Monday, June 20, 2016

  • Monday, June 20, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
Blood libel published in Turkish American News and many other places

This story has been published in dozens of Arab sites, and has spilled over into English sites as well:
An Israeli Rabbi, Shlomo Mlmad, the chairman of the so-called Council of Rabbis in West Bank settlements, had reportedly called on Israeli settlers to poison Palestinians through their water supply.

According to Israeli anti-occupation organization “Breaking the Silence”, the call for poisoning Palestinian water aim to push the Palestinians to leave their villages and pave the way for Israeli settlers to take over their lands.Israeli rabbis

The Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) has denounced the move as an incitment against Palestinian people.

“This is an incitement and a call for killing the Palestinians,” Wasil Abu Youssef, a member of the PLO Executive Committee, told Anadolu Agency on Sunday.

He said such opinions by Jewish rabbis “prove that Israel is not a real peace partner”.

“Dozens of similar orders were made by rabbis that called for killing Palestinians, robbing their lands and farmlands and destroying their property,” he said.
This is complete fiction. There is no "Rabbi Shlomo Mlmad" and no "Council of Rabbis in West Bank Settlements."

The story appears to have started from a video published in NRG last week that allegedly shows Breaking the Silence's Yehuda Shaul telling a group two years ago, in English,  that Jewish settlers poison the wells of Palestinians.

(Video below, sorry I couldn't stop it playing automatically.)

That blood libel by a supposedly Zionist Jew is bad enough, but he said nothing about a rabbinical decree.

The earliest mention of such a decree comes from the PLO itself. Not Hamas, not Iran, not even Fatah - but Israel's supposedly moderate peace partner.

Last Wednesday, the PLO's National Bureau for the Defense of the Land and to Resist the Settlements first reported this story, quoting this fictional Rabbi Mlmad from an alleged Channel 10 story a year ago.

If such a story was broadcast, it would have been all over the place.

So the source of the blood libel is the PLO itself, and then its Palestinian Authority subsidiary is now condemning a fiction that Mahmoud Abbas' people made up to begin with.

There is no moral difference between the PLO creating a blood libel of Jews poisoning wells and medieval antisemites claiming the same thing. Except now the rumors spread much more quickly. The news stories include photos of black-clad Jews as proxies for this imaginary 'rabbi."

Western governments and NGOs must pressure the PLO to retract and apologize for their overt and explicit antisemitism. Unfortunately, the West hardly ever even acknowledges it.

UPDATE: The EU-funded Ma'an published this as well.


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