
Thursday, January 15, 2015

Jim Clancy's Twitter feed taken down a week after his bizarre rant

In the aftermath of CNN's Jim Clancy's bizarre anti-Israel meltdown last week on Twitter, we haven't heard much from him.

Many embarrassing tweets from that night of his rants had been quietly deleted - to see which ones of his are gone (not including his replies, alas) compare this snapshot from yesterday with this one from January 8.

Plenty of people who merely tweeted him once were instantly blocked. In fact, Clancy only discovered the block functionality of Twitter on that very same day:

CNN has been completely silent. But criticism has been mounting, most recently from disability rights organizations upset at his use of the word "cripple."

While one report of his did air last Friday, I don' t know if he has been on the air this week.

Now, his Twitter account has been taken down.

Yes, the media personality who praises the "block" function has been permanently blocked. To paraphrase him, let us praise the Lord's wisdom and grace!

It sure looks like CNN is quietly lowering the boom on Clancy, but trying very hard to do it under the radar.

Meanwhile, anyone tried to include Clancy's meltdown on his Wikipedia page have been stymied by one of his apparent fans who doesn't want this story to get any bigger than it already is.

(h/t Israellycool)