Tuesday, January 12, 2016

From Ian:

PMW: Fatah: Drown Israelis “in a sea of blood - kill them”
Fatah-run Awdah TV broadcast a music video explicitly calling to murder Israelis all over Israel - “in all their neighborhoods.” The song calls on Palestinians to “drown them in a sea of blood, kill them as you wish.” This call to murder encourages and feeds the current terror campaign which has seen many attacks against Israelis in residential neighborhoods and business districts all over Israel:
“Pick up your weapon and advance, Jerusalem is calling in pain
Come on, strike them, you have the strength
Turn your anger into the fire of Hell...
Besiege them in all their neighborhoods
Drown them in a sea of blood
Kill them as you wish”

[Fatah-run Awdah TV, Jan. 4, 2016]
The music video honors two terrorists who were killed attacking Israelis, including Muhannad Halabi, a murderer of two Israeli civilians, who Palestinian Media Watch has documented has been honored by both the PA and Fatah.
The video also refers to and shows a picture of a Palestinian baby who was killed when his home was set on fire by Jewish extremists.

MEMRI: Hizbullah Deputy Secretary-General Na'im Qassem At Beirut Conference For Palestine: Our Goal Is To Eliminate Israel
On December 8, 2015, the Global Campaign to Return to Palestine held its third annual conference in Beirut, under the title "Support the Al-Quds Intifada." The conference was attended by 300 activists and NGO representatives from 60 countries around the world, including representatives of Hizbullah and of Palestinian organizations such as the PLO, Hamas and Islamic Jihad.
Among the speakers at the conference were Hizbullah deputy secretary-general Na'im Qassem, Hamas political bureau deputy head Isma'il Haniya, Islamic Jihad deputy secretary-general Ziad Al-Nakhala, Archbishop Atallah Hanna (Theodosios) of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem, PLO secretary in Lebanon Fathi Abu Al-Ardat, and others. Some of the speeches included calls to eliminate Israel. For example, Hizbullah deputy secretary-general Na'im Qassem said that "eliminating Israel will remain the goal to which we aspire," and the chairman of the International Union of Resistance Clerics in Lebanon, Maher Al-Hammoud, likewise spoke of "eliminating the Zionist entity."
Qassem, who was one of the prominent speakers at the conference, also praised the stabbing and vehicular attacks carried out by Palestinians in Israel, calling them "resistance operations"; stated that the right of return was part of the liberation of Palestine; warned against accepting any settlement with Israel; and stressed that all of Hizbullah's actions were for the sake of Palestine and that Iran, too, supported the Palestinian cause politically, militarily, financially and culturally. He stated further that the Sunni terrorist organizations in the region were part of Israel's regional plan, and demanded that the Arab and Muslim world return the Palestinian cause to the top of its agenda. At the same time, he urged the Palestinians not to interfere in Arab matters that do not concern them directly, threatening that, if they do, the resistance will remove their cause from its agenda.
Khaled Abu Toameh: ISIS Followers Plan to Take over Gaza Strip
In the video produced by the pro-ISIS Palestinian Islamic Army (PIA), Hamas leaders are denounced for aligning themselves with moderate Arab leaders in the Gulf, who are described as "criminals and enemies of Islam."
Apparently, Hamas has been too kind to Christians living in the Gaza Strip. The narrator blasts Hamas leaders for offering greetings to Christians on their holidays.
It seems that there may be valid reasons for Egypt's reluctance to reopen the Rafah border crossing with Gaza, as well as to Israel's opposition to lifting the naval blockade on Gaza -- initiated to prevent weapons from being imported to Hamas and other extremists in Gaza. The PIA video provides proof that the Gaza Strip has become a hub for jihadi groups posing a murderous threat not only to Israel and "the West," but also to Muslims who are deemed by the terrorists as lacking in religious standards.

New Trouble for Activist Nawi: More NGO Checks, Possible Conspiracy to Commit Murder
Many in Israel’s left have been trying to disassociate themselves from Ezra Nawi, the activist who was secretly taped on a Channel 2 news program Uvda bragging about sending Arab land brokers to certain torture if not death in the hands of the Palestinian Authority’s Preventive Security service (selling land to Jews is an act of treason under PA law). Those who defended him quickly became the new pariahs of Israel’s mass and social media. Then came a follow-up report Monday night showing Nawi was on the payroll of Breaking the Silence and Rabbis for Human Rights.
According to the Channel 2 revelation, Nawi was seen at the Tel Aviv offices of Breaking the Silence, picking up cash and a check for fellow activist Guy Butbia, an activist who tapes the reaction of IDF soldiers to riots Nawi arranges in the area of the southern Hebron Mountain.
The show also offered a photograph of a check to the amount of 1,300 shekels ($330), from Rabbis for Human Rights to Nawi. The NGO explained that the check paid for transportation services and tours Nawi gave to attorneys representing Palestinian land owners in Israeli courts. RHR said they severed their ties with Nawi immediately following the Uvda exposé. They issued a statement saying, “Ezra Nawi worked for us at a fraction of a position in the last few months. We had no awareness of what was broadcast in the Uvda report, and those things stand in stark contrast with the spirit of our organization. Nawi’s employment with us has been suspended following the broadcast and we will conduct a hearing with him.”
Police: Far-left activist suspected of contact with a foreign agent
Far-left activist Ezra Nawi is set to appear in court in Jerusalem on Tuesday on suspicion of contact with a foreign agent, the Judea and Samaria police said Tuesday, the day after he was arrested at Ben-Gurion International Airport, apparently trying to leave the country.
An official from the Judea and Samaria police said Tuesday the charge of contact with a foreign agent - a security crime - focuses on his dealings with the Palestinian Authority’s Preventative Security Service.
In a segment on Channel 2’s “Uvda” program on Thursday night, Nawi was shown bragging about how he arranges meetings with Palestinian land owners who are seeking to sell land to Jews and then gives their names and numbers to the PA security service. He can be seen in the hidden camera footage bragging about how the men are then tortured and later killed.
“Straight away I give their pictures and phone numbers to the Preventive Security Force,” Nawi is heard saying in reference to the Palestinian Authority’s counterintelligence arm. “The Palestinian Authority catches them and kills them. But before it kills them, they get beat up a lot.”
JPost Editorial: B’Tselem’s fire
A fire broke out on Sunday night at the offices of B’Tselem, an organization that, in its words, “endeavors to document and educate the Israeli public and policymakers about human rights violations in the occupied territories.” Thankfully, no one was seriously hurt, although a few people working on other floors in the building housing B’Tselem’s offices were evacuated.
Despite initial inaccurate reports that it was an act of arson, it was determined on Monday that the fire was the result of an electrical short circuit. It was difficult to miss the glee with which some people, particularly those with a left-wing agenda, jumped to the conclusion that B’Tselem’s offices were set on fire by far-right activists and was the product of government-sponsored incitement.
For instance, Ha’aretz lead its Monday edition with a story entitled, “Arson suspected in fire at human rights group B’Tselem’s Jerusalem office.” In contrast, The Jerusalem Post ran a less sensational front-page story titled “Fire rages through Jerusalem offices of B’Tselem.”
Meanwhile, B’Tselem, after a compulsory throat-clearing to allow for the possibility that the fire was not caused deliberately, went on to say in a statement, “However, if it is discovered that this was an arson attack, it must be seen in the context of the wave of government incitement and smear campaigns against Israel’s human rights groups and B’Tselem in particular.”
Why the Palestinian Authority Hesitated to Honor Israeli Arab Terrorist as a “Martyr”
The Palestinian Authority has good reason to discourage Israeli Arabs from joining this wave of terrorism. The PA sees more importance in Israel’s Arab citizens lobbying Israel’s political leadership, especially Knesset members, and promoting its interests in Israeli society. If Israeli Arabs joined this terror wave, they could lose political leverage in important political corridors in Israel.
So why did the PA not hesitate to pronounce Muhanad Alukabi, the Israeli Bedouin attacker, as a shaheed, whereas they were very slow to decide with Nashat Milhem.
The reason: Milhem’s attire was alarming. His black clothing and the nature of the terrorist attack in Tel Aviv appeared to be inspired by ISIS – the murderous organization that the whole world is fighting. Palestinians joining ISIS would be a disaster for the PA and a definitive signal connecting Palestinian terror not just to the “Palestinian problem” but to global Islamic terror.
The terrorist from Beer Sheva acted in the name of Hamas – still within the borders of the Palestinian struggle. Nashat Milkhem connected the Palestinians to Syria and to Iraq – and to the terror in Paris.
Tel Aviv shooter wore protective eyewear during attack
While conducting the deadly shooting attack at a pub in Tel Aviv on January 1, Nashat Milhem was seen wearing an unusual pair of white glasses. He wore the same pair a week later when he was killed in a gun battle with security forces.
Walla News! reported Tuesday that police had determined the glasses were a special type used to protect one's eyes from flying objects.
Police initially estimated Milhem's unusual pair of glasses were designed to prevent facial recognition. The technology for this type of glasses has existed for several years and pairs can be easily ordered online.
However, a closer examination of the images of the terrorist reveal he was probably wearing a pair of glasses manufactured by the Rec Specs protective sports eyewear company.
Zoabi: Put security forces who killed Tel Aviv shooter on trial
Balad MK Haneen Zoabi accused Israeli security forces of unnecessarily shooting and killing the Israeli Arab man who perpetrated the shooting attack in Tel Aviv last week which killed two Israelis.
"The shooting and killing of Nashat Milhem is an execution. In spite of the fact that the security forces could have arrested him, they were directed to execute him, because the matter at hand is the reputation of the police state. The goal is to satisfy public opinion. We need to put on trial those who shot and killed him," Zoabi said Tuesday in an interview she gave to the Palestinian channel "Musawa."
Zoabi's comments came in the wake of the shooting and killing of suspected terrorist Milhem after a week-long manhunt. Milhem fled to his home town of Arara after opening fire on a Tel Aviv pub with a semi-automatic weapon, and later killing an Israeli Arab taxi driver. Israel Police said that security forces shot Milhem in self-defense after he had opened fire at them, a claim that Zoabi appeared to reject.
Stabbing thwarted as attacker shot dead
A Palestinian man tried to stab a soldier near the Beit Anun junction in the Hebron area on Tuesday.
The man rushed an IDF patrol brandishing a knife. The soldiers opened fire, killing the attacker. The soldiers were not hurt, the IDF said.
In a separate incident, Palestinian media reports that a 21-year-old Palestinian was shot dead by IDF forces during clashes in the town of Beit Jala, which lies between Jerusalem and Bethlehem.
The man was hit by a bullet in the upper chest, fatally wounding him, Palestinian sources said.
Hevron leader: ‘terror junction’ funded by US organization
Yochai Damri, the head of the Hevron Hills Council, responded on Tuesday to the attempted terror attack at Beit Anoun Junction, near Hevron, by placing the blame on a US organization that funded the construction of a traffic circle at the location. Local Jewish residents claim that the traffic circle, which forces vehicles to slow down as they pass it, makes it easy for terrorists to tell Jewish motorists from Arabs and to attack them with precision.
“Today, we saw another attempted terror attack at Beit Anoun Junction. A terrorist attempted to stab a soldier and our amazing soldiers succeeded in preventing him from carrying out his wicked plan and killed him. But, the story here at the traffic circle, where terror attacks take place on a weekly basis is much deeper,” Damari argued.
“The traffic circle was established by the American USAID organization. It was established despite repeated protests on the part of the Hevron Hills and Kiryat Arba Local Council, who predicted the situation we are currently experiencing: an area from where it is easy to commit terror attacks, to throw rocks, and to attack Israelis. The local councils suggested various alternatives to the junction that was established, but all of the alternatives were rejected. And this is how the ‘terror attack junction’ was created.”
Terrorists open fire on Israeli soldiers near Bethlehem
Arab terrorists opened fire Tuesday morning at Israeli soldiers manning the Abu Dis checkpoint, northeast of Bethlehem in Judea.
According to an IDF report, the terrorists arrived at the checkpoint by car and shot at nearby soldiers, before driving off.
No injuries or casualties were reported.
Security forces have launched a massive search in the area for the terrorists.
IDF Blog: Could You Stop a Terror Attack by Reporting a Facebook Status?
Could individual Facebook statuses indicate a person’s plan to carry out a terror attack?
“Lone wolf” attacks have become more common during this wave of terrorism. Individuals carry out attacks on their own without extensive previous planning. Security forces can’t do much to identify these people in advance, making this terror very difficult to stop.
Attackers often post on social media platforms before executing acts of terror. Can spotting these suspicious statuses prevent future terror attacks? Could Facebook and Twitter help us save lives?
Mahdi Akas
On November 8, 2015, Mahdi Akas stabbed an Israeli man near the community of Alfei Menashe. The day Akas carried out the attack, he changed his profile picture on Facebook to a masked man with an accompanied text stating he was a martyr on a “waiting list.” Additionally, he posted pictures of armed terrorists to his Facebook profile.
Impose sanctions on the PA
The question remains what to do. Demanding that the PA stop the incitement is clearly not ‎working, since the PA continues to incite and instigate around the clock. ‎We have let them do this for decades, thus helping create an entire generation of youngsters who ‎wish to see our demise. Surely, more of the same is not going to change the predicament that we ‎find ourselves in now. In the long term, it does not matter how many terrorists we shoot in self-‎defense, since the PA only keeps sending more our way. ‎
Since talk clearly is not working, it is time for action. We could start by putting in place effective ‎sanctions on the PA. After all, Israel supplies the PA with everything that it needs. It seems only ‎reasonable to impose sanctions as long as the declared goal of the PA is to "water the soil" of our ‎country with their "pure blood" while shooting, car ramming and stabbing Israelis to further our ‎demise.‎
The idea of putting hard sanctions on the PA may sound unpalatable to some, especially on the ‎Israeli Left, but then they might consider that being murdered every day simply for living and ‎breathing as Jews in Israel should be even more unpalatable.‎
You cannot wage war against Israel with one hand and enjoy the benefits of Israeli cooperation on ‎the other. We need to stop acting as if we live in Chelm. If we want to end this, we need to treat ‎the PA as the thing it really is: our enemy.‎
Extradition: The Palestinian Authority’s Dirty Little Secret
It’s that dirty little secret which nobody wants to talk about, because it makes everybody uncomfortable. It hovers in the background; it’s hidden in the closet; and it lingers in the recesses of our minds. But it’s there, written in black and white in the Oslo Accords, and it can’t be erased: the Palestinian Authority (PA) is obligated to surrender to Israel any terrorist whose extradition the Israelis request.
Which is what makes the ongoing standoff in Bulgaria such an inconvenience!
A Palestinian terrorist who escaped from an Israeli prison 25 years ago is now being given shelter in the PA’s consulate in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria.
The terrorist is Omar Nayef Zayed, who was convicted in 1986 of murdering an Israeli yeshiva student. He started a hunger strike in 1990, which resulted in the Israeli authorities admitting him to a hospital in Bethlehem. He escaped from the hospital, slipped out of the country, and made his way to Bulgaria.
Israel has asked the PA to hand him over, in accordance with Annex IV, Article 2, Par.7(f)(1) of the Oslo II agreement that Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and the PA signed in 1995. That clause specifically obliges the PA to comply with every Israeli request for extradition.
During 1995-96, Israel submitted 36 extradition requests. Additional requests were made in subsequent years. Not one of them has ever been honored.
The Associated Press Has a Clear and Dangerous Anti-Israel Bias
The ability to manipulate language is crucial if a journalist wants to transmit a biased message. Apparently, Associated Press journalists have both the ability to manipulate language and guidelines that are driving them to do so. The AP seemingly believes that Palestinians can never be terrorists, regardless of how many Israeli soldiers and civilians they kill or attempt to kill.
One wonders whether journalists new to the AP’s Israel office get an introductory session where they are told that they must not make use of the words “Palestinian terrorists.” It seems, however, that the AP will let its reporters quote an Israeli official saying that a perpetrator of a terror attack is a “terrorist” — so long as the journalist does not use such incendiary terminology himself. The same goes for terms such as “Palestinian attackers” and “assailants.”
Perhaps newcomers are also offered a convenient list of AP-approved synonyms for describing murderous activities by Palestinians that sidestep what the terrorists actually do: murder others, particularly civilians, out of ideological motives. Thus the Palestinian killer of Israelis becomes, in the agency’s jargon, a Palestinian extremist, militant, gunman, lone wolf or rebel. The United States considers Hamas and Hezbollah to be terrorist groups. They are on the list of foreign terror organizations prepared by the US Department of State, as well as the governments of France, Canada and Australia. The EU considers both to be terrorist organizations as well. Despite this official categorization, the AP commonly refers to Hamas and Hezbollah as “militant” organizations.
Honest Reporting: Terrorism in the New York Times

Swedish FM calls to probe Israeli violence against Palestinians in recent terror wave
Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom called on Tuesday for an investigation to determine if Israel was guilty of extrajudicial killings of Palestinians during the recent wave of violence there, local media reported.
The comments were the latest in a series of statements by Wallstrom that have irked Israeli authorities. Ties between Sweden and Israel nose-dived after Sweden announced its recognition of a Palestinian state shortly after Wallstrom's center-left Social Democrats won general elections in 2014.
She deepened the rift last year by describing Palestinians' plight as a factor leading to Islamist radicalization.
"It is vital that there is a thorough, credible investigation into these deaths in order to clarify and bring about possible accountability," Wallstrom said during a parliamentary debate, according to news agency TT .
Israeli Deputy Ambassador to UK Reproaches Labour MP for Claiming No Israelis Killed by Palestinian Minors Throwing Rocks
Israel’s deputy ambassador to the UK reproached a British Parliament member on Monday over claims she made last week relating to the current wave of Palestinian violence, the Israeli Embassy revealed on Twitter.
Eitan Na’eh took Bradford West Labour MP Naz Shah to task for saying last week that the Israeli government provided no evidence of Palestinian minors “causing a death or contributing to a death using a stone.”
Shah made this remark on Jan. 6, during a parliamentary debate on child detainees in Israel. She told a room full of her colleagues: “The fact is that the disproportionality of someone throwing a stone or a rock and being detained for it is not acceptable.”
Na’eh sent a letter to Shah on Monday to express his “profound concern” over her comments. “I must impress upon you the fact that rock-throwing is a violent crime that can, and has, led to death on multiple occasions,” he wrote.
Na’eh cited the five members of the Fogel family, who were killed in 2011 after being knifed to death by two Palestinian teenagers, and the case of Adele Biton, the four-year-old Israeli who died in February 2015 from wounds sustained in a Palestinian rock-throwing attack.
Referencing a third incident, Na’eh wrote, “Rocks thrown by two Palestinian men in 2011 hit Asher Palmer in the head, causing his car to veer off the road and overturn, killing both him and his infant son Yonathan. These rocks, in the hands of adults or teenage minors, were lethal weapons.”
Muslims Carrying Out Unauthorized Excavations on Temple Mount Claim They Are Repairing Water Leakage
Unauthorized excavations were discovered to be taking place on the Temple Mount, the Hebrew news site 0404 reported on Sunday, after photos of a bulldozer near the Dome of the Rock appeared on Arabic Facebook pages.
On one such page it was claimed that the digging was being done in order to repair a water canal that was leaking into one of the smaller domes of the compound. A posting on that page — called “Al-Aqsa Mosque” — also asserted that Israeli police attempted to put a stop to the work, prompting the Waqf (the Islamic trust that manages the Temple Mount) to intervene to allow it continue.
In response, an Israeli organization called “Students for the Temple Mount” called on Minster of Culture and Sport Miri Regev, who heads the Knesset committee dealing with rights of Jews on the Temple Mount, to intervene and put an end to “this flagrant contempt for Israel’s holy sites.” They also demanded the arrest and prosecution of those carrying out such unauthorized digs.
 4 indicted in beating of asylum seeker after terror attack
Four Israeli men were indicted Tuesday for the brutal beating of another man in the minutes after a terror attack in Beersheba. The four maintain that they mistook him for the terrorist.
Israel Defense Forces soldier Yaakov Shimba, Israel Prisons Service guard Ronen Cohen, and two civilians, David Muial and Evyatar Dimri, were made to face counts of injury with grave intent at the Beersheba District Court over the October 18, 2015, incident.
The victim, Eritrean asylum seeker Haftom Zarhum, 29, was also shot by a security guard, and died in the hospital several hours later. The security guard also maintains that he believed Zarhum was a terrorist.
The attack, at the city’s central bus station, left an Israeli soldier dead and 11 people wounded.
Syrian ISIS supporter shot dead outside Paris police station had been arrested for sexually assaulting women in Cologne - and may have taken part in New Year's Eve attacks
The Syrian man shot dead by French police last week may have taken part in the sexual assaults in Cologne on New Year's Eve.
ISIS supporter Walid Salihi, believed to be in his late teens or early 20s, was arrested in 2014 in Cologne for sexually abusing women in a night club.
Salihi is said to have 'rubbed the behinds of females' and touched their 'intimate parts,' according to a German police report.
A friend of Salihi was arrested after the Cologne mass attacks, where hundreds of women were sexually assaulted, leading to suspicion that he may have been part of the mob on New Years Eve before travelling to France, Bild newspaper reports.
Salihi was shot dead when he tried to enter the police station in Barbes, northern Paris, shouting 'Allahu Akbar' and threatening officers with a knife on the anniversary of the Charlie Hebdo attacks.
Marseille Jew fended off stabber with ‘holy book’
A Turkish teenager who stabbed a Jewish teacher with a machete on Monday in the southern French city of Marseille told police he was attacking in the name of the Islamic State group, a prosecutor said.
The attack, which left the 35-year-old teacher with an injured shoulder and hand, occurred in broad daylight in the south of the city, prosecutor Brice Robin said.
The 15-year-old ethnic Kurd rushed the victim from behind and stabbed him in the shoulder, then chased after him for a few meters until he fell, Robin said.
The victim fended off the assailant using his arms and legs, as well as his “holy book,” which was damaged in the scuffle, the prosecutor said.
The suspect “has the profile of someone who was radicalized on the Internet,” Robin told a press briefing.
French Jewish politician, 73, found dead at home near Paris
Ghozland, 73, originally from Algeria, was found by his brother, who came looking for him after he didn’t show up to synagogue a day earlier.
The cause of death was not immediately clear. Reports said his apartment appeared to have been rummaged through, and that his car was missing. Nevertheless, French Radio Station Europe 1 reported that the front door of his house did not show signs of having been broken into.
A relative of Ghozland told Metro News that the victim showed signs of bruising as well as stabbing, but these claims were not immediately confirmed by police or officials.
Ghozland’s family also raised the possibility of the death being of a potentially anti-Semitic nature. Early reports said police were checking all possibilities.
Israel set to welcome its newest nuclear-capable submarine
The INS Rahav is expected to reach Haifa on Tuesday, where top government and military officials will welcome the newest addition to Israel’s small navy.
The German-built Rahav left the German port of Kiel last month.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, President Reuven Rivlin, IDF chief of staff Lt. Gen. Gadi Eizenkot and Israel Navy commander Admiral Ram Rothberg will take part in the ceremony along with a flotilla of warships and other water craft.
Ordered a decade ago, the Rahav will be Israel’s fifth Dolphin-class submarine, joining the Tanin, Tekuma, Leviathan and Dolphin at the Haifa naval base.
Israeli submarines are reportedly capable of being equipped with nuclear-armed missiles, affording the tiny Jewish state a “second-strike” capability in case it is attacked by nuclear weapons.
Israel has not acknowledged the existence of Israeli nuclear weapons, though foreign media and analysts say it possesses as many as 200 warheads.
IDF creates new, cutting edge unit to combat unconventional weapons
Against the backdrop of a changing battlefield, Israel Hayom has learned that the Israel Defense Forces is in the process of establishing a new company within the Engineering Corps' elite Yahalom ("Diamond") commando unit to combat the threat of chemical weapons on land.
According to an officer familiar with the details, the decision to create the Sayfan ("Gladiolus") company was based on the IDF's most up-to-date intelligence assessments. The new unit's mission will be to detect, identify and treat unconventional materials in a combat zone.
The officer said soldiers in the new unit will have a very high security clearance and a unique and advanced set of capabilities, and will use technology that the IDF has never had until now.
"We need fighters who are responsible enough to operate this equipment; fighters who know how to think on their feet and use good judgment," the officer said.
WATCH: Muslim Militant Group Slams Hamas For ‘Anti-Islamic’ Activities
The video by “the Army of Islam media council” is dedicated to the “Caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,” the leader of IS.
In the video, a militant is shown lashing out at Ismail Haniyeh, Hamas’ former prime minister, with a slideshow of pictures that show him meeting with Arab and Muslim leaders “who have betrayed Islam and the Muslim people.”
Mahmoud al-Zahar, another top Hamas leader, is shown meeting with Iranian officials whom the video slideshow accuses of waging “a war against Sunni Muslims. It is proof that Hamas exchanges military information and intelligence with Iran, which serves its campaign against the Sunnis.”
Also, Hamas’ deputy chief of diplomacy, Mousa abu Marzook, is seen visiting a church in Gaza – “proof of Hamas’ loyalty and sympathy to the Christians.”
In conclusion, claims the Army of Islam, the Muslim Brotherhood and its subdivision Hamas have “strayed from the route of Sharia and Islam.”
White House says Obama didn’t snub Jordan’s Abdullah
The White House on Monday said President Barack Obama would not meet with close ally King Abdullah of Jordan — who is currently in Washington — because of scheduling problems.
“The president regrets that he is unable to meet with him personally on this visit due to scheduling conflicts, including the State of the Union address,” a White House spokesperson said.
On Tuesday, Obama will deliver his final annual address to a joint session of Congress, a set piece of the US political calendar.
The White House and Jordanian officials said Abdullah would instead meet with Vice President Joe Biden on Tuesday
Senior defense adviser: Israel worried for Jordan's stability as ISIS encroaches
A senior Israeli official has voiced concern for Jordan's future stability given encroaching Islamist-led insurgencies in the region, a departure from Israel's customary reticence about its neighbor and security partner.
Jordan, one of two Arab countries to have signed peace treaties with Israel, has largely weathered the upheaval in much of the Middle East over the past five years. It has low-key military backing from the United States and Israel.
"There is a stable regime in Jordan, which is dealing with dramatic challenges," Amos Gilad, senior regional adviser to Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon, said in an interview with the Israel Defense journal.
But while Israeli officials generally limit themselves in public to extolling Amman's conduct, Gilad noted the big influx to Jordan of refugees from next-door Syria and Iraq, where Islamic State insurgents have set up fiefdoms.
First Jordanian census in 11 years hides Palestinian majority
The Jordanian government likewise claimed there were only 113,000 Palestinian Arabs in the country in 2004, as part of a long standing campaign to present a Jordanian majority in the country. Jordan is said to be so ardently supporting a "two state solution" in Israel so as to prevent becoming a Palestinian state itself and having the conflict resolved in its own borders.
Jordan's Palestinian figures fall far short of another new census, which itself falls far short of the international research. The Palestinian Authority (PA) published 2015 population figures last month, claiming 5.5 million "Palestinians" live around the world, in an attempt to claim all descendants of Arabs who left Israel during the 1948 War of Independence.
The PA statistics claim 2.2 million Palestinian Arabs live in Jordan, in a higher toll than the Jordanian figure but still a far cry from the 60% to 80% revealed by studies.
Jordan was established by British fiat in 1946 on territory allocated for Israel, as a kingdom for Abdullah I of Saudi Arabia. It is made up of a majority of Palestinian Arabs, while nearly all Arab residents of Judea and Samaria hold Jordanian citizenship - which has lead many to suggest creating a "Palestine" in Jordan.
That call was given even more credence in June, when PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas called Jordanian and Palestinian Arabs "one people living in two states."
Despite its 1994 peace agreement with Israel, Jordan has long been a vocal supporter of terrorism against Israel and threatened to revoke the treaty on numerous occasions.
Hamas may have nearly as many terror tunnels as before 2014 war — report
Eighteen months after the last Israel-Hamas war, the Islamist terror group is believed to have rebuilt much of its cross-border tunnel infrastructure, with almost as many terror tunnels reaching under the Gaza border into Israel as before the summer 2014 conflict, Haaretz reported on Tuesday.
“Hamas is investing considerable effort and immense amounts of money in the tunnel project,” the report said. “The reasonable assessment is that the number of tunnels that extend beneath the border (into Israel) is now close to the number prior to (2014’s) Operation Protective Edge.”
The Israel Defense Forces said it destroyed more than 30 Hamas terror tunnels during the 50-day conflict, about one-third of which extended beneath the Gaza border into Israel, and several of which were used to stage attacks.
Half of Tel Aviv Under Arrest After Witness Describes Bike Theft Suspect as “Guy with Sort of a Hipster Beard” (satire)
Approximately 46% of the city is in police custody today after a man spotted stealing a bicycle on Allenby was described by eyewitnesses as “brown or black hair, with sort of a hipster beard. Possibly a man bun, but maybe not”. The Daily Freier went down to Police Headquarters to check out the balagan first-hand.
With thousands of men milling around in giant makeshift holding pens, Jabotinsky between Dizengoff and Ben Yehuda Streets was completely cut off to traffic. The police shouted orders to the assembled men by bullhorn, but to little effect. It appeared that the prisoners had themselves issued a list of demands, to include: better Wi-Fi, some coffee hafuch, rolling papers, more outlets to charge their I-Phones, and Krembo.
Despite the chaos, the Daily Freier was able to speak to those citizens who had assisted the authorities in their investigation. Alert local Ronit S. witnessed the theft and immediately went to the police to provide a statement. “So I went to Headquarters and sat down with a sketch artist and described the guy who stole the bike. But when he was done drawing, the picture looked kinda like my last three ex-boyfriends. Oh yeah, I also told the cops that I overheard the suspect talk about his trip to Southeast Asia and that he was thinking of joining a start-up. Wait. Why are you laughing at me? I thought I was being helpful!”

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