Friday, October 06, 2023

  • Friday, October 06, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon
Some of the condemnations from the Arab world of the disgusting phenomenon of some idiotic Jews publicly spitting towards Christians and their churches in Jerusalem show an even greater degree of hypocrisy than we usually see - and that's saying something.

Here are a couple of examples.

 The Lebanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned the incidents, saying that  "this behavior is a reflection of the culture of occupation, hatred, racism, and malice that is being spread by senior rabbis and extremist religious schools, whose followers take pride in practicing this behavior." 

This lesson in intolerance is coming from a country whose Jewish population has gone from 20,000 to approximately zero. Not only that, but Lebanon has discriminated against its Palestinian Muslim population - while it allowed Palestinian Christians to become citizens over the years, Palestinian Muslims have been treated horribly, primarily because of their religion and concerns that they would upset Lebanon's fictional demographic balance between Christians, Shiites and Muslims.

Another laughable condemnation came from former Lebanese MP  Amal Abu Zeid, who said, “This immoral behavior constitutes a sacrilege and expresses hostility and hatred, and is completely inconsistent with the sacred right to worship and pilgrimage to the holy places of all religions." Now, find me anyone in Lebanon - just one person - who defends the rights of Jews to visit and worship at the Temple Mount!

 The head of the Palestinian National Council, Ruhi Fattouh, said that the Israeli government "embraces hatred towards religions and contempt for other beliefs, and expresses its lack of respect for the international community and the feelings of millions of Christians in the world." Under Palestinian rule, the population of Christians has dwindled to a token few, even in Bethlehem and other traditionally Christian cities. Palestinian  Muslims routinely harass Christians in ways far worse than spitting.

The spitting is indefensible. But what the Arab world routinely does to its minorities is far, far worse. And there are hardly any anguished articles that talk about that.

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