
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Comparing Israel's and "Palestine's" national anthems (Zvi)

From Zvi, as a comment to this post:

It's very easy to see the difference between how Israelis / Jews and Palestinian Arabs feel about Israel, Jerusalem, the holy sites, freedom, democracy, humanity, hope and hatred.

Simply consider the two national anthems.

Israel's national anthem is Hatikva, The Hope. It contains the words (rough translation),

As long as in the heart,
a Jewish soul still yearns,
and on toward the east
an eye still looks toward Zion,
our hope is not lost,
the hope of 2000 years,
to be a free people in our land,
the land of Zion and Jerusalem.

Go, my people, return in peace to your land.
The balm in Gilead, your healer in Jerusalem,
your healer is God, the wisdom of His heart.
Go, my people, in peace; healing comes.
This song expresses the factual - historical and modern - personal, national, and spiritual relationship between Jews and the Land. It expresses this deep relationship, almost as a love song, rather than expressing a desire to harm others. It enshrines the desire to be "a free people in our land", to come in peace, to heal. It says nothing about preventing others - Druze, Arabs or others - from standing with Jews as free people in the land. It says nothing about weapons, and is not about war.

The Palestinian "national anthem" is entirely different. It is called "Fida'i", or "My Redemption". It contains a lot of violent nonsense. For example:

With my determination, my fire and the volcano of my vendetta
[a vendetta is "a very long and violent fight between two families or groups" or "a series of acts done by someone over a long period of time to cause harm to a disliked person or group"]
With the longing in my blood for my land and my home
[Actually, a huge flood of Arabs came as illegal immigrants during the British mandate, after the influx of Jews had begun to revive the local economy. They became squatters on land to which they did not have real titles, regardless of whether they have found a key somewhere. Many who claim "my land" and "my home" have little or no association with either.]
I have climbed the mountains and fought the wars
I have conquered the impossible, and crossed the frontiers
[This is silly, murderous nonsense. What mountains did the Palestinian Arabs ever climb? What have they conquered? The Palestinians have been on the losing side in ever single war that they fomented and in every single war in which they joined as junior partners. The only frontiers that Palestinian gunmen have ever crossed have been frontiers of morality: airplane hijacking, suicide bombing, bare-faced baby murdering and so on. ]
With the resolve of the winds and the fire of the weapons
[More violent nonsense. Notice that again, it's all about killing other people. The land itself means nothing, except as a prize to be gained. It is simply an endless battlefield, not a place to live in as free people, not a place to love, to heal, to bring to life.]
And the determination of my nation in the land of struggle
Palestine is my home, Palestine is my fire,
[Palestine is your delusion, your suicide bombing, your work accident. It is the altar on which you hysterically worship death. It is the place where you shoot Grad rockets at Israeli hospitals, even as these hospitals are working hard to heal Syrian, Jordanian and Palestinian Arabs. It is the place where you send men to murder babies, where you throw rocks at ambulances as they speed to save Arab lives, where you commit every sin in every holy book of every people on earth and then try to blame it on the Jews.]
Palestine is my vendetta and the land of withstanding.[Again with the vendetta. And withstanding? ]

The Palestinian national anthem is not about loving the land, not about building a state, not about olives growing or waters flowing or craftsmen working or builders building. It is about destroying the Jews because you hate the Jews. Without the Jews, the land has no value to you.

Why do you hate the Jews so much? Because the Jews - with love of life, with love of land, with an ancient lineage and modern skills, with a democratic government and a flourishing country, with a strong arm and a strong sense of ethics, with a love of healing and a love of truth, with real honor built from the ground up and respect long-earned among the wise - the Jews hold up a mirror to the worthless, violent, twisted, death-worshipping, terror-loving, libelous, corrupt, kleptocratic, ineffectual, hate-mongering, bigoted, vendetta-based, dishonorable society that you have built, step by step, over the last few decades under the leadership of some of the worst and most disgusting terrorists in the modern world. It's no wonder you, the Palestinians, prefer puffed-up fiction; you don't like to face the reality that every one of your travails stems from your vendetta, the fact that instead of loving the land and seeking ways to heal it, you hate the Jews and seek ways to murder us.

Your obsession is evil, and everything that grows from it will be evil, and any society founded upon this obsession will become more and more evil, from one generation to the next. Stop this madness, before it rips you apart. The Jews cannot rescue you from yourselves.