Friday, May 12, 2023

  • Friday, May 12, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon
This Haaretz article is the most irresponsible, vile, antisemitic piece of writing I have ever seen - in any language. 

Yossi Klein's is telling the world that Zionist Jews unanimously enjoy murdering gentile children. "Killing children is designed to cause pain, to strike the most sensitive place of all. It isn’t designed to stop terrorism; it’s designed to deter the terrorists and make us happy," according to Klein.

The medieval blood libel, which has been used as an excuse to murder countless Jews, claimed that Jews murder gentile children to use their blood in a religious ritual. Klein goes far beyond that - he says that Jews murder gentile children not because it is part of a religious obligation but because it is an enjoyable pastime that brings Jews together. According to him, we don't have to murder children - we want to. 

Hitler in Mein Kampf merely said that Jews are subhuman parasites who conspire to subjugate gentiles and take over the world. He accused Jews of seducing Aryan girls - but even he didn't accuse Jews of gleefully murdering children to make them happy. 

No, but Haaretz's Yossi Klein does. 

Palestinian Arabic media routinely translate Haaretz columnists like Gideon Levy and Amira Hass to incite hate and justify terror. They didn't waste any time translating this one. So now it is available to hundreds of millions more, to boil their blood. 

This article is incitement to murder Jews. And it will be used by antisemites forever as proof that Jews admit their happiness at murdering Arab children. For some of them, it will tip the scales and they will grab their knives or car or join a terror group because there is nothing more important than to kill the Zionist child killers. 

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion was not really written by Jews so it could be debunked - but a real Jew with the Jewish name of Yossi Klein himself cheerfully admits that Jews like him love to incinerate cute Arab kids.  

Needless to say, this article is the polar opposite of the truth. Israel does more than any army in history to minimize deaths of children. It adheres scrupulously to the laws of armed conflict under the Geneva Conventions. It spends countless hours and layers of approvals before airstrikes to make sure that it is the right thing to do, taking into account the danger to uninvolved civilians. A valuable military target cannot be made immune from attack by the presence of civilians - even adorable children. 

Beyond that, Klein is describing Israel's enemies - people who hand out candy when Israeli children are murdered. The people who ululated at the news of 9/11. Their happiness is unbound at the death of civilians and polls show huge support for specific attacks that targeted children. Child murderers like Samir Kuntar and Dalal Mughrabi are heroes. 

Klein's pretense that Israeli happiness at killing terrorists is really happiness at killing their children is beyond reprehensible. 

The words "a new low" are used way too often, but in this case, they are accurate. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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