Tuesday, December 10, 2013

  • Tuesday, December 10, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
I have noted in the past an absurd statistic, given by some Palestinian Arab NGOs like Addameer  and repeated by the UN and others like The Lancet and Jimmy Carter.

They claimed that over 650,000 - and then 750,000 - and then 800,000  and even 900,000 Palestinian Arabs have been jailed by Israel since 1967.

I've proven that these statistics were complete fiction. Every Israeli arrest is documented by PCHR, and they average about 25 arrests a week, which would make at most 1300 a year - but for these numbers to be increasing as fast as they claim in recent years, there would need to be over 50,000 people not just arrested but jailed every year!

(There are about 5000 Palestinian Arabs in Israeli jails, a number that has been pretty consistent for the past couple of years.)

Now, Mustafa Barghouti in Irish Times beats everyone else in his ability to lie:
Now there is almost no Palestinian family that did not have someone in jail. More than 44 per cent of Palestinian adults have been to jail in one way or another.
This means that even if every prisoner has only been jailed just once in his or her life, based on the current population in the territories, 1,060,000 people have been jailed! (There are about 2.4 million Palestinian Arab adults in the territories.)

Of course, Irish Times doesn't bother to check his very specific sounding statistic. (Liars like to use very specific numbers to make them sound more authentic.) Just like Time magazine, the Goldstone Report, and countless others have cited the inflated and patently absurd statistics as truth, no one even considers that when intelligent looking Palestinian Arabs say something with a straight face, they might be lying.

Barghouti is lying. The Irish Times is gullible.

And so is the rest of the world.

(h/t Adam)


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