
Sunday, March 09, 2025

Egyptian media warns Jews might try to give Palestinian Ramadan gifts of dates that sterilize them

Every Ramadan, some Jews in Israel decide to give food baskets, or water, or dates, to Muslims who are going to break their fasts. Here's a video of a young Jewish man handing out dates in Jerusalem last year to Muslims.

Egyptian news site Gomhuria Online is very upset over this custom. 

It claims that most (95%, a number they made up) of proud Palestinian Muslims reject all the gifts, especially from Jewish settlers in Judea and Samaria.

It gives several reasons for this supposed rejection. 

One is that it helps Israeli hasbara that Jews aren't completely evil.

Another is that the food comes from "settlements' on "Palestinian land that the Jews usurped" and is therefore forbidden to accept.

But the third reason is that Jews are upset at the higher Arab birthrate. Naturally this young man and all the others who want to send food parcels to their Muslim neighbors are really injecting the food with "substances that could cause Palestinian men and women to become sterile." The rest of the article elaborates on this theory.

This is not the first time that Arabs believe that Jews are trying to cause their men to become less virile and their women to become infertile.

There was a 2011 incident where a Jordanian man in Egypt was accused of importing an Israeli shampoo that caused both men and women to become infertile.

Also, in 2012, Bedouin in the Sinai said that even Israeli jeans had a dastardly effect:
[Bedouin]: There was a time when they would bring us jeans. These pants used to have belts. If you looked at these belts from the front, you'd find a secret compartment, and when you opened it, you would find a magnet inside. When we asked what these magnets were, we were told that they cause sterility.
[Interviewer:] Israeli products contain lethal poison. You might not feel this poison now, but you will in the future. Israel will remain an enemy lying in wait for Egypt, no matter what happens and regardless of the agreements, because Israel has its eye set on Egypt.

This is all, of course, meant to counteract the effects of Israel's famous "sex gum" that Palestinians claimed was being distributed to young women in the Gaza Strip to increase their libidos. A Hamas spokesman said in 2009, "The Israelis seek to destroy the Palestinians' social infrastructure with these products and to hurt the young generation by distributing drugs and sex stimulants." 

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"He's an Anti-Zionist Too!" cartoon book (December 2024)

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