Tuesday, April 07, 2020

  • Tuesday, April 07, 2020
  • Elder of Ziyon
I discussed how dismissive IfNotNow was about Sheldon Adelson's generous decision to fully pay all his employees for two months of staying home. I estimate that his decision is costing between $100-$200 million, not counting his bringing in 2 million face-masks from China.

I also saw this graphic being passed around loony Left Twitter, with Jeff Bezos being targeted presumably because he was not being as good in taking care of his employees - who are all still employed - as he should be.

But Bezos also donated $100 million to food banks to help feed people during this crisis.

What has George Soros, the main benefactor of Leftist causes, done to alleviate the troubles of the victims of the pandemic?

The only thing I can find is that Soros gave $1 million each  to the cities of Milan and Budapest to help them fight the coronavirus.

That's it. $2 million. Compared to the other billionaires like Adelson, Bezos, Bill Gates (hundreds of millions, potentially billions) and Mark Zuckerberg ($25 million plus $20 million), Soros' gifts seem positively skimpy.

So where are the snarky TikTok videos and graphics about Soros? After all, his $2 million represents 0.0024% of his net worth.  It sure doesn't seem overly generous, especially compared to other billionaires.

If rich people are assumed to be evil greedy capitalists by the far-Left, then their patron saint seems to be the worst of the bunch from the information that is public so far.

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