
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Exclusive: Interview with Itamar's mayor about Fogel massacre

On Saturday night, I had the opportunity to interview the mayor of Itamar, Moshe Goldsmith, and his wife Leah, as they were fundraising for additional security and infrastructure for their community. I asked them a little about the community, their lives and the latest information about the horrific terrorist massacre of the Fogel family.

The Goldsmiths say without any reservation that Ma'an's story of Thai workers is a lie - they haven't had any foreign workers at all in months - and that the actual terrorists were traced back to the Arab village of Awarta, where at least one item that was taken from Itamar was found.

If you want to donate to help Itamar, you can go to their website at

UPDATE: For those who are coming from an anti-Israel website thinking that they can find holes in the mayor's story, this new article from YNet corroborates pretty much everything he said, ten days later. Sorry that your bizarre pet theories of Thai workers and monetary disputes with others in town are proven wrong.  The murderers did jump the fence, all evidence shows they came from the direction of Awarta, and there was a blind spot and a poor security response to the alarms. And, hate to tell you, the only people who are happy about the terror attack are...Arabs. The truth blows up your little conspiracy theories, but keep on spinning them anyway, if they make you feel good.