Tuesday, March 09, 2010

  • Tuesday, March 09, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Translating Jihad blog, which I just discovered via Jihad Watch, has accurate translation of Arabic articles that are somewhat less than moderate.

Here's his latest, from the Jordanian As Sabeel newspaper:
The Jews are experts at exercising power over others by invading their thought, culture, and education, and controlling their views and thoughts. Thus the Jews convert others into their supporters by subjecting them to their lies. They succeed greatly in this Satanic mission because of the ignorance of the Gentiles and the ability of the Jews to plant their agents of thought, culture, media, politics, government, finance, and art, and convert them into soldiers. These soldiers then undertake to "normalize" every Gentile and make them slaves, followers of the Jews. Everyone who takes an honest look at the conditions of the modern world and the Jews' dealings in it realizes this truth. Among the clearest examples of this is the Holocaust.
The Jews succeeded in converted the The Holocaust, a malignant term, into dogma. Every man throughout all the world must have faith in and profess this creed, for woe unto he who denies or doubts it.
The meaning of this Jewish creed is thus: the Jews were slaughtered in Nazi prisons in the days of the second world war, in which they claimed that Hitler and his regime executed and burned more than 5 million Jews in gas ovens in Germany and elsewhere!! The Jews blackmailed Germany, calling for her to pay financially for the crimes of the Nazis and recompense the Jews for the sacrifices of the Holocaust. They took billions upon billions from Germany and the rest of Europe, and still continue to blackmail and milk the Europeans!!
If any Western thinkers attempt to doubt the numbers of Jews killed in the Holocaust, they are branded anti-semites who must be tried, convicted, and punished, as happened with Jarudi.

The Jewish devils direct UNESCO, the international cultural organization under the umbrella of the United Nations, exploiting the stupid Gentiles and using them to issue international resolutions which require every nation in the world, including those in our Arab and Islamic world, to consider the Holocaust a worldwide tragedy. UNESCO has obligated every nation in the world to teach its people "the history of the suffering of the Jews in the Nazi Holocaust"! Through different means they have defined, directed, and taught this doctrine in various educational programs, media foundations, and cultural organizations. Every center and foundation in every nation of the world is required to imprint this definition of the suffering of the Jews in the prefaces of their consitutions and convince their people to believe in the same.

This Satanic Jewish plan is alarming, as it strives to exploit United Nations foundations, principally UNESCO, and employ them to subjugate Arabs and Muslims and force them into cultural and thought normalization.

The Holocaust will enter into the training and education curriculum in our schools, colleges, and universities; in our centers of guidance, thought, and planning; in our scientific, literary, and cultural activities; and in our seminars, lectures, newspapers, magazines, novels, films, and stories. Jewish cultural normalization will enter into every foundation, center, school and university, even into every house and home!! ... All of this and the Holocaust is a Jewish myth, legend, and lie.


EoZ Book:"Protocols: Exposing Modern Antisemitism"


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