Wednesday, September 05, 2012

  • Wednesday, September 05, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ian:

Where Is the Flotilla for Syria?
Assad's war has claimed four times as many victims in 20 months as have been killed in the Israel-Palestine conflict in the last 20 years.
"Far from criticizing the tyrants of the Middle East, the flotilla crowd often joins hands with them. Just this May, the British activist group Viva Palestina enjoyed the hospitality of Bashar Assad, making a pit stop in Syria on its way to trying to enter Gaza. Around the same time that Assad's thugs were gearing up for their massacre of children in Houla, members of Viva Palestina were proudly tweeting their whereabouts and posting photos on Facebook of themselves next to the regime's representatives.
Instead of dancing with dictators and tangoing with tyrants, what if the flotilla crowd actually set sail in the direction where aid is so desperately needed?"

"Pro-Palestinians" don't seem to be "pro-anyone"
"Had they truly been pro-Palestinian, one would have thought that they would have taken some of this 'unexpected' spare time in Jordan to visit Palestinians refugee camps and meet with some actual Palestinians. They might have learnt about the harsh living conditions the Jordanians impose on the 'refugees' (refugees in a country 60 percent Palestinian); they might have attempted to discuss with Jordanian officials the country's recent decision to revoke the citizenship of many thousands of Palestinians, as well as other Jordanian discrimination against Palestinians that has caused a lot of criticism in the country. They did not do any of these things, they simply went home."
[Actually, they did visit a camp beforehand - EoZ]

Study: Gap grows between Israeli Arabs, Palestinians
60 percent of Israeli Arabs say they would not want their daughter to marry someone from the West Bank in new survey.
“We asked Arabs of ’48 about their narrative, which is that they were loyal to their land when they didn’t desert it and stayed. The ’67 people look at the same issue, and they say the ’48 Arabs stayed on their land because they gave up and succumbed to the occupation without any resistance,” Sagy said."

Hanan Ashrawi’s war on history
The paramount object of Palestinian politics remains the nullification of Jewish statehood.
“SO WHY has Ashrawi chosen to risk looking petulant, dishonest and stone-hearted in refusing to speak the truth about the Jewish refugees? Because the paramount object of Palestinian politics remains the nullification of Jewish statehood. Since World War II, the plight of refugees the world over has been alleviated by resettlement rather than repatriation.”

Who are the Jewish refugees?
"She (Ashrawi) is obviously not aware of, or has chosen to ignore the fact, that on two occasions, in 1957 and again in 1967, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) determined that Jews fleeing from Arab countries were legally refugees who fell within the mandate of the UNHCR."

PMW Conflicting views in the PA about increased Israeli entry permits for Palestinians
"Israel's decision to allow 180,000 Palestinians to enter Israel for the Muslim holiday of Eid El-Fitr has drawn different responses in the Palestinian Authority. While the official PA daily newspaper said that the move was intended to hurt the Palestinian economy, the independent Al-Quds argued that more contact should be encouraged."

Richard Millett: Israel’s Batsheva dances on in Edinburgh despite PSC invasions.

IDF Blog: Israel Defense Forces: August 2012
IDF Veterans on the 2012 Israeli Paralympic Team
IDF Stories: Louis Miller, Paratrooper

Iran: Zionists spread homosexuality to control world
“This is especially ridiculous as in the Middle East, Israel is the only state where the gay community is safe and protected,” she (Saba Farzan) continued. “The Islamic Republic shows with this uncivilized world view how desperate it actually is.”

MEMRI Iranian News Website Fars Publishes Antisemitic, Anti-U.S. Cartoons On Non-Aligned Movement Conference In Tehran

Berlin police probing second anti-Semitic incident in a week
Berlin police said Monday that 13 girls from the Chabad Or Avner primary school were verbally abused with anti-Semitic slogans by four teenage girls fom the neighboring public school before their physical education class was to begin, according to the German news agency dpa. The Jewish school shares the gym with the secular school.

Tashlich on the Brooklyn Bridge, 1919
Antisemitism Alive and Well in Romania Or How the Holocaust Never Happened by Michael Curtis

Cytometric technique could eliminate need for blood samples
Andor Newton camera powers non-invasive probe capable of providing cell concentration and morphological data.

Israel Daily Picture Special Rosh Hashanna feature:


EoZ Book:"Protocols: Exposing Modern Antisemitism"


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Elder of Ziyon - حـكـيـم صـهـيـون

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