
Thursday, January 15, 2015

2015 Hasby Award - Best Young Defender of Israel

The nominees for the Hasby Award for Best Young Defender of Israel are:

Ryan Bellerose
Chloe Valdary
Daniel Mael
Muhammed Zoabi
Sarah Bernamoff
Samantha Hamilton
Jake Birell

Another killer category, and one I am happy to have added this year. But, damn, this is hard to decide..

The 2015 Hasby Award for Best Young Defender of Israel goes to...

Even if Muhammad Zoabi weren't articulate, bright and gutsy, the fact that he is a proud Israeli Arab Zionist Muslim automatically negates every stereotype that Israel-haters like to use to describe Arab Israelis. But Zoabi is bright, articulate in three languages, and wholly unafraid to express his opinions - while he is literally threatened by other Arabs for speaking his mind.

I love everyone in this category. When I created it I had in mind people like Daniel and Chloe and Sarah, people who work tirelessly on college campuses to fight anti-Israel lies. But from an Israel advocacy perspective, a single Israeli Arab who has nothing to gain by explaining why he supports and loves the Jewish state - and indeed who puts himself in danger for doing it - does more to destroy anti-Israel myths than hundreds of speeches, articles and blog-posts possibly can.

Mabrook, Muhammad!