Ruthie Blum: Three Jewish funerals and an Israeli hate-fest
Take, for example, the PLO flags waved by angry activists decrying Israel Defense Forces operations against terrorists in Jenin. And this is while the International Criminal Court – at the behest of the UN General Assembly – is preparing an "advisory opinion" on Israel's supposed "prolonged occupation, settlement and annexation of Palestinian territory."Palestinian terrorism finds generous sponsors in the West to fund genocide - opinion
Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas, who spearheaded the UNGA resolution, must be thrilled to see thousands of Israelis condemning their ruling coalition, especially when some protesters are openly promoting his cause. After all, the coffers from which he draws the cash for his "pay for slay" scheme – to keep his people, and those among Israel's Arab citizens who identify with them, spilling Jewish blood – are shrinking.
The money is about to dry up even more, in the wake of a decision by the new Security Cabinet to withhold the taxes and tariffs that Israel collected on behalf of the PA, in the amount that Abbas paid last year to terrorists and their families. No wonder he's in Cairo at a conference with Arab League members, calling for the establishment of a fund to aid Jerusalem's Arab residents through various "projects." It doesn't take a Hamas rocket scientist to figure out what the terrorist-in-a-tie has in mind.
This brings us back to Karaka, the Arab resident of Jerusalem whose evil deed was celebrated in Ramallah and Gaza. His supporters also circulated a cartoon of a Palestinian family about to eat a traditional dish called "maqluba." In its center is Lederman's severed head. "Blessed Friday," the Arabic text reads. "The sweetest Friday. The sweetest Palestinian maqluba."
Though reportedly of "unsound mind" – Karaka was released from a psychiatric hospital in northern Israel mere days before killing Lederman and the two Paley children – his social-media activity indicates where his true heart and soul lay.
Previous Facebook posts included praise for Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader Ziad al-Nakhaleh and glorification of the "Lions' Den" terrorists taken out by the IDF. In other words, he was an ideologue whose vehicular assault was not an out-of-the-blue "psychotic episode."
Ditto for the eastern Jerusalem resident who gunned down worshipers at a Neve Yaakov synagogue on Jan. 27 – International Holocaust Remembrance Day – murdering seven and wounding three others. Nor was the near-fatal shooting the next morning of a father and son at the entrance to the City of David National Park by an eastern Jerusalem teen a fluke.
Those antisemitic onslaughts didn't put a halt to the demonstrations either. The protesters in each case did open with a moment of silence for the terror victims, however, to assuage their consciences and preserve the moral high ground they appropriated.
All those who took to the streets in the immediate aftermath of such horrors should be ashamed of themselves. They won't, of course. They're too busy moralizing about the "death of Israeli democracy" to mourn dead Israelis.
Jerusalem saw its streets turn bloody once more in late January as Islamist militants targeted a synagogue. A litany of attacks, each more obscene and terrifying than the next, have since rocked the Jewish State. Keen to make an impression on both Israel and the Diaspora, terrorists elected International Holocaust Remembrance Day to make their move, marking what many have already labeled the Third Intifada.
The opening shot to a new campaign of violence and hate, the attack on Jerusalem’s synagogue was not a desperate cry by a beleaguered people to proclaim their national independence and freedom, but rather the affirmation that terror, while claiming its cause to be holy, cares little for the sanctity of life. To play still to the notion that terrorism has a rationale when slammed up against the State of Israel is, in my mind, an act of genocide.
Radicals care little for the aspirations of the people they claim to want to liberate – in this case Palestinians. What they seek is the complete and total annihilation of a people, in that they believe such an act to be a divine command – the expression of a faith they have hijacked and twisted to their bigotry.
Palestine Ambassador to the UK Husam Zomlot’s refusal to condemn January’s terror attack, an attack carried out by a 15-year-old Palestinian boy and which claimed seven lives, speaks volumes. The mindset is decidedly one of unaccountability and deflection. To witness a Palestinian official, the head of the Palestinian mission to the UK no less, to so casually and unabashedly argue that blame lies with Israel, is a testament to how successful terror propagandists have been in dehumanizing Israelis and Jews alike.
Palestinians need not destroy Israel to exist, let alone assert their identity. As for peace – it will not be extracted through intimidation and murder. And to those who continue to clamor that Israel had it coming, that it was Israel’s actions that pushed Palestinians to be radicalized, I have little to say other than “I pity you.”
But enough on that.
January’s attack against a synagogue in Jerusalem, the deadliest in recent years, raises some serious questions – well beyond the obvious matter of ideological indoctrination and national security.
While the motives for the attack are rather self-evident, little, if anything has been said on the economics of terror and in particular, the mechanics used by extremists to help them, not just to thrive, but also to build outposts – thus enabling their many legions to drown out the voices of those who reject radicalism’s tenets with their furious cries.
Terror does not exist in an ideological vacuum, it requires resources – perpetual war and oppression are demanding mistresses indeed. For decades, various Palestinian organizations and so-called charities have benefited from the largesses of our Western governments and wealthy sponsors, all in the name of peace and development of course. In reality, they are sponsoring hate and violence.
“Ludicrous,” you say? May I suggest you stick around, even if only for a little while.
Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu's opening remarks at the cabinet meeting: WATCH
— Adam Albilya - ??? ??????? (@AdamAlbilya) February 12, 2023
"Our enemies murder children in Jerusalem,& rejoice in their death. While our people save children in Turkey,& bless for the people they could rescue".
"We've one country,& together we'll protect it".
It is not necessary to know Hebrew.
— RedLehi (@LehiRed) February 12, 2023
A Jewish boy mourns the deaths of his two younger brothers at the hands of a Palestinian terrorist.
There is a deafening silence in the west. Where have we heard this before!
First responder recounts death of child in Jerusalem terror attack
A first responder recalls the tragic scene of the car-ramming terror attack in Jerusalem in which 3 people were killed, sharing the emotional moment in which he had to tell a mother that her son had died at the scene.
The home of the terrorist who ran over and killed three people on Friday near Ramot junction was sealed off.
— Joe Truzman (@JoeTruzman) February 12, 2023
2 days after a Palestinian terrorist rammed his car, murdering 6 & 8 year old brothers & a student in #Jerusalem, still no word from:
— Arsen Ostrovsky (@Ostrov_A) February 12, 2023
?? @AgnesCallamard @amnesty
?? @KenRoth @hrw
?? @FranceskAlbs @UN_HRC
Do these ‘human rights leaders’ think Jewish kids are legitimate targets?
You can play word games all you want, but Israel is religiously diverse, and somehow it’s only the Israeli Jews that are targeted.
— HonestReporting (@HonestReporting) February 12, 2023
For over a century, Jews have been attacked and murdered in their own land for being Jewish.
Which circle would you get rid of to break the so called "cycle of violence"?
— The Mossad: ?????? (@TheMossadIL) February 12, 2023
Jerusalem Car-Ramming Terror Attack: The Most Offensive & Misleading Headline Fails
On Friday, Israelis reacted with horror to a deadly terror attack in which a Palestinian attacker later identified as Hossein Karaka, a 31-year-old from eastern Jerusalem, drove his car into a crowd of civilians waiting at a bus stop in the Ramot neighborhood of Jerusalem.New York Times & Washington Post Obscure Reality in Reports on Jerusalem Car-Ramming Attack
Despite the fact that the nature of the incident was clear from the outset, numerous international media outlets printed grossly misleading headlines about the incident, including several publications that appeared to question whether a Palestinian driver had deliberately crashed into pedestrians at all.
Here are the most egregious and offensive headlines that HonestReporting called out following the attack.
Scare Quotes to Question Reality
The website version of the Daily Mail, MailOnline, was notable for its appalling use of scare quotes in the headline that had the effect of encouraging its readers to doubt whether the Palestinian attacker was motivated by terrorist sympathies.
As of Sunday, the quotation marks around the word “terrorist” have not been removed.
This, even as further details of Karaka’s history emerged, including the fact that his personal Facebook account was awash with praise for Hezbollah and Palestinian terrorists. In one post, he described the terrorist who carried out a shooting attack at the Shuafat checkpoint last year as a “hero.”
Covering Up the Facts
CNN appeared to go out of its way to conceal the identity of the attacker in its headline above the story of the incident.
In an example of wording that serves to completely distort what had occurred, the headline suggested a “car” had rammed into the crowd of people, allowing the publication to make no reference to the person who was actually behind the wheel of the vehicle.
Cars do not drive into people on their own accord, CNN. Cars are controlled by their driver — in this case, a Palestinian terrorist.
Other outlets guilty of similar phrasing in their headlines or intros included: Associated Press, the BBC, and Reuters:
On Friday, February 10, 2023, just before the start of the Jewish sabbath, a Palestinian terrorist from eastern Jerusalem drove his car into a crowd of Israelis waiting at a bus stop near the Jerusalem neighborhood of Ramot.
In the aftermath of the attack, Yaakov Yisrael Paley (6 years old) was declared dead at the scene while Alter Shlomo Lederman (a 20-year-old newlywed) died from his wounds after being rushed to a nearby hospital.
Paley’s 8-year-old brother, Asher Menachem, passed away the next day from his injuries.
This car-ramming is the latest attack in an upsurge in Palestinian violence and terrorism.
Symptomatic of a flood of sub-standard reporting from international media in the immediate aftermath of the car-ramming attack, The New York Times and Washington Post made a number of egregious distortions and misleading claims that severely harmed the integrity of each newspaper’s accounts.
Jewish Settlements vs Arab Neighborhoods
Ramot is a Jewish neighborhood in northeastern Jerusalem that falls within the jurisdiction of the Jerusalem municipality.
Issawiya is an Arab neighborhood in northeastern Jerusalem that falls within the jurisdiction of the Jerusalem municipality.
Both The New York Times and Washington Post, however, referred to Ramot as a “settlement” while describing Issawiya, where the terrorist was from, as an Arab or Palestinian “neighborhood.”
Not only is this separate categorization of each neighborhood factually incorrect as Ramot does not have the legal status of a “settlement” in Israel, but it is also morally dubious as referring to it as a “settlement” could be perceived as a justification for the attack.
The Washington Post later refers to Neveh Yaakov, a Jerusalem neighborhood similar to Ramot, as a “Jewish Israeli community in disputed east Jerusalem.” So why did it insist on falsely describing Ramot as a “settlement”?
Palestinians: Passive Terrorists, Active Victims
Both reports repeatedly referred to the perpetrator as simply a “man,” the “driver” or the “assailant,” only once using the term “Palestinian” to describe the terrorist.
The Washington Post removed all agency from the terrorist, stating that a “car rammed into a crowd” and a “blue Mazda sedan rammed into people,” thus placing the onus for responsibility on the car itself rather than the terrorist who was actively driving it.
This was further compounded by The Post’s repeated reference to the terrorist as an “alleged assailant,” calling into question his entire culpability.
Of course, if Palestinians are supposedly the victims of Israeli policies, both The New York Times and The Washington Post have no problem identifying them as Palestinians. It’s only when a Palestinian terrorist commits a car-ramming attack that these media look for a way to avoid definitively stating the Palestinian identity of the perpetrator.
Seriously, @NPR?
— HonestReporting (@HonestReporting) February 12, 2023
??"???????????? ????????" - It did actually happen.
??"?? ???????????? ?????? ????????" - They did not "die," they were murdered.
??"?? ??????" - Palestinian terrorist
??"?? ?????????? ???? ????????????" - Israeli civilians#HeadlineFail
.@DeutscheWelle, is your headline referring to a road traffic accident or a Palestinian terrorist attack where 3 innocent Israelis were murdered? It's difficult to tell.#HeadlineFail
— HonestReporting (@HonestReporting) February 12, 2023
‘Operation Olive Branches’: IDF team saves 19 in quake-struck Turkey
The Israel Defense Forces’ “Operation Olive Branches” in Turkey had as of Saturday rescued 19 people from the rubble caused by the massive earthquakes that killed more than 28,000 people in that country and Syria.Israel’s Rescue Delegation Ends Mission in Turkey Due to Security Threats
The IDF’s 400-plus-strong delegation is being supported by emergency medical specialists from the defense and health ministries, fire and rescue services, Magen David Adom, United Hatzalah and Zaka, among others.
On Friday evening, Israeli rescue teams pulled a 9-year-old boy from under a collapsed building after he had been trapped for more than 120 hours.
The IDF identified the boy as Ridvan, whose 14-year-old sister, Romisa, and father Mohammed had been rescued by the Israeli team earlier in the week.
The IDF has sent 230 medical and emergency response experts to set up a field hospital in Kahramanmaraş, in addition to a 150-member Home Front Command team that continues to operate on the ground.
Israel’s rescue mission United Hatzalah that was deployed to quake-hit Turkey announced on Sunday that it’s ending its operations and returning to Israel urgently after serious security concerns.
The decision was made on Saturday evening, after an assessment of the situation conducted by heads of the Israeli army’s (IDF) Home Front Command, search and rescue units, United Hatzalah Director Eli Pollack and Vice President of Operations Dov Maisel.
The team quickly packed up their gear and made hasty arrangements to return to Israel as soon as possible. Due to the lack of available planes, Dr. Miriam Adelson donated her private jet to fly the team back to Israel on Sunday morning.
“Due to a significant security threat on the Israeli rescue and relief mission in Turkey, United Hatzalah’s rescue mission will be ending and our team will return to Israel as soon as possible,” the mission said in a statement on Twitter.
Maisel said the delegation was aware “there was a certain level of risk in sending our team to this area of Turkey, close to the Syrian border, but we have taken the necessary steps to mitigate the threat in the interest of our rescue mission.”
“Unfortunately, we have just received reports of a concrete and immediate threat to the Israeli delegation and we must prioritize the safety of our staff. We are extremely proud of what our team has accomplished in a few days, participating in the rescue of 15 people in cooperation with the IDF’s Home Front Command, Israeli search and rescue units, local rescue forces and the Turkish Red Crescent,” he added.
Wow. Due to "a concrete and immediate threat" to Israeli rescuers in Turkey, the entire @UnitedHatzalah rescue team is ending their mission and being flown back to Israel today on a plane owned by Dr. Miri Adelson, the organization said.
— Melissa Weiss (@melissaeweiss) February 12, 2023
Israeli search and rescue teams are providing drinking water.
— Mike (@Doranimated) February 12, 2023
The destruction in Syria, which is getting a tiny fraction of the attention that Turkey is getting.
— Mike (@Doranimated) February 12, 2023
Biden, in first direct comment on judicial overhaul, urges ‘consensus building’
US President Joe Biden weighed in publicly for the first time Saturday on the plan by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government to dramatically weaken Israel’s judiciary.Biden makes first comments on Israel's judicial reform plans
In a statement to The New York Times, Biden said, “The genius of American democracy and Israeli democracy is that they are both built on strong institutions, on checks and balances, on an independent judiciary.
“Building consensus for fundamental changes is really important to ensure that the people buy into them so they can be sustained,” he added.
The statement was published two days before the Netanyahu government is slated to bring some of the most controversial legislative proposals for the first of their three required readings in the Knesset, despite pleas from President Isaac Herzog for the coalition to pause its efforts in order to hold a consensus-seeking dialogue on its controversial plans.
New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, who had sought Biden’s take on the judicial overhaul, and to whom the president sent the statement, wrote that this marked “the first time I can recall a US president has ever weighed in on an internal Israeli debate about the very character of the country’s democracy.”
Biden’s statement appeared to put him in line with Herzog and out of step with the Netanyahu government’s effort to engage in a sweeping overhaul of the judiciary.
The proposals include severely restricting the High Court’s capacity to strike down laws and government decisions and passing an “override clause” enabling the Knesset to re-legislate laws that were struck down; giving the government control over the selection of judges; preventing the court from using a test of “reasonableness” against which to judge legislation and government decisions; and allowing ministers to appoint their own legal advisers, instead of getting counsel from advisers operating under the aegis of the Justice Ministry.
Weekend protests in Israel grow in numbers as the pushback against the government's planned judicial reforms continues. Meanwhile, President Biden says the judicial reform should be passed only with general consensus.
With all due respect Mr President, this is a deeply internal debate & not an issue for you to comment on. Would it be acceptable if Israel lectured America on judicial reform and democracy? You are not exactly a shining beacon these days, just FYI! @WhiteHouse @USAmbIsrael
— Arsen Ostrovsky (@Ostrov_A) February 12, 2023
Left-Wing Media Never Reported this Conference of 150 Pro Judicial Reform Jurists
Judging by the front pages of every mainstream news outlet in Israel, the debate on Justice minister Yariv Levin’s judicial reform is entirely one-sided, meaning it is resisted by former judges and prosecutors, as well as hordes of economists, high-tech millionaires, IDF reservists, who all cram the streets with a passion to stop the “regime revolution” as they call it.Knesset to pass law to revoke citizenship of, expel terrorists
But since you and I know that in reality, the vast majority of Israeli Jews favor the right (the left won only 47 seats in the current Knesset – that’s 1,669,596 legal votes, compared with 2,304,964 right-wing votes). This means that those Israelis screaming against the “revolution” and the “illegal government” aren’t even close to standing for half the Jews in Israel.
Nevertheless, the right has been slow to react to this onslaught, possibly because as winners we felt magnanimous. We shouldn’t be. This one is a fight for the future of our country in the next generation.
Some 150 Israeli jurists, members of the Israel Bar Association, on Saturday night held in Givat Shmuel a conference supporting Justice Minister Yariv Levin’s judicial reform. The conference included retired judges and members of the IBA executive committee, all of whom were outraged by their professional guild dragging its right-wing due-paying members to endorse and support a distinctly left-wing agenda.
The conference was moderated by attorney Yael Dolev, chair of the Bar Association Labor Law Forum, and a partner at the firm Gross, Kleinhendler, Hodak, Halevy, Greenberg, Shenhav & Co., whose senior partner, Attorney David Hodak, was summoned to a police interrogation over his incitement to “use live fire” against the government over the reform.
Israel’s governing coalition will this week pass legislation in the Knesset to strip the citizenship of terrorists and expel them from the country, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday.PA TV “Israeli affairs expert” on Israeli law to revoke citizenship of Israeli Arab terrorists who receive salaries from the PA
The prime minister’s declaration comes after 6-year-old Yaakov Israel Paley and 20-year-old Alter Shlomo Lederman were killed on Friday when they were run over by an Arab Israeli driver in Jerusalem’s Ramot neighborhood. Eight-year-old Asher Menachem Paley, Yaakov’s brother, died over Shabbat from wounds sustained in the attack. Three others were injured and are currently being treated at hospitals.
“This week, we will pass in the Knesset the proposal of MK Ofir Katz to revoke the citizenship of terrorists and expel them. I say it again because this is our policy: A proper response to terrorism is to strike at it forcefully and further deepen our roots in our land,” said Netanyahu at the weekly Cabinet meeting.
“Therefore, the Security Cabinet will convene today to prepare for a more wide-ranging operation [against] those who carry out terrorism, and their supporters, in eastern Jerusalem and in Judea and Samaria, while avoiding—as much as possible—harm to those who are not involved,” he added.
Among the measures being considered are seizing assets belonging to the families of terrorists, erecting barriers against vehicles at bus stops and additional security checkpoints between predominantly Arab and Jewish neighborhoods in the capital, and a general crackdown on online incitement.
Official PA TV “Israeli affairs expert” Fayez Abbas: “An [Israeli] law passed in an initial reading to revoke [the Israeli] citizenship and residency of people (i.e., terrorists) who carry out operations (i.e., terror attacks) against Israel and receive money from the Palestinian Authority. According to this law, if you received money they revoke your [residency or citizenship]. If you didn’t receive it- I recommend not to pay them money.”
[Official PA TV, Palestine This Morning, Jan. 31, 2023]
Fayez Abbas refers to a bill pioneered by Palestinian Media Watch:
Israeli law to strip citizenship from Israeli Arab terrorists receiving PA terror salaries - Legislation pioneered by PMW that classifies convicted Israeli Arab terrorists who are serving a prison sentence, and who ask for and receive a salary from the PA as a reward for their acts of terror, as having waived their Israeli citizenship or residency status. The legislation, which passed an initial reading in January 2023, is based on the idea that the PA pays Arab terrorists financial rewards as their "soldiers," and the terrorists also see themselves as Palestinian soldiers. The legislation reflects, inter alia, provisions in the twelve European countries by which joining a foreign army is grounds for stripping citizenship. It also reflects the provisions of Article 8 of the Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness, 1961, which provides that countries may strip someone of their citizenship if they act in a manner inconsistent with their duty of loyalty to the country and specifically receive payments from a foreign entity in breach of an express prohibition of the national law. It also applies to those acting "in a manner seriously prejudicial to the vital interests of the State," or taking an oath of "allegiance to another State." Receiving the PA's terror salaries is specifically prohibited by sections 31 and 32 of Israel Anti-Terror Law, 2016. The request to receive those payments is a clear declaration of allegiance to the Palestinians and a rejection of any Israeli status.
Israeli Forces Arrest Brother of Notorious Jenin Terrorist
Shots were fired at Israeli security forces as they underwent an arrest operation in the West Bank’s Jenin on Sunday.IDF arrests brother of terrorist Gilboa prison escapee in Jenin
The Israeli forces in the Jenin refugee camp arrested Jibril Zabeidi, the brother of the prisoner Zakaria Zubeidi – a notorious Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades terrorist and one of the six prisoners who escaped Gilboa Prison in 2021. Jibril himself is a released prisoner who spent over 11 years in Israeli prison.
A joint announcement by the Israeli military spokesperson and the Shin Bet internal security services spokesperson said that Zubeidi surrendered himself to the forces upon their arrival at the building where he was staying. “In addition, ammunition was found in the vehicle during the forces’ searches of the area,” the statement read.
According to local reports, the Jenin branch of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s al-Quds Brigades stated it fired toward Israeli forces during the raid. Videos also show explosions and the sound of gunfire is audible.
Witnesses claim that during the operation, an explosive was shot at the Zubeidi home. As they entered the city, Israeli military personnel and border police came under fire from local gunmen.
What would it take to lower tensions in east Jerusalem and the West Bank?
i24NEWS Correspondent Hamdah Salhut has the latest from Jerusalem after the IDF arrested the brother of a notorious Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades terrorist in Jenin
IDF statement on the arrest:
— Joe Truzman (@JoeTruzman) February 12, 2023
NEW: Footage from the Iron Dome shooting down a rocket launched by Hamas at Israeli civilians earlier.
— Israel War Room (@IsraelWarRoom) February 11, 2023
Reviving? Newsflash: Palestinian terrorism never left; it has only intensified. And you have the Palestinian leadership which cont’s to incite, to thank for that, and people like this author, who seeks to excuse and whitewash Palestinian violence against Jews and Israel.
— Arsen Ostrovsky (@Ostrov_A) February 12, 2023
I’m sure there’ll be some PFLP terrorists perfectly suited to this role. Oh wait, perhaps they’re already on the @hrw payroll …
— Arsen Ostrovsky (@Ostrov_A) February 12, 2023
Abbas tells Arab League summit PA will push for full UN membership
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas told the Arab League in Cairo on Sunday that the PA will ask the United Nations this week to grant Palestinians full membership.
The Palestinians currently have non-member observer state status at the UN.
Abbas told the Arab League’s conference on Jerusalem that in addition to a membership push, he would seek to have the UN reaffirm its commitment to a two-state solution as well as condemn what he called Israel’s “unilateral measures,” such as settlement construction.
“The State of Palestine will continue going to international courts and organizations to protect our people’s legitimate rights,” he said.
Focusing on Jerusalem, Abbas claimed it was a “religious duty” to support Palestinians living in the city, as well as a “humanitarian and national imperative.”
He cited the British government’s 1917 Balfour Declaration, in which the then-British foreign secretary Lord Arthur Balfour declared his government’s support for a Jewish state in the area then known as Mandatory Palestine.
“The battle raging over Jerusalem did not only begin on the day of its occupation in 1967, but several decades prior to that, and even before the Balfour Declaration which was issued by the colonial powers, led by Britain and America,” Abbas was quoted by WAFA, the PA’s official news agency, as saying.
He said the declaration was aimed at “getting rid of the Jews in Europe and establishing the so-called Jewish national home in Palestine, to be an outpost to safeguard the interests of these colonial countries.”
President Mahmoud Abbas: "We alone have the religious, historical, and legal right to Al-Buraq Wall (Western Wall)."
— Khaled Abu Toameh (@KhaledAbuToameh) February 12, 2023
“Israel is not a state [but] a colonialist military entity” – says editor at news agency
Editor in Chief of the independent Palestinian news agency Ma’an Nasser Al-Lahham: “Israel is not a state. It has no constitution, it has no borders, and it has no international legitimacy. It is not a state. Palestine is a state... It [Israel] is a colonialist military entity.”
Nasser Al-Lahham is also the host of the official PA TV program From the Israeli Archive.
PMW: “To war that will… set the Zionist's soul on fire” - Literature taught by the PA
The literature taught in the Palestinian Authority apparently includes the following poem that calls: “To war that will smash the oppression and set the Zionist's soul on fire.”
A girl recently recited this poem on official PA TV for her imprisoned terrorist grandfather, but she is far from the first Palestinian child who has been taught this poem, nor is she the first to recite it on official PA TV. Palestinian Media Watch has exposed that this inciting poem has been recited on official PA TV by young children several times.
Granddaughter of terrorist prisoner Ismail Masalmeh: “I am a Palestinian, my name is Palestinian
I've etched my name on all the town squares...
Saladin (i.e., Muslim conqueror of Jerusalem), calls to me from the depths of my heart
All my Arabness calls me to vengeance and liberation...
Thousands of prisoners and thousands who are jailed
Call to this great nation
They say: To Jerusalem, the [first] direction of prayer in the faith [Islam]
To war that will smash the oppression and set the Zionist's soul on fire” …
Official PA TV host: “Well done to this Palestinian girl.”
[Official PA TV, Giants of Endurance, Feb. 2, 2023]
*The original words of the poem call to “destroy the Zionist’s soul”
Interesting what Hamas built in #Gaza. Though I am not sure what purpose it serves.
— Joe Truzman (@JoeTruzman) February 12, 2023
Egyptian researcher justifies terrorist’s murder of 7 Israeli civilians because they were “on occupied land”
Egyptian Israel studies researcher Sa’id Okasha: “Don’t say that the settler is unarmed, or that he isn’t a soldier. It could be that he’s unarmed, but he is sitting on stolen land... When the operation took place in Jerusalem yesterday (i.e., murder of 7 Jews outside a synagogue), the Israeli media tells the West that they were people who prayed and worshipped God, and people came and killed them. Tell them: Where did they worship God? On occupied land.” [Official PA TV, From Cairo, Jan. 30, 2023]
Sa’id Okasha is an Egyptian Israel studies researcher at the Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies in Egypt
“The operation” refers to a murderous terror attack carried out by Khairy Alqam - 21-year-old Arab terrorist and resident of Jerusalem who shot and murdered 6 Israelis and 1 Ukrainian national - Asher Natan, 14, Ilya Sosansky, 26, Natali Ziskin Mizrahi, 45, Eli Mizrahi, 48, Rafael Ben Eliyahu, 56, Irina Korolyova, 60, and Shaul Chai, 68 - and wounded 5 others outside of the Ateret Avraham Synagogue in the northern Jerusalem neighborhood of Neve Yaakov on Sabbath eve, Jan. 27, 2023, as some of them were coming out from prayers in the synagogue. Alqam fled the scene in a car and then opened fire on Israeli police officers, who shot and killed him. The attack took place on International Holocaust Remembrance Day.
Iran spying on pro-Israeli and pro-Jewish targets in Germany, gov't says
The German government acknowledged an increase in spying by Iranian intelligence agents on its soil, the Welt am Sonntag news outlet reported Saturday.
"Extensive spying activities" were said to be directed against pro-Israeli and pro-Jewish targets as well as exiled Iranians in Germany.
An increase in spying activities was first observed in September 2022, when nationwide protests broke out across Iran following the death of Mahsa Amini. in the custody of the country's so-called "morality police."
"Opposition groups and individuals ... are considered by the rulers in Iran as a threat to the continued existence of the regime," the government said, adding that the domestic intelligence service had identified 160 individuals with links to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards.
It also said that the unrest in Iral led to "increasing indications of possible spying on opposition events and individuals" in Germany."
In Tehran, celebrations of the 44th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution include Iranian children expressing hatred for the US and Israel.
— Mike (@Doranimated) February 11, 2023
Update: With a keen eye, @AntisemiteLs noted the photo is more than we identified above. Rather, it appears that they are holding a photo of the car ramming terrorist on the left, and one of the synagogue massacre terrorist on the right. | cc @Xman1Simon, fyi
— Corrected Media (@correctedmedia) February 11, 2023
French groups rally in demand to list Iran's IRGC as terror group
Thousands of opponents of Iran's ruling authorities rallied for a second day in Paris on Sunday to pressure European Union states to list Iran's Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) as a terrorist organization in response to a crackdown in the country.
Tehran has been engaged in a violent crackdown on protesters since September, including carrying out executions, and it has also detained dozens of European nationals. The EU has become increasingly critical of its actions.
Ties between EU members and Tehran have also deteriorated in recent months as efforts to revive talks on Iran's nuclear program have stalled and the country has transferred drones to Russia to help it in its war against Ukraine.
Sunday's rally in Paris, organized by the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) and which followed a similar rally on Saturday by European-based Iranians, aimed to highlight the IRGC's role in cracking down on protesters, but also its activities outside Iran.
"This will be a revolution... The youth know there is no future under this regime. They say they are better off dying in the streets than living in this country with this regime," said Ela Zabihi, a university lecturer in London.
180,000 show up in Los Angeles to demand regime change in Iran! Incredible to see and a powerful speech from @PahlaviReza!#IranianRevolution
— Emily Schrader - ????? ?????? ????? ????? (@emilykschrader) February 12, 2023
Me: Explain why Palestinians celebrate successful terror attacks against Jews.
— Israel B. Bitton (@IsraelBitton) February 12, 2023
chatGPT: That’s a blanket statement… “Such actions are strongly condemned by the MAJORITY of Palestinians.” Plus, here are some platitudes too…
Me: Okay, I’ll revise my query to be more precise…
Me: You reiterated that terrorism is “strongly condemned by the majority of Palestinians.” But polls have shown broad Palestinian support for anti-Jewish violence. Can you back up your broad assertion?
— Israel B. Bitton (@IsraelBitton) February 12, 2023
chatGPT: It’s not accurate to say *majority*, only *some*.
Me: ?? Aha, right
chatGPT: My mistake, it’s true that various groups have migrated to the region over thousands of years and their influence on modern Palestinians isn’t well understood. “It’s a topic of ongoing debate among scholars.” But “the truth is that the connection is not well established”
— Israel B. Bitton (@IsraelBitton) February 12, 2023
After this last obfuscation and displacement of the goal line, chatGPT, even after recognizing its “mistakes,” still insisted in conclusion that the issue is “complex” & part of an ongoing (nonexistent) debate.
— Israel B. Bitton (@IsraelBitton) February 12, 2023
chatGPT is clearly biased & its responses cannot be taken as fact.
Tomorrow, Mohammed El-Kurd, a vile antisemite, who relentlessly incites violence, will be speaking at @UMich - just weeks after another rally calling for 'intifada'.
— Arsen Ostrovsky (@Ostrov_A) February 11, 2023
This is wrong. This is unacceptable. And it puts the Jewish community in danger!
Tell U of M #NoRoomForHate!
Something you'll see often at Manchester rallies for terrorists - the banner of the sham group "Jewish Voice for Labour", champions of antisemites.
— habibi (@habibi_uk) February 12, 2023
"Diverse - we celebrate the benefits of many viewpoints and those working together for common goals & minority rights."
— habibi (@habibi_uk) February 12, 2023
"Kind - we seek to avoid causing harm, preferring options which benefit people and help them to live freely."
"Where Ethics Matter"
- Conway Hall
‘One Huge Embrace of Hyper-Advocacy ’ On Henriette Chacar, Reuters Was Warned
Unfortunately, Reuters failed to pay heed to Chacar’s voluminous trail of disqualifying content, which CAMERA assembled for Reuters’ benefit. Without relating to any of the detailed content of her long and sordid assault against both Israel and against journalistic ethics, Reuters officials responded only that “Reuters journalists must adhere to our Trust Principles, which ensure integrity, independence, and freedom from bias in the gathering and dissemination of news.”BBC corrects on 1969 Temple Mount arson ten months on
Meanwhile, The Jewish Chronicle revealed last week that last year Chacar wrote to Jeffrey Heller, then Editor-in-Charge of Reuters’ Jerusalem bureau: “Can we conclusively say that Palestinians have mostly targeted civilians?”
She pressed on: “Many Israelis are either in active or reserve duty, and with the prime minister encouraging citizens to carry their guns, the line between civilians and combatants is quite blurred, so I do think it’s a tricky thing to highlight. It also seems redundant, since we already outline the number of Israeli civilians and security forces killed.”
When Heller, now retired, responded that that line of thinking was “outrageous,” Chacar persisted:
If we are going to explain Israel’s raids to readers by presenting them as a response to something, I think it’s crucial that we also contextualise Palestinian attacks.
Perhaps something along the lines of: Israel says it conducts raids in Palestinian towns and villages to thwart “terror” attacks. Palestinians say their armed struggle is a legitimate form of resistance to decades of Israeli occupation.
Chacar’s comments to her editor advocating on behalf of terror attacks against Israeli civilians did not affect her ongoing employment at the news organization.
This month’s journalistic abomination about the aspiring young chef who wanted to be like Messi was the inevitable outcome of the news agency’s failure to rein in the young journalist committed to opposing ethical journalism.
Back in April 2022 we documented an edition of the BBC Radio 4 ‘Today’ programme in which (in addition to many other issues) frequent BBC interviewee Husam Zomlot made a deliberately false claim concerning the mosque on Temple Mount which was not challenged by presenter Mishal Husain:Scottish Prison Service to investigate how notorious French Holocaust denier Vincent Reynouard is disseminating far-right material online from his jail cell
Zomlot: “…We remember in 1969 an Israeli extremist tried to burn the entire mosque and it continues on a regular basis.” [emphasis added]
CAMERA UK submitted a complaint to the BBC pointing out that, contrary to Zomlot’s false claim, the 1969 incident at al Aqsa Mosque was perpetrated by a mentally-ill Australian Christian. We noted that especially given her earlier mention of supposedly “inflammatory” action by the Israeli police “at a place like this and at a moment like this”, one would have expected Mishal Husain to challenge that no less inflammatory propaganda from the PLO representative in London but she instead remained silent.
On May 6th 2022 we received a response from BBC complaints informing us that it would take more time to address that very simple and straightforward issue. On May 27th 2022 we were informed that the time frame for addressing our complaint had run out.
On February 10th 2023 – almost ten months after the submission of our complaint – we received the following:
The Scottish Prison Service is investigating how a French Holocaust-denier is disseminating far-right material online from his jail cell.Congresswoman claims to be Jewish, revealed to be granddaughter of Nazi - report
Vincent Reynouard, 53, was arrested late last year by Police Scotland officers in Anstruther, Fife, in a joint operation involving Scottish and French authorities, after he spent two years on the run. Campaign Against Antisemitism nworked with French Jewish organisations, with the help of Lord Austin, to secure his arrest. He denied his consent to be extradited to France in a hearing in December, and today his lawyer asked the court for more time to prepare for his extradition hearing.
An investigation by The Herald has also found that Mr Reynouard has continued to post updates on his far-right blog Sans Concession, despite being incarcerated.
The blog features as its main image a photo of Auschwitz, and describes its “objectives” as “the dissemination of historical revisionism and the rehabilitation of National Socialism.”
Since his arrest in November, Mr Reynouard has reportedly posted some sixteen articles on the blog, ranging from posts on prison life in HMP Edinburgh and his relationships with fellow prisoners and guards, to extracts from what Mr Reynouard claims will form part of his memoirs.
In one post, Mr Reynouard wrote: “I dreamed of another world where social justice would reign, as under Hitler. However, we were no longer in Hitler’s time, and I dreamed of a National Socialism ‘without the camps’, a peaceful National Socialism, solely oriented towards the good of all, therefore unrelated to what could have happened contingently 50 years earlier.”
Florida Republican congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna was outed by The Washington Post on Friday for lying about her Jewish heritage in a previous interview with the Jewish Insider in November 2022.
Not only is Luna almost certainly not Jewish, but also according to several family members, reports the Washington Post, Luna's paternal grandfather Heinrich Mayerhofer, who died in 2003, served in the armed forces of Nazi Germany when he was a teenager in the 1940s.
"I was raised as a Messianic Jew by my father,” Luna had told the Jewish Insider, clarifying that she identifies as a Christian. “I am also a small fraction Ashkenazi."
The Insider had interviewed Luna in reaction to the fact that Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, known for her "Jewish space laser" conspiracy, had endorsed Luna's candidacy for Congress. "If she were antisemitic," asked Luna after claiming Ashkenazi roots, "why did she endorse me?"
“I in no way, shape or form would ever put myself in a position where I’m hanging out with someone like that, and so I just don’t see that Marjorie Taylor Greene is that person,” said Luna told the Insider. “If I see it happening on the right, I’m the first person to condemn it and say, like, ‘Hey, that’s not cool. I don’t align with that.’”
The COVID-19 vaccine and Nazi Germany
Luna has not shied away from invoking the Nazis in her political rhetoric online. In 2021, she tweeted a video insinuating that a registry of Americans who were not vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus would be akin to the Nazis' list of Jews. "'Nazi Germany Registry' of Unvaccinated Americans: Think About It Like The Jewish Star,'" she tweeted.
Luna's other alleged lies
The Washington Post reported that Luna, who is now considered the first Mexican American woman to represent Florida in Congress, at one time described herself as Middle Eastern, Jewish or Eastern European.
?? Boston - an onlooker films in horror as a group of young men kick the New England Holocaust Memorial (98 Union St). last night
— StopAntisemitism (@StopAntisemites) February 11, 2023
The group noticed the man filming and ran up to him, making antisemitic threats of violence @bostonpolice
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