Tuesday, December 07, 2021

  • Tuesday, December 07, 2021
  • Elder of Ziyon

Tweeter Sarahoftheworld has a brilliant thread of positions that "anti-Zionists" have which contradict each other.

She starts off asking, "Are Jews European colonizers or are Arabs semites too and therefore can’t be antisemitic?"

She goes on:

- Judaism is just a religion but Israel is an ethnostate.

- Mizrahim are 'Arab Jews' but Israelis are appropriating Arab cuisine.

- Judaism have nothing to do with Zionism but Zionists base their claims on Jewish scripture.

- Ashkenazim are fake jews but the Neturei Karta are invited to every anti-Israel rally because they’re the "real Jews."

- Jews are violating human rights when praying at ancient sites but there should be a one-state solution with religious freedom for all.

- It is antisemitic to identify all Jews with Israel but it is ok to ask all Jews their thoughts on Israel/Palestine before they are allowed in your spaces.

Others added more:

- UN resolutions prove that Israel is evil, but the resolution that called for the creation of a Jewish state has no validity.

- Jewish ties to the Temple Mount are an obstacle to peace but Muslim ties to Al Aqsa is an essential part of Palestinian statehood.

- Welcoming refugees is a moral duty and opposing immigration is immoral, but Jews had no right to immigrate to Palestine and Israel because it went against what the Arabs wanted.

- The Arab world has one unified identity but the Palestinians are a distinct and ancient people.

- Israel is a colonial outpost of the West but the West slavishly follows what the Zionists tell them to do.

- It is wrong to conflate anti-Zionism and antisemitism, but antisemitic attacks are often justifiable because of Israeli actions.

- Jewish history is irrelevant to justify Israel's existence but Palestinians are descended from ancient Canaanites.

- The territories are part of Palestine but most Palestinians who live there are refugees.

- Israel is guilty of ethnically cleansing Arabs but a Palestinian state should be Judenrein.

- Israel brought in Ethiopian Jews for demographic reasons - and then sterilized the women.

- Antisemitism is wrong but Jews are privileged and cannot be victims of racism.

I can add some:

- A Jewish state is immoral but another Arab state is essential for peace.

- Everyone deserves human rights, but Jews must be forcibly removed from their homes.

- The Holocaust is a myth but the Jews deserved it (and Zionists were complicit.)

- International law that is meant to protect civilians supports Arabs murdering Jews. 

One can argue that some of these contradictions are really from different people - the socialist anti-Zionists don't necessarily agree with the Islamist anti-Zionism arguments. But note that they hardly ever publicly disagree. No Leftist "anti-Zionist" is condemning Hamas or the PA for saying they want a state based on Sharia law. None of them call out Arab antisemitism. Supposed "human rights activists" are silent about Arab terror yet scream about Israelis defending themselves from that terror. The main complaints about the Palestinian Authority is that they are too Zionist, not that they glorify killing Jews. 

The only common thread among the "anti-Zionist" crowd is that all these contradictory arguments are meant to cleanse the Middle East of Jews, or at the very least to strip Jews of any political power in the region.

Yes, that is antisemitism. 

(h/t Barbara Mazor)


EoZ Book:"Protocols: Exposing Modern Antisemitism"


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