
Sunday, August 18, 2024

Hezbollah's tunnel video is a sign of fear, not strength

On Friday, Hezbollah released a slickly-produced video showing what it claims is its "Imad-4" underground facility.

It shows a massive underground complex, spacious enough to accomodate large trucks carrying missiles, and underground missile launch sites complete with electrically operated steel blast doors. 

It is hard to know how much of this is real. Some of the people in the video, amd some of the tracking camera shots, move in ways that indicate videogames more than actual footage. Outside of one fan, I couldn't find any ventilation system, which would be necessary. 

Even so, no one doubts that Hezbollah has a large tunnel system. The question is, why would Hezbollah produce and release this very cinematic video?

The purpose is psy-ops. The primary audience is Israeli Jews. And the video actually  showcases Hezbollah's fear more than its fearlessness.

The video is meant to frighten Israelis, and Westerners, into pressuring Israel to accept a ceasefire that would keep Hamas in a position of power in Gaza. 

Beirut in blackout
The video was released while Israel is negotiating a ceasefire in Gaza. Hezbollah, and Iran, want a ceasefire in Gaza far more than they want to be involved in a war. As we've noted, they have been looking for any excuse not to attack Israel since the assassinaitons of Fuad Shukr in Beirut and Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran even as they have increased their rhetoric. It is now nearly three weeks, and they are now indicating that a ceasefire would shelve plans for retaliation. 

The message of the video isn't "we're eager to destroy the Zionist entity." It is "please, Zionist entity, don't attack us!"

Keep in mind that right now, Lebanon has shut down its last power plant due to lack of fuel. These videos show Hamas has plenty of electricity and fuel to run these underground faciltiies. How do you think the average Lebanese citizen reacts to these videos? It isn't with pride - it is anger that its own resources are siphoned off to a terror group.

Hezbollah is not in a position of strength. This video, ironically, proves that. 

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