity it holds for those willing to work for these things. And it is just this happiness and human flourishing that is intolerable to Islamists and their nihilistic allies.
BESA: Restoring the Zionist Iron Wall
A hundred years ago, in the article "The Iron Wall," Ze'ev Jabotinsky laid the cornerstone for the foundations of Israel's security perception. In 1923 he identified the motivations behind Arab resistance to the Zionist enterprise in the Land of Israel and proposed a strategic approach to achieving Zionist goals.

First: Arab resistance and struggle against Zionism express a religious-nationalist struggle with enduring motivational roots. The idea that a positive, lasting solution to the conflict can be arrived at through suitable compensation and willing compromise has been repeatedly revealed as overly optimistic.

Second: The Arab struggle and adoption of terrorist methods and violence do not stem from economic hardship, poverty, and despair. Instead, it arises from the Arab hope that Zionist dominance can be consistently challenged and weakened until its ultimate demise. It is not despair that generates Arab terrorism but hope.

Third: In recognizing these two statements as true, the concept of the "Iron Wall" negates the Arab hope of achieving gains through incessant resistance to the Zionist Israeli presence. Jabotinsky wrote: "As long as the Arabs have even a glimmer of hope of getting rid of us, they will not give up on this hope."

The goal of the current war should be to restore the Zionist Iron Wall and establish it with renewed strength for the next hundred years.
Jonathan Tobin: Don’t look away from primary cause of antisemitism epidemic
To put that into perspective, this outrage is taking place in a country in which truckers protesting COVID-19 policies by parking their vehicles paralyzing traffic in the capital of Ottawa in what they called a “freedom convoy” were treated as insurrectionists. Their bank accounts and those of their supporters were frozen, and their leaders are being tried now on a variety of charges that could land them in prison, even while pro-Hamas protestors were given kid-gloves treatment in the same city.

It’s all part of the same mindset that led to a private Jewish high school’s girl basketball team withdrawing from a game being played in Yonkers, N.Y., against Roosevelt High School—a college-prep magnet school—after they were repeatedly subjected to antisemitic taunts and rough play by their opponents. One Roosevelt High player screamed at the Lefell School players, “I support Hamas, you f**king Jew.” Roosevelt forfeited the game. One player was suspended a day later, and the coach was fired. But again, just imagine, if one of the Jewish girls or any non-minority had yelled, “I support the Klan” at an African-American player. It would have made the front page of the Times and become a national cause-célèbre. But as of this writing, the Times has yet to even acknowledge it in much the same manner that it was late to account for the antisemitic riot that took place in a Queens high school that targeted a pro-Israel teacher.

These incidents and the growing total of opinion surveys that point to a spike in antisemitic attitudes are not just a result of indoctrination in the intersectional lie about the Palestinian war to destroy Israel being analogous to the struggle for civil rights in the United States. It’s also a product of the mainstreaming of anti-Zionist invective and barely disguised prejudice against Jews in publications like the Times and the willingness of pop-culture outlets like the “Saturday Night Live” show to take the side of those justifying the advocacy of genocide of Jews rather than those calling it out.

The problem is that the people who are committing the growing list of antisemitic acts on the streets and on college campuses are not part of a tiny radical fringe like the tiki-torch-bearing neo-Nazis who gathered in Charlottesville. These demonstrators are educated “progressives” who claim to support human rights and are often connected in one way or another to the elites who run the institutions of academia, the media, the arts and liberal politics. In other words, the new shock troops of antisemitism are people that liberal Jews are used to considering as allies. That’s why it is so hard for even groups such as the Anti-Defamation League, which is supposed to be protecting the Jewish community, to stop defending DEI policies that are behind this rise in antisemitism.

Jews cannot afford to look away from the main cause of their current woes. Instead, they must focus on why it is that progressives think that Jews are the one minority group that can be discriminated against with impunity. The community needs to mobilize its resources and demand that political leaders start treating those who are carrying out these antisemitic hate crimes in the name of supposed sympathy for the Palestinians with the harshness they deserve. It must also insist that mainstream publications go back to treating anti-Zionism as a form of hatred against Jews. Only then can we hope to quell this dangerous surge of hate.

Rashida Tlaib Named ‘Antisemite of the Year’ for 2023 by Watchdog Group
Leading antisemitism watchdog group StopAntisemitism has named US Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) as 2023’s “Antisemite of the Year,” a damning assessment of her public remarks about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and, most notably, Hamas’ massacre across southern Israel on Oct. 7.

“Congresswoman Tlaib’s well-earned dishonor reflects a long history of antisemitism, but her statements in the wake of Hamas’ Oct. 7 attacks were particularly unconscionable,” StopAntisemitism said on Monday while announcing Tlaib’s election by a public vote. “She not only victim-blamed Israel, but she also accused it of committing genocide against the Palestinians and continues to defend calls to ethnically cleanse Israel of Jews through genocide.”

StopAntisemitism cited several reasons why voters selected Tlaib, who joins rapper Kanye West on the group’s list of prominent figures to “win” the distinction.

After Hamas’ onslaught, in which Palestinian terrorists murdered 1,200 people and kidnapped 240 others as hostages, Tlaib flew a Palestinian flag outside her home and seemingly blamed Israel for the attack, accusing the Jewish state of having an “apartheid system” that fosters “conditions that can lead to resistance.” Later, the lawmaker accused US President Joe Biden of supporting a “genocide” against Palestinians because he voiced support for Israel’s right to defend itself.

In the following weeks, Tlaib falsely claimed on social media that Israel bombed the Al Ahli Hospital in Gaza as part of its military operations targeting Hamas, which rules the coastal Palestinian enclave. It turned out that a misfired Palestinian rocket from Gaza caused a widely reported explosion near the Al Ahli Hospital, according to intelligence from Israel and several Western governments. Experts agreed that Israel was not responsible, but Tlaib refused to recant her claim, arguing that “both the Israeli and United States governments have long, documented histories of misleading the public about wars and war crimes.”

"Stop Antisemitism" Names "Antisemite of the Year" as Rep. Rashida Tlaib, with Liora Rez
Megyn Kelly is joined by Liora Rez, Executive Director of Stop Antisemitism, to discuss “Stop Antisemitism” naming Rep. Rashida Tlaib as the "Antisemite of the Year," whether Tlaib will face any political penalty for her stance on Israel, the anti-Semitism continuously being displayed across the country, why we should expose those who were tearing down Israeli hostage posters, the need to call out the rise of anti-Semitism in American and around the world, and more.

Democrats take cash from head of anti-Israel group justifying Palestinian terrorism
Congressional Democrats pocketed campaign donations from a leader within an anti-Israel organization that has long been accused of being linked to Palestinian terrorism, records show.

Over the last two decades, Hussam Ayloush has sprinkled tens of thousands of dollars combined into state and federal committees, including those for Democratic members of Congress, such as “Squad” Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), and Cori Bush (D-MO), according to campaign finance disclosures reviewed by the Washington Examiner. Ayloush, who once argued Israel “does not have the right to defend itself” against violence, is CEO of the California chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, a group the White House recently disavowed over its justification of the Oct. 7 Hamas-led terrorist attack against the Jewish state.

The cash transfers highlight how left-wing politicians are regularly boosted financially by activists sympathizing with Hamas while accusing Israel of “genocide” and “ethnic cleansing” for retaliating against Palestinian terrorism factions that murder innocent Jews. There has been an at least 337% rise in antisemitic incidents in the United States since Oct. 7, a day that saw more than 1,200 people killed in Israel, according to the Anti-Defamation League.

“The lawmakers should not take any such donations, and they should return them,” Peter Flaherty, CEO of the conservative National Legal and Policy Center watchdog group, told the Washington Examiner. “These members of the ‘Squad’ have a bum rap when it comes to antisemitism. It’s a problem.”

CAIR, which was founded in 1994, was notably named by federal prosecutors as an “unindicted co-conspirator” of Hamas in a 2009 terrorism financing case. The national CAIR organization’s executive director is Nihad Awad, ex-public relations director for the Islamic Association for Palestine, a defunct nonprofit group that shared extensive ties to Hamas. Awad asserted in November he was happy to see Palestinians “break the siege” on Oct. 7, leading to the White House calling his rhetoric “antisemitic” and removing CAIR’s name from an online government document about organizations purportedly working to fight antisemitism and Islamophobia.

Since 1998, Ayloush has led CAIR’s chapter in Los Angeles. During that time, the executive director has called Israel a “murderous regime” like Iran that should be “terminated,” equated Jewish Americans joining Israel’s military to Muslims joining terrorist organizations, and, lately, downplayed Oct. 7. Ayloush said in November it’s a “lie” that the Hamas-led attack was “unprovoked,” adding, “If I hear that term again, I’ll go crazy.”

David Collier: Exposing the lie about Palestinian journalists
Forget the Hamas lies. Hamas are there to deceive. Part of the problem appears to be the CPJ did one-dimensional, lazy, and amateurish research. They took the Hamas list and worked backwards. They probably googled the name and if they found a couple of links in support then they ran with it themselves. This is working the wrong way round. To confirm someone is actually real they needed to find them online. They are looking for journalists, not hermits. I found 100 accounts – which meant this is all public – so why didn’t the CPJ?

Because the CPJ did not research properly, the entire CPJ list was full of errors and the report gives dozens of examples. It also means that to the CPJ the subject never became a real person. It is how I know many of those included in the lists are not journalists at all.

By linking to their social media, I could see their images, their connections, and the real-world ‘flavour’ of the account.

For example, Mohamed Ayash made a post in June mourning the loss of his best friend. In July, when he had a baby, he even named the baby after his friend. His best friend’s name was Mohieddin al-Sadoudi – a Hamas terrorist – who died in a training accident.

Time after time I saw brothers, cousins, fathers, and sons of these ‘journalists’ posting images of themselves with weapons, images of Hamas material, or images of dead ‘martyr’ relatives.

Journalists dying at work
This is really important because the majority of journalists died at home, not at work. It is another area in which the CPJ have lost the plot. This is from their list:

Note the list suggests they died on dangerous assignment. They didn’t. All three died at home. In addition, note also that two of them (Balousha and Bhar) worked for media run by proscribed terrorist groups. This all causes huge mistakes which the report goes in to in detail.

If someone works for the media of a terror group, and the family is aligned with that terror group, and they died at home – how can the CPJ possibly claim journalism had anything to do with their death. 30/35 of the CPJ ‘journalists’ who worked for terrorist media, died at home. The CPJ list is just ridiculous. Support for terrorism

Another part of the report shows how many of these people supported terrorist attacks that murdered innocent civilians. In total around 70% did. Which means there are examples of 54 ‘journalists’ who posted multiple celebrations such as this one – posted as seven Israelis were slaughtered outside a synagogue in Jerusalem on January 27 2023.

The report runs to 150 pages and includes many examples / issues not covered here. It is full of evidence and there is far too much to cover in a single article. The bottom line is simple; Israel is not targeting journalists. This is just another antisemitic lie going mainstream.

The report is downloadable (pdf) here.

Italian Jewish Holocaust Survivor and Senator Speaks of ‘Deep Melancholy’ Following Hamas Pogrom in Israel
The 92-year-old Holocaust survivor who sits as a senator in the Italian parliament on Tuesday spoke of her anguish following the Oct. 7 Hamas pogrom in southern Israel, in which more than 1,200 people were murdered and over 200 seized as hostages.

In an address to the Italian parliament’s extraordinary commission on racism and the incitement to hatred, Liliana Segre described her “aura of deep melancholy and inability to understand why human beings do certain things to other human beings.”

Born in Milan in 1930, Segre fled from Nazi persecution in Italy with her father in December 1943.

After failing to secure refuge in Switzerland, the pair were sent by train to the Auschwitz death camp in Nazi-occupied Poland the following month, where her father and grandparents were murdered.

Along with other Jewish prisoners transferred from Auschwitz in January 1945, Segre was taken to the Ravensbruck concentration camp in Germany.

Weeks later she was moved to another camp operated by the Nazis which was eventually liberated by the Soviet Red Army.

Segre was made an Italian senator for life by President Sergio Mattarella in Jan. 2018.

In her speech on Tuesday, Segre added that she was opposed to “wars, invasions, all that is violence.” She then issued a call for more “moderation” in politics, acknowledging that this term is “out of fashion” but “deeply needed.”

The commission also heard from the Italian Interior Minister, Matteo Piantedosi, who noted with alarm the “net increase” in antisemitism in Italy over the last three months.

Between Oct. 7 and Dec. 31, 135 antisemitic incidents were reported, Piantedosi said. Approximately 28,000 Jews live in Italy.
More ‘Anti-Zionist’ Insanity Your Kid Will Learn at NYU
Oct. 7 was a wake-up call for anyone still confused about anti-Zionism. No longer could the truth be dodged: If you want to dismantle Israel, you will need the old terror of the pogrom—murdering parents in front of their children, raping women until their pelvic bones break, tearing bodies to pieces and burning them. “Respectable” anti-Zionism is no different than “respectable” antisemitism—a request for a license to maim and kill Jewish bodies.

Yet there is something puzzling about the atrocities themselves, which have been sometimes celebrated, sometimes euphemized by the pro-Hamas left. On Oct. 7, Hamas tortured, murdered, and kidnapped not only Jews, but many foreign nationals and Israeli Palestinians. How, one might ask, do these acts make sense as manifestations of Jew-hatred?

The answer lies in the always elastic definition of the Jew. Anyone on Israeli soil was symbolically Jewish and therefore worthy of being genitally mutilated, hacked to pieces or burned alive. The terrorists fired 40 bullets into the body of a Bedouin woman—even a devout Muslim could be tainted by Zionism and righteously murdered. Arab Israelis, it seems, serve for Hamas as symbolic Jews, since, not surprisingly, they have displayed complete solidarity with Israel’s efforts to defend itself since Oct. 7. Muslim Israelis do not want to be slaughtered by maniacs any more than their Jewish neighbors do.

The disastrously flexible definition of the Jew on Oct. 7 has precedents in the history of antisemitism. Since Jewishness is not always readily visible, non-Jews can become Jews in the eyes of antisemites. For white Russian nationalists, Lenin was a Jew, and Bolshevism a Jewish movement. Some opponents of the New Deal called it the “Jew Deal,” and said FDR was a Jew.

Jewishness is deceptive, says the antisemite: A Jew could be lurking under a gentile façade. In 16th-century Spain, the third- or fourth-generation New Christian might still be a secret Jew. In present day Israel, Jewish identity gets passed on even to non-Jews contaminated by the Zionist entity.

The fact that Jews can hide their identity, and have often been forced to do so in order to survive, means that they are “plastic”—the term used by NYU professor of literature Sonali Thakkar in her new book, The Reeducation of Race: Jewishness and the Politics of Antiracism in Postcolonial Thought. Thakkar sees plasticity as proof that Jews, like Asians, are a “model minority,” “educable,” and ripe for assimilation. These are, for the progressive academic, dirty words. For Thakkar, Jews’ plasticity means that, unlike Blacks, they can become “white” and so climb the ladder of success.

For Thakkar, Jewish plasticity goes in only one direction: toward assimilation, success, and whiteness. She denies that plasticity has its tragic side for Jews; because Jewishness can be hidden, it can also seem insidious to the non-Jew.
US congressional panel seeks years of antisemitism complaints in Harvard probe
A US House of Representatives panel on Tuesday asked Harvard University for a list of documents in relation to a probe on antisemitism at the school, and gave the school two weeks to produce the records.

Republican Representative Virginia Foxx, who chairs the House Education and the Workforce Committee, sent a letter to Harvard Corporation Senior Fellow Penny Pritzker and interim President Alan Garber requesting the documents.

Harvard and other US colleges have simmered with tension over responses to the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel and Israel’s subsequent offensive against it in the Gaza Strip.

Foxx said the panel, which last month also opened a review of Harvard’s handling of allegations of plagiarism by its then-president, wanted documents on all reports of antisemitic incidents on campus since January 2021, disciplinary processes to address allegations of hate and bias, and Harvard’s response to recent pro-Palestinian protests and activities.

The documents requested include any list of “posts by Harvard students, faculty, staff and other Harvard affiliates on Sidechat and other social media platforms targeting Jews, Israelis, Israel, Zionists, or Zionism.”

A Harvard spokesperson said the university was reviewing the letter and will be in touch with the committee over its request.

The House committee, in its letter, cited the oversight powers of Congress “derived from the US Constitution. “Under House Rule X, the Committee has legislative and oversight jurisdiction over ‘education or labor generally,'” the letter said.
Anti-Semitic Social Media Posts Roil Harvard Amid Federal Civil Rights Investigation
Harvard University is facing a federal investigation into campus anti-Semitism. But social media posts reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon show anti-Semitism on campus is not abating, and the school does not appear eager to address it.

A Harvard student seeking a master's degree in government, for example, has drawn the attention and concern of pro-Israel students on campus. That student, Abdullah Akl, is using his social media accounts to call for "Intifada" against Jews, contend "that there is no state called Israel," and encourage his followers to "teach your children that the Zionist entity is an enemy," according to posts reviewed by the Free Beacon.

"Zionist are indigenous to hell," Akl told his followers in another Instagram post.

Akl announced he would continue his "academic journey" at Harvard in May 2023, when he graduated from Long Island University-Brooklyn. Months later, Akl published an academic article under the Harvard name. MPower Change, the anti-Israel group cofounded by Linda Sarsour that employs Akl as a field organizer, lists Akl as a Harvard graduate student, as does Akl's LinkedIn. The Staten Island Advance wrote in October that Akl "is currently pursuing a master's degree in government from Harvard University."

Others on campus continue to promote anti-Semitic voices and events. Harvard Divinity School student Soaad Elbahwati sent a school-wide message pressing her classmates to promote a "teach-in" hosted by the Queer Muslim Solidarity Network and featuring the Palestinian poet "Mx. Yaffa."

A self-described "trans Muslim displaced indigenous Palestinian," Yaffa described Hamas's Oct. 7 terrorist attack on Israel as an act of "protest" and remarked that it was "about time" Hamas took action.
Universities face lawsuits accusing them of failing to protect Jewish students from antisemitism
Canadian universities are facing a series of proposed class-action lawsuits that accuse the schools of failing to protect their Jewish students from antisemitism and discrimination.

The latest, launched last week, is aimed at McMaster University. Other class-action claims involve Queen’s University, Toronto Metropolitan University, York University, Concordia University and the University of British Columbia. In several cases, the suits also name the university’s student union.

The actions were all launched in the past three months by Diamond and Diamond, which describes itself as Canada’s largest injury law firm, although it has a Quebec-based partner in the Concordia case.

Sandra Zisckind, managing partner at Diamond and Diamond, said she expects to launch many more lawsuits involving Canada’s largest universities and even some colleges, saying she wouldn’t be surprised if the number climbed to a dozen or more.

“It’s the same with all the universities across the board. They’ve harboured this antisemitism in the universities for years and years. It has gone wholly unchecked,” Ms. Zisckind said. “Our position is that these universities go out of their way to protect the civil rights of every other minority except Jews.”

Since the Oct. 7 Hamas attacks in Israel, protests and outrage over public statements about the ensuing war have unsettled many Canadian campuses. University administrators have tried to keep the situation from boiling over while maintaining a commitment to free expression and open inquiry, but tensions persist in many places.
Susan Sarandon joins hundreds of pro-Palestinian protesters shutting down NYC traffic

‘Stranger Things’ fans call for boycott after pro-Israel Noah Schnapp video

Marriott no longer hosting Muslim Federation event in South Florida

Robert Reich blames Jewish donors for Harvard president ouster

Haaretz Corrects False Report Claiming Netanyahu Weighing Deportation of Gaza Residents
Thus, Haaretz‘s false reporting that the prime minister said the deportation of Gaza residents is under consideration provided tailwind for South Africa’s baseless accusation. Sadly, members of the government who fortunately have no say on Gaza policy have made statements in favor of deportation. But the claim that the prime minister made such comments is invention.

In response to communication from CAMERA’s Israel office, Haaretz editors deleted the false claim that Netanyahu was speaking about the deportation of Hamas residents. The amended headline no longer refers to “residents” but still fails to specify deportation of Hamas leadership: “Netanyahu: Considering scenario of surrender and deportation in Gaza.” The revised accompanying text now states:
The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that a “scenario of surrender and deportation” in the Gaza Strip is being considered, according to reports on the Israeli news channel 12. The prime minister was most likely referring to Hamas leaders.

The “most likely” qualification is unjustified given that the recording of the meeting with the hostages’ families revealed for a fact that the prime minister’s statement about the possibility of deportation was in response to a question referring specifically to Hamas leadership.

Separately, intentionally or not, Haaretz gives an additional boost to false charges of Israeli war crimes with Gideon Levy’s uncorrected report egregiously alleging Israel’s “killing of 162 infants in one day — a figure reported by social media this week.” Despite the fact that CAMERA informed Haaretz that Levy himself has admitted that he has zero source for this incendiary claim, editors have yet to retract his fabrication.
BBC apologizes for report accusing IDF of ‘summary executions’ in the Gaza Strip
The BBC news network apologized over the weekend for a report late last month on its radio station in which it accused Israel Defense Forces troops of executing Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

In a report that ran overnight on December 24, the BBC said, it ran a story about Hamas accusing the IDF of “carrying out summary executions in the Gaza Strip.”

A statement from the BBC issued on Friday, almost two weeks after the initial report, said that “although the accusations were attributed and our story contained a response from the Israeli military saying they were unaware of the incident and that Hamas was a terrorist organisation that did not value truth, we had not made sufficient effort to seek corroborating evidence to justify reporting the Hamas claim. We apologise for this mistake.”

According to Deadline, the BBC report appeared to have been based on an AFP article from December 23, which stated that Hamas claimed in a statement to have gathered testimonies showing “the Israeli army had carried out the summary execution of 137 Palestinian civilians” in the northern Gaza Strip, including Gaza City, since the start of Israel’s ground offensive on October 7.

The article noted that the claims could not be independently verified, and that the IDF said it was “currently unaware” of any such incidents and that it was “at war with the Hamas terrorist organization who has proven that they do not value truth or accuracy.”

Canadian journalist, who asked minister about Iran, arrested for ‘assault’
As Chrystia Freeland, the Canadian minister of finance, walks down a street, David Menzies, of Rebel News approaches with a microphone.

“Ms. Freeland, how come the IRGC is not a terrorist group?” he asks, of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. “Why is your government supporting Islamo-nationalism?”

The minister, who ignores the questions, veers to her left—per video that Rebel News posted on social media—leading Menzies to apparently walk into a police officer, who has planted himself seemingly like a basketball player setting a pick aiming to get fouled.

“Excuse me,” Menzies says at first, seeming to have not seen the officer. “What are you doing?” “You’re under arrest for assault,” the officer says, before throwing Menzies, who wears a tan hat and still holds his microphone, into a wall.

“How am I under arrest? You bumped into me,” Menzies says.

“You pushed into me, sir,” the officer says, without letting go of Menzies. Menzies attempts to show his credentials to the officer. “You just bumped into me,” he tells the plainclothes officer. “He blocked my way,” Menzies tells another man, in plainclothes.

The first man then tells Menzies he is under arrest “for assaulting a police officer.” The second man tells Menzies that he was being aggressive. “You mean, I was asking questions aggressively,” he said.

US envoy: China allowing antisemitic content to skyrocket on its tightly-controlled internet since Oct. 7

Anti-Israel MP Zarah Sultana calls for expulsion of Israeli ambassador in House of Commons

Saudi ambassador to UK offers continued hope for normalisation deal with Israel

Indians boycott Maldives after Modi slammed as ‘puppet of Israel’ by island officials

East Jerusalem girl, 14, arrested for plan to carry out a terror attack and die
A 14-year-old girl from East Jerusalem wrote a farewell letter to her family declaring her intention to die carrying out a terror attack, but was arrested shortly before she could carry out her plan, police said Tuesday.

Officers first became suspicious when on Monday evening they found a pile of papers close to a Jewish home in the Old City of Jerusalem, the Israel Police said in a statement.

One page in particular caught their attention, and a closer look revealed that the author intended to become “a martyr” and was saying farewell to her family, according to the statement. She also expressed support for the Hamas terror group and signed her name.

Officers, together with Border Police, used surveillance footage to track down and arrest the teenager. She was found to be carrying photos of Palestinian terrorists.

During her interrogation, the suspect told officers she intended to carry out a terror attack.

The investigation revealed that the suspect’s father was killed last year while carrying out an attack in the West Bank that injured several members of the security forces, police said. The statement did not specify exactly when the attack occurred or the father’s name.
Gaza residents arrested after pretending to be Israelis, working in South

MEMRI: Former Palestinian Ambassador To India, Osama Al-Ali: 'Hamas Should Release The Israeli Hostages And Put An End To The War; I Don't Want Palestine, Jerusalem, Or Jaffa Back If This Is The Price'

MEMRI: Senior Hizbullah Official In Interview With Egyptian Website: Hamas Operatives 'Were Trained In Lebanon, Syria And Iran'

Lebanon Hosts Terrorists, Points Massive Arsenal at Israel, Then Complains When Israel Defends Itself
Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah revealed in a speech that his terror militia had conducted around 670 armed attacks against Israel since October 8.

Instead of blaming Hamas and Hezbollah for dragging Lebanon into another war, the Lebanese government is rushing to accuse Israel of killing a Hamas fugitive and violating Lebanese airspace to attack Syria.

Instead of criticizing Israel for defending its citizens against the Hezbollah and Hamas attacks, the Lebanese government should enforce Security Council Resolution 1701, according to which Hezbollah was supposed to withdraw all its terrorists north of the Litani River in southern Lebanon.

Lebanon has been in flagrant violation of Resolution 1701 since 2006, of course with no consequences. Similarly, the UN has never enforced its own Article 2(4) under which member states are not permitted to threaten each other. The UN, it would seem, is actually an instigator and conservator of war.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken should be addressing Lebanon, the Palestinian Authority and the United Nations about their accountability, concessions and compromises; not Israel.

It is high time for the UN and all its agencies, including the Security Council, to toss out anti-Israel complaints, including the latest one from Lebanon. Failing to do so will just once again expose the double standards -- really, no standards -- of the UN and once again throw the Middle East and the US into further violence and bloodshed.
MEMRI: In Interview By Urdu-Language Pakistani TV Channel, Senior Hamas Leader Dr. Khaled Qaddoumi: Israelis 'Have Come Walking Into Gaza, They Will Return In Coffins'; Pakistani Senator: 'We Were The First Muslim Country To Give A $1 Million Donation To The Hamas Government'

Dutch spies hid engineer’s role in paralysing Iran nuclear project

Italian opposition demands Giorgia Meloni launches investigation after hundreds give fascist salute at Rome rally without any police intervention

Florida father and son leave home to help suffering Israeli citizens: 'We have to be the strong ones'
A Florida father and his son packed up their bags and headed to Israel following the October 7 terrorist attacks to spread joy and offer humanitarian aid to those affected by the ongoing conflict.

When he first arrived at the airport in Israel, Joseph Waks was immediately escorted to a bomb shelter as missiles began flying nearby and sirens blared throughout the building.

"I'm from Miami and originally Australia. We've never had sirens before. For me, it was a shocking experience. And now, unfortunately, I became part of those that are used to it," Waks said.

Speaking to Fox News Digital from the Golan Heights nearing the three-month anniversary of the October 7 attacks, Waks introduced his son, Mendel, who joined up with the Golani Brigade and is now the youngest reservist in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). When he is not completing his duties for the army, Mendel travels around Israel with his father to meet with those impacted by the war.

"We try to make sure that they know they're not alone and that we have their back and that people have their backs. Not just Israelis, but the whole world and not just Jews around the world," he said.

Following the October 7 attacks by Hamas, Waks and Mendel met up in New York City. They admitted they were shocked by antisemitic demonstrations happening throughout Manhattan.

"We thought that people were coming out to support Israel. We didn't understand that there were people out there literally chanting 'Death to Israel' and 'Death to the Jews.'"

The outcry against Israel was a turning point for the family. Despite the negative connotations of some protests, Waks and Mendel said it only served to bring Jews around the world together.
US Palantir CEO flies company board to Israel in show of solidarity
During a visit to Israel, Palantir Technologies CEO Alex Karp said he is encouraged about the talent in the country.

Karp, who is the co-founder of the US data-analysis software giant is this week holding the firm’s first board meeting of the new year in Tel Aviv to show solidarity with Israel, as the country is more than three months into a war with the Hamas terror group

“I am pretty encouraged about talent here and that we are getting the best people,” said Karp speaking at Tel Aviv University. “What I see in Israel is this hybrid of talent that is qualitative and argumentative.”

“It is particularly valuable on the tech side,” he added

In a conversation with Karp, tech guru Yossi Vardi called the tech billionaire the most vocal voice in Silicon Valley supporting Israel not just in words but also in deeds, including bringing his whole company board to Israel when few airlines are flying to the country amid the ongoing war with Hamas.

Karp expressed his dismay that many people in the US support Israel but so few people speak out publicly.

“I think so few people speak out because they believe they can skirt by with no opinion but there is no one who doesn’t have an opinion on Israel, especially if you are a big company,” said Karp. “There are a lot of people in the industry who are maybe not as pro-israel as I am but they think of Israel as a very special place and are generally more understanding of the Israeli position and view Israel’s accomplishments of building a nation from a desert.”

But “they somehow believe that the safe position is to say nothing,” he noted.

Among the reasons for bringing Palantir’s board to Israel, Karp said, is to “embarrass other people who are pro-Israel in private but somehow not in public.”
UPenn delegation makes a solidarity trip to Israel amid the War
University of Pennsylvania Delegation makes solidarity trip to Israel amid the atrocities of October 7 and the rise of antisemitism on American campuses. i24NEWS' Emily Frances reports.

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