Sunday, August 04, 2013

From Ian:

PMW: Denying Israel's existence is worth $100 - PA TV quizzes during Ramadan

$100 prizes for defining Israeli cities as "Palestinian" - on PA TV VIDEO

July: 38 Israelis Wounded in Terrorist Attacks
The IDF and Shin Bet have released their report on terrorist attacks in the month of July. Over the course of the month, 38 Israelis were wounded in terrorist assaults.
Among the wounded was a young toddler who suffered a head injury when Arabs hurled stones at a Jewish family near the Old City of Jerusalem.
An eight-year-old Jewish boy was also injured in a rock-throwing attack in the Old City, and a baby girl was wounded in a rock attack on a bus heading for the Kotel (Western Wall).
Palestinians held in mezuza theft at Cave of Patriarchs
Two Palestinians were detained for the theft of a mezuza from the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron on Friday.
Friday’s incident follows one that occurred two weeks ago in which three mezuzot were stolen.
Increase in Palestinians Treated in Israeli Hospitals
A report published recently by Israel’s Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories Unit (COGAT) shows that 219,464 Palestinian patients received medical treatment in Israeli hospitals during 2012 – 21,270 of them children. These numbers include companions accompanying the patients to Israel.
The numbers show a dramatic increase in Palestinians receiving treatment from Israeli medical professionals. 197,713 Palestinians received medical treatment in Israel in 2011, and 144,838 in 2008.
CAMERA: CNN’s Zakaria Predictably Promotes Palestinian Journalist’s Propaganda
Palestinian Journalist Daoud Kuttab, who uses reasonable sounding language to promote an erroneous Palestinian line, appeared on the July 28, 2013 edition of CNN’s “Fareed Zakaria GPS” to discuss the latest negotiations between Israelis and Palestinian Arabs. Zakaria, who had interviewed Michael Oren, Israel's ambassador to the United States earlier in the program, enabled Kuttab's anti-Israel propaganda as he has done previously.
Islamists at Berlin al-Quds Day call for destruction of Jewish state
Jochen Feilcke, head of the Berlin and Potsdam German-Israel friendship society, told the more than 100 attendees that “there should be no al-Quds demonstrations in the future in Berlin” and that “Holocaust-deniers and enemies of Israel” should be denied access to Berlin streets to protest.
The coalition of pro-Israel groups protested under the umbrella name “No al-Quds Day – Against anti-Semitism, anti-Zionism and Homophobia – Solidarity with the democracy movement in Iran.”
Hariri says Hezbollah resistance against Israel outdated
Former prime minister of Lebanon Saad Hariri joined a growing chorus against terror group Hezbollah over the weekend, calling on the organization to disarm and saying it was no longer needed.
Hariri’s statement came after a rare public speech by Hezbollah head Hassan Nasrallah Friday in which he called for the elimination of Israel.
Recovering in Israeli hospital, Syrian patient says he saw how war began
Israel on Saturday allowed a TV report to provide the most detailed exposure to date of its medical assistance to victims of the Syrian civil war. And one of the patients interviewed for the report, named as Bilal, described from his hospital bed how the civil war began in his home town of Daraa two years ago.
The report on Channel 10 news showed extensive coverage of numerous Syrian patients being treated in two hospitals in northern Israel, and brief footage of the field hospital Israel has established on the Golan Heights border between the two countries.
30 Palestinians died in Sinai anti-terror offensive
A senior Egyptian official told local media Saturday that as part of its anti-terror campaign in Sinai over the last month, the Egyptian army has arrested 90 suspected terrorists, 7 of whom were West Bank Palestinians, and that 60 armed militants were killed, including 30 Palestinians.
El-Sisi Slams US for Abandoning the Egyptian People
Egypt’s armed forces chief General Abdel Fattah El-Sisi lashed out at the U.S., urging the Administration to pressure the Muslim Brothers to end their resistance to the new rule.
In an interview with the Washington Post, El Sisi—who led the military coup that ousted President Mohamed Morsi on july 3—is warning of police action that would put an end to the protests.
Despite the $1.3 billion in military aid the U.S. gives Egypt every year, El-Sisi accused President Barack Obama of abandoning Egypt.
Al-Qaeda Head Blames U.S. for Egypt Coup
Al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri has accused the United States of "plotting" with Egypt's military, secularists and Christians to overthrow Islamist president Mohammed Morsi, AFP reported on Saturday.
FC Barcelona shoots for peace on tour in Israel
While Israeli and Palestinian leaders sit down with American negotiators for peace talks in Washington, here in the Middle East Israelis and Palestinians are holding their own events for peace this week with the Barcelona Football Club.
FC Barcelona, considered one of the best soccer teams in the world, kicked off a two-day “peace tour” of the region on Saturday with a soccer clinic for local Palestinian children at Dura Stadium in the West Bank. Lionel Messi and newly signed Brazilian footballer Neymar are among the star players on hand for the trip.
Disaster recovery solution reduces costs for government entities
Axxana today announced that the Scottish Government has deployed The Phoenix System RP to meet its business continuity goal of zero data loss, and to reduce ongoing replication costs. Axxana’s disaster recovery (DR) system is capable of surviving any disaster while ensuring 100% data protection and recovery over any distance, with continuous cost savings.
Israel And India To Develop 5G Technology Together
India and Israel have agreed to work jointly on development of fifth generation (5G) telecom technologies, sources said. The matter was discussed during the visit of Indian telecom and IT minister Kapil Sibal to Israel last month, they said. Sibal and his Israeli counterpart Gilad Erdan agreed that both countries can cooperate on exploring the possibilities of standard formulation, development and manufacturing in the area of 4G and 5G telecom technologies.
Archaeologists Uncover Temple-Era Jewish Village
Archaeologists have discovered the remains of the ancient Jewish village of Sichin in the Galilee. The village was found near the northern edge of the Tzipori national park.
The discovery was made by a team led by Dr. Mordechai Aviam of the Galilee Archaeological Institute at the Kinneret academic college.
The village of Sichin was mentioned by the ancient scholar Josephus (Yosef Ben-Matityahu) as one of the first Jewish towns established in the Galilee in the times of the Second Temple.
‘Dry Bones’ goes to the Seder
Dry Bones has been tickling readers’ funny bones for the past 40 years in The Jerusalem Post and scores of other newspapers.
The internationally syndicated editorial comic strip, featuring the affable key character Shuldig, has been ribbing politicos and their constituents for decades, taking a gentle poke at the Jewish world and the human condition.


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