
Thursday, July 25, 2024

How the media misreported Nasser Hospital (Real Jerusalem Streets)

Guest essay by Real Jerusalem Streets:

It was 25 years ago, but I remember it better than last week.

We lived in New York City, I was standing in my husband's office. On his desk was the New York Times - a must-have newspaper in those days.

One little news brief mentioned First Lady Hilary Clinton for the Senate seat to open up with the retirement of Daniel Patrick Moynihan. 

As I stood there, I thought - the manipulation of the masses by the media. 

The woman who had never lived in NY before 1999, was voted the US Senator from New York in 2000 after Nita Lowey - graciously - backed out of the race.

This week, multiple times, the media was influencing the public, but I will focus on only one specific issue, rather than do a long rant.

July 23, 2024, was Tuesday the 17th of Tammuz and a Jewish fast day. 

In Jerusalem, Israel, the sun was blazing and too hot to go outside, better to attend Zoom meetings and stay close to the computer and the air conditioning. 

Scrolling on X in the morning, I found Reuters live-streaming the Emergency Room entrance of Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis.

Here is one screenshot of the morning scene. The video live stream was on my computer all day as I did other things. Constantly I referred back, watching and listening for ambulances, etc. 

You can watch all six hours here:

For most of the day, I and thousands of others watched the very less-than-chaotic images. At times little boys roamed around, and occasionally a small crowd of men gathered outside the fence. Women constantly were walking this road, even as a few cars and trucks came along.

It looks like the amount of ambulances any major hospital emergency room would receive in any six hour period. No evidence of panic or desperation. 

So what's the problem?

The Washington Post used this Shutterstock image as feature on its story.

JERUSALEM — Israel’s army intensified military operations in southern Gaza on Monday, sending Palestinian casualties streaming into already buckling hospitals, as thousands of civilians fled an area that the army had previously designated a safe zone.
In Nasser Hospital, one of the most functional remaining medical facilities in the Gaza Strip, casualties streamed in and doctors did what they could. Many of the patients were children, and some arrived by themselves, medics said..."

Who are you going to believe, your own eyes or the Washington Post?

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Read all about it here!