
Thursday, July 25, 2019

Lebanese police are arresting anyone with a Palestinian flag on their car

Lebanon's Al Akhbar reports that Lebanese security forces have been chasing after any cars that display the Palestinian Arab flag and arresting their drivers.

The security services have been arresting Palestinans who have been protesting the new draconian laws that make it even more difficult than beforefor them to find jobs in Lebanon.

Al-Akhbar found a police report about a Palestinian arrested in Sidon for displaying the Plaestinian flag and "playing revolutionary songs." He was fined 150,000 Lebanese pounds, equivalent to  $100.

There is no law in Lebanon banning flags from car windows.

Rampant discrimination against Palestinians in the Arab world is simply an unreported story in the West, because so many reporters are invested in the idea that only Israelis can be blamed for Palestinian misery.

(h/t IINZ)

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