Monday, June 27, 2016

  • Monday, June 27, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
The last Friday of Ramadan - which is this week - was declared by the late Ayatollah Khomeini to be "Quds Day" where the Jewish presence in Jerusalem is decried.

The festivities are starting early.

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The head of the Intifada (Uprising) and Quds Center at Iran’s Islamic Propagation Coordination Council said the international Quds day has a major influence on the issue of Palestine and prevents it from sliding into oblivion.

“The international Quds day has a very significant impact on the Palestinian issue,” the official noted, expressing the hope that rallies marking the event would be held with the massive participation of Muslims.

He further praised the Palestinian nation’s third Intifada, saying that the anti-Israeli campaign is very meaningful because Palestinian fighters are trying to make a path forward by themselves without expecting support from others.
I love the names of these anti-Israel organizations.

Meanwhile, a Shiite leader in Iraq is using the occasion to declare war on Israel:

Seyyed Muqtada al-Sadr, leader of Iraqi Sadr Movements, has issued a statement on Saturday for upcoming international Quds Day announcing his readiness to confront Israel and stressed had Saudi Arabia focused the coalition of 40 Islamic and Arab countries on liberation of Palestine all Muslim nations would have benefited the move.

In the statement, read in Friday prayer sermons across Iraq, Palestine is dubbed as the wound of Arab and Islam.

He stressed,” I am ready for confrontation with our Zionist enemy and as we have stood against American occupying forces, we are maintaining our resistance with the new cover of terrorism in our country.”
If you needed any more evidence that the honor/share dynamic is the motivating factor behind Muslim and Arab hate for Israel, the phrase "the wound of Arab and Islam" should put that to rest.

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