Monday, November 11, 2013

  • Monday, November 11, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
Egypt's Youm 7 has a doozy of a conspiracy theory.

According to this article, Suleiman the Magnificent, who was Sultan of the Ottoman Empire from 1520-1566, married Roxelana, a slave woman who first joined his harem and who he eventually freed and took as his wife. (true)

Roxelana was Jewish! (false)

Not only that, but she had huge influence on her husband (true) and was behind the execution of Egypt's vizier Pargalı Ibrahim Pasha as part of a plot to ensure that her son would become the next Caliph, instead of Suleiman's first-born (possibly true.)

Her son Selim II, who was naturally Jewish (false), eventually became the Sultan (true), and he was instrumental in moving Jews to Thessaloniki (Salonika), Greece (false, this happened beforehand). From Thessaloniki came the rise of (false messiah) Shabbatai Tzvi (the rabbis there expelled him) who was - a Zionist, calling for the establishment of a state in Palestine! (not as far as I know.)

The Ottoman Empire is then said to have been very welcoming towards the Zionist influence, with Theodor Herzl having easy access to the sultans (not really although he met one who spurned his idea).

The article gets hard to understand after that, with mention of Freemasonry, a return to the Jews of Salonika, and the Zionist/Ottomans destroying the empire from within. Jewish connections to Turkish leaders are enumerated. A Jewish plot to separate Turkey from the Arab world is described. Even in modern times, Turkey stood with Israel against Egypt.

It is a very convoluted article but in the end, it shows how the Zionist Jews managed to take over Turkey five centuries ago, and their influence is still felt today as Zionist Turkey supports the Muslim Brotherhood against Egypt's government.



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