Monday, October 09, 2023

  • Monday, October 09, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon

Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas did not condemn Hamas'  murderous attack on Israeli civilians. On the contrary - he defended it.

On Sunday evening, Abbas made a phone call with Ahmed Helles, a member of his Fatah Central Committee and Commissioner of Mobilization and Organization in the Southern Governorate. During the call, Abbas "reaffirmed the right of our people to defend themselves."

Apparently, attacking families in their homes and raping girls attending a concert is "defending themselves." 

Keep in mind that every time Abbas or his predecessor Yasir Arafat condemned terror attacks, it was at the urging of the United States. But without any outside pressure, the "moderate" Fatah and Palestinian Authority leaders have no problem with what is by far the worst atrocity against Jews since the Nazis.

In fact, the PA prime minister Mohamed Shtayyeh parroted Abbas defense of Hamas - and went beyond it, in a call with the Norwegian foreign minister:

Shtayyeh received a phone call Saturday evening, from the Norwegian minister, during which he assured her that Israel’s continued refusal to implement international resolutions and the lack of accountability for the crimes it commits against the Palestinian people would exacerbate the conflict, and that Israel’s undermining of the two-state solution will not allow it to enjoy peace as long as the Palestinian people do not obtain their legitimate rights.

 Shtayyeh stressed the right of the Palestinian people to defend their land and sanctities, which are constantly being violated.

Shtayyeh said that what is happening today is a natural result of not responding to our repeated warnings about the dangerous repercussions that will result from Israel continuing its crimes amid its feeling of impunity.
Yes, rape and mass murder is a "natural response" to Israel defending Jews from being slaughtered.

This is not an anomaly. As we've noted in the past, there have been consistent poll results from Palestinian. When they are asked in the abstract whether they support "armed resistance," their euphemism for terror attacks on civilians, a small majority usually answers positively. But when they are asked if they support specific, recent terror attacks, the percentage of enthusiastic supporters of murdering Jews skyrockets to over 80%.

There is no reason to think that this will be any different. When the next set of polls come out, we will see that the vast majority of Palestinians -West Bank and Gaza, Hamas and Fatah - overwhelmingly support the cold blooded murder of hundreds of Israeli civilians. 

Whenever Israel-haters try to demonize the Jewish state, they will dig out a tiny minority who hold noxious opinions that are opposed by most Israeli Jews. But there is no cherry picking here - a huge majority of Palestinians really support murdering Jews, the more the better, with no regard as to whether they are "settlers" or "soldiers" or just regular Jews trying to live their lives inside the 1949 armistice lines. 

Their leaders share this immoral worldview. 

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