Thursday, May 11, 2023

  • Thursday, May 11, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon

The head of Islamic Jihad's "political wing," Dr. Muhammad al-Hindi, spoke to Gaza media of demands that his group has before any cease fire.

There was only one: "Stop targeting our leaders!"

He couched the demands in bravado, claiming that Islamic Jihad caused great damage to Israeli towns, but he didn't say Israel should stop bombing Gaza or anything like that. 

These supposed brave warriors only want to save their own skins.

Al-Hindi explained in an interview with the Al-Jazeera Mubasher channel, on Wednesday evening, that the ongoing negotiations between the mediators to stop the Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip have failed due to the intransigence of the Israeli occupation in continuing the policy of assassination.

He said, "One of the most important issues that thwarted the negotiations is that" Israel is procrastinating in making a commitment to stop the policy of assassinations "against the leaders of the Palestinian resistance, especially the leadership of the Islamic Jihad movement and its military arm, the Al-Quds Brigades."  
By an astonishing coincidence, Al Hindi is one of those people he insists must not be targets.

Israel has continued to target the houses of Islamic Jihad military leaders. 

Al Hindi also claimed that Islamic Jihad is working hand in hand with Hamas during this battle - but he admits that Hamas isn;'t actually shooting any rockets. Again, he tries to save face, saying that the lion's share of the rocket fire is being done by Islamic Jihad's Al Quds Brigades, "because they have strong military capabilities."

Based on this interview, it looks like Islamic Jihad has lost this round of fighting, very badly.

It is interesting that he didn't say anything about the smaller groups like Fatah's  Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades and the PFLP, which in fact are also shooting rockets at Israel besides Islamic Jihad.  They might not be happy that he is taking all the credit.

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