Wednesday, June 29, 2016

  • Wednesday, June 29, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon

If you look at the BDS "Victories" page, you will see this:

Note how they phrase this: they aren't saying that the artists agree with BDS, only that they have either "refused" or cancelled performances after BDS threats.

Anyway, when Carlos Santana canceled a concert in 2010, the BDSers counted this as a victory.

This year, Santana is coming to Israel. His manager said, “Carlos Santana is a citizen of the World and he plays his music and spreads his message of Love, Light & Peace wherever he goes. Carlos believes the World should have no borders so he is not detoured or discouraged to play anywhere on this planet. We look forward to performing in Israel this summer.

The BDSers are muy upset and they are trying to bully him into changing his mind.

His people are completely ignoring the ratcheted pressure, which is driving the haters crazy. They are trying to pressure him through a children's charity foundation he started.

From a BDS newsletter:
Yesterday US Campaign member groups Middle East Children’s Alliance (MECA) and Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) attempted to deliver a petition signed by 25,000 people urging musician Carlos Santana to respect the call for a cultural boycott of Israel in support of Palestinian human rights and cancel his upcoming concert in Tel Aviv, scheduled for July 30.

The delegation, including local Palestinian families with children, visited the offices of Santana’s Milagro Foundation, which he founded in 1998 and is devoted to helping "underserved and vulnerable children around the world." Staff at the office had not responded to several requests for an appointment, refused to open the door when the delegation arrived, and closed the blinds.
Santana's charitable foundation is treating BDSholes like the harassers they are.

I hope they call the police next.

Santana's Milagro Foundation has given grants to Israeli organizations that help both Jewish and Arab kids, like SHAI and Hand in Hand: Center for Jewish-Arab Education in Israel. BDSers are against such grants because they violate their boycott of Israel!

Clearly, Santana and his foundation care far more about Arab kids in the region than all the BDSers combined.

The Milagro Foundation is more than justified to tell the BDS haters to drop dead.

UPDATE: Check out Santana's own message to Israel.

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